"Stop it!"

Xue Dingtian is about to take Zhuo fan down, but suddenly he starts to drink.

Xue Dingtian was stunned and turned her head to look at them. She saw Xue Ningxiang looking at them with tears on her face. She also had a dagger in her hand, which was on her neck.

"Ning'er, what are you doing?" Xue Dingtian said in a hurry.

Sobbing twice, Xue Ningxiang tearfully said: "grandfather, you let them go, they are all my friends."

"If I let them go, the Xue family will be doomed!" After biting his teeth, Xue Dingtian was ruthless and ruthless. He turned his head and walked to Zhuo fan step by step, his eyes twinkling with bloodthirsty fierce light.

"Granddad, if you go one step further, Ning'er will judge herself in front of you." Xue Ningxiang was in a hurry, and the dagger on her neck was no longer squeezed inside.

All of a sudden, the blood was flowing from the neck.

"Ning'er, don't!" Xie Tianyang was in a hurry and roared, but Xue Dingtian bit his teeth and went on walking, as if ignoring the life and death of his granddaughter. But Zhuo fan has already seen him, and there are tears in his eyes.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing: "ha ha ha Xue Dingtian, you are such an old fool. You think you can save the Xue family by seizing us. In fact, you are making the Xue family perish faster. "

"What do you mean?"

Shua for a moment, Xue Dingtian stopped, his eyes tightly staring at Zhuo fan.

With a cold smile, Zhuo fan looked at Xie Tianyang and said: "do you know who he is? Royal seven, sword Marquis house! If you are a second-class family, are you not looking for death to catch the people of seven generations of families

Xue Ding was shocked. His eyes were staring at Xie Tianyang. After looking up and down, he shook his head in disbelief: "no way. You must be deceiving me. People from the sword Marquis' house come to Qingming city. How can I not know?"

"Do you still need to inform you when the disciples of the seven families have traveled around? You don't polish your dim old eyes. What kind of weapon is this boy holding and what kind of martial arts are he using? Does the general family take it? Even in the family of seven generations, those who have such attainments are not ordinary disciples. "

Lengbuding shivered for a while, Xue Dingtian shook his body and took a few steps backward. His whole body was already dripping with cold sweat.

He should have found out long ago that he had four grade spirit soldiers in his hand, which made him a xuanjie martial art. In this Celestial Empire, besides the people of the seventh generation family, who else can there be?

Seeing that Xue Dingtian was already frightened, Zhuo fan could not help but sneer and add another fire: "you take us to Youming Valley, and don't say whether they dare to accept it. Even if they accept it, who will be the scapegoat after the sword Lord's house is investigated? "


This sentence completely shocked Xue Dingtian, so that he fell to the ground, staring at the front, and his head was sweating.

Although the Xue family is an affiliated family of Youming Valley, they dare not participate in the grudges between the seven imperial families. Otherwise, they will be the first to make cannon fodder once the trouble is caused. The nether valley will throw them out without blinking.

At the thought of this, Xue Dingtian felt sad and sorrowful.

Xue's family has been in a bad time in recent years. Why did they participate in the affairs of the seven families. He can easily take down these two little ghosts, but they are like two hot potatoes. He can't take them if he wants.

"Two Ladies and gentlemen I don't know the identity of the two young masters. Please Please forgive me After biting his teeth, Xue Dingtian immediately knelt down in front of Zhuo fan and knocked his head three times.

See this scene, everyone is shocked, only Zhuo fan, coldly looking at all this.

At a loss, Xie Tianyang got up in a hurry and wanted to help him up. Not to mention that he is Ning'er's grandfather, they can't stand the kneeling just because they are so old and strong in the sky.

If this is put in the sword Marquis' mansion, Tianxuan strong people are all elders, how can you kneel down for him?

However, before he walked past, he was stopped by Zhuo fan.

"If you want to save Ning'er, show me a bit of a dandy." Zhuo fan whispered, Xie Tianyang was stunned and nodded.

"Grandfather, get up quickly!"

Xue Ningxiang has never seen her grandfather so humiliated, so she can't help but rush to help him up. However, at this time, Zhuo fan is a big shout: "who let you up?"

Hearing this, Xue Dingtian shivers and crawls on the ground again. His old face is already red.


Xue Ningxiang was angry and looked at them angrily. However, Xie Tianyang quickly pulled him aside. Zhuo fan walked slowly to Xue Dingtian and said coldly, "do you know the position of our master Xie in the mansion? Today, we are wounded by you, an old guy. We will not give up and rest."

"Yes, I don't know. Please forgive me." Xue Dingtian lowered his head and sweat.

"Well, let's take Ning'er away. If you want to go back to people, whether you Xue family or Youming Valley, go to Jianhou mansion to ask for someone. ""Wait!"

