
Grains of diamond quicksand, with the continuous rotation of the array, gradually attached to Zhuo fan's body. However, as soon as the sand touched his skin, it penetrated like a steel needle. A little blood red as the needle, slowly emerged.

One, two, three Hundred grains Thousand grains Ten thousand grains

The quicksand gathered more and more on him. As soon as he got on his body, he tried his best to drill into it. He could bear one or two grains, but a hundred or a thousand grains had already made his brow tight and bit his teeth hard.

When the quicksand reached ten thousand grains and one hundred million grains, his whole body was full of blood. Moreover, it was not the usual stream of blood, but a combination of dots the size of sand, which filled his whole body.

If you look carefully, his whole body has already been destroyed by the Vajra quicksand, and all his skin has been broken and rotten.

But this is only the beginning, but even so, the pain has already caught up with the most terrible criminal law of human beings, the pain of being late.

However, in order to be able to quickly become strong, Zhuo fan still bite his teeth and never utter a word. The cold sweat had filled his whole body. Even Zhuofan, a big devil, was shivering with pain under such a terrible body refining.


Suddenly, Zhuo fan's pupil shrinks and he can't help crying out. Because billions of grains of sand had gone through his skin and into his muscles.

The pain was a hundred times more painful than the pain of the skin. So that he could not stop roaring, but soon he closed his mouth and tried to suppress it.

A cheek that was shaking, already red.

He knew in his heart that the method of body building was to destroy the whole body from the inside to the outside, and replace it with the Vajra quicksand. So that after training, can be both internal and external cultivation, King Kong does not break.

However, the pain is still unbearable.

What's more, it's only to the muscles, and then to forge bones and strengthen the viscera, which will be more painful.

Thinking of this, Zhuo fan bit his teeth, and a firm color flashed in his eyes. If it was not for the sake of saving Xue Ningxiang, he would not practice it even though he knew how good the body refining method was!

How self abusive!

The weird array is still constantly rotating. King Kong quicksand shuttles through Zhuofan's body for more than an hour, and finally destroys all the muscles, and then goes straight to his bones.


As soon as Vajra quicksand was attached to his bone, Zhuofan could not stop shaking and was about to cry out. But as soon as he bit his teeth, he held back.

If he shouts at this time, then when he strengthens his internal organs, he will no longer be able to bear such pain. Then he must have collapsed and died, so he only had his eyes on the ground. Although his face was covered with blood, his pale face was still visible.

"Fuck your grandmother. I don't know if the nine hell devil emperor has tried, and he has come up with such a abnormal method of body building!"

Zhuo fan couldn't stop convulsing as soon as the emerald grains began to drill into his bone marrow, but