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan was just about to walk away. Xue Dingtian grabbed his ankle, bit his teeth and said, "it doesn't matter if Ning'er has offended the seven elders, but never take her away. Otherwise, the Xue family will be ruined. Even if I offend the young masters of the sword Lord's house, I will never accept it. "

His eyebrows trembled, and Zhuo fan took a deep look at him. He saw only determination and determination in his eyes, and suddenly a little uneasiness rose in his heart.

Is it possible that Ning'er, she is

Thinking of this, Zhuo fan's pupil shrinks and flashes a killing intention. In an instant, he snatched Xie Tianyang's four grade spirit soldiers and stabbed the old guy's vest with a sword.


Xue Ningxiang is shocked, and suddenly gets rid of Xie Tianyang's bondage and suddenly lies on Xue Dingtian's body. Zhuo fan's fatal stab of the Yaoxing sword stopped suddenly on the way.

"Shit, you boy is crazy!"

As if he had just calmed down, Xie Tianyang quickly took the sword back and looked at Zhuo fan for no reason: "I thought you were just bluffing the old man. I didn't expect you to really come. He is Ning'er's grandfather."

Without looking at him, Zhuo Fan said coldly, "if one of the old man and Ning'er is going to die, who do you choose?"

"Of course..." Xie Tianyang hesitated for a moment and was caught in a dilemma. Xue Ningxiang is puzzled in between grandfather and Zhuo fan, back and forth, eyes showing a confused color.

"Xue Dingtian, what are you going to do with Ning'er?" Zhuofen cold channel.

After sipping his lips, Xue Dingtian sighed: "well, I know that both young masters like my granddaughter. However, she has already made an engagement with the young master of Youming Valley and sent her to make a marriage on her sixteenth birthday. For this, she did not know how many times. Now it's past the deadline. If she doesn't go, we'll all suffer. "


Xie Tianyang was surprised and said, "Ning'er, are you going to run out of the city for this?"

Xue Ningxiang nodded sadly.

Zhuo fan stares at Xue Dingtian's wrinkled old face. Seeing that he doesn't seem to be lying, he can't help sighing, "it seems that you don't know. If it's just a marriage, it's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Xie Tianyang was angry and roared: "how can Ning'er casually make peace with the people of Youming Valley? Go, and go to the sword Marquis house with elder brother."

"Xie Tianyang, this marriage is fake!" Seeing that he was going to pull Ning'er away, Zhuo fan glanced at him and looked at Xue Dingtian: "the marriage in Youming valley should be a long time ago. Have you ever seen the married girl come back alive?"

As soon as his pupils congealed, Xue Dingtian thought for a while and shook his head: "Youming Valley is one of the seven families, and there are many rules. How can a second-class family like ours dare to ask for something else, for it is already very grateful to be able to make peace with it? The girl is already a member of other people's family, so we are just asking. "

"Ha ha You asked, just as they wanted. " Zhuo fan gave a cold smile and sighed: "if I said that all the girls who married in the past have all died, what would you do? Would you still send Ning'er?"

"What, how is that possible?" Xue Dingtian was surprised and shook his head in disbelief: "why do they do this? We are loyal to them."

"It is because of your sincerity that I chose you to raise the cauldron!"

Hearing his words, everyone was surprised: "what furnace Ding?"

Chuckling, Zhuo fan took a deep breath and said: "among the devil's ways, there are some skills that use collecting evil spirits and fierce ghosts as the means of attack. However, the balance between yin and Yang in the world makes it easy to bite back at yourself if you feel resentful. Therefore, we need the purest soul in the world as the base of cultivation. And sixteen year old virgins are the best material. "

"You mean they're going to practice with Ning'er?" Xie Tianyang was surprised and looked at Xue Ningxiang anxiously.

Do you remember how to use the skill of ten or nine? It was originally xuanjie martial art, but it was not fully practiced, and its power was not too great. I think the reason is that the furnace cauldron is not enough, and he has not got it yet. "


Everyone looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Youming valley was so vicious that it took people as training materials.

But Zhuo fan is indifferent, the evil way is selfish, nothing sinister, as long as don't kill yourself.

At that time, there was also a king level master who slaughtered nearly ten thousand practitioners in order to practice this kind of magic skill, and finally attracted the whole Holy Land practitioners to fight together. Together with those who are evil, they also fight the banner of justice and vow to kill him.

At that time, it was a few rare joint actions between the evil way and the right way.

At that time, Zhuo fan was one of them and witnessed the death of the two biggest forces in the holy land. Since then, he has understood that if there is no first strength in the world, don't pull the hatred of the first in the world.

So after he got Jiuyou secret record, he was very low-key cultivation. Even now, he can greatly improve his cultivation with the magic formula, but he doesn't dare to kill so many people.

If he is caught, he will be the biggest two forces of FanJie!

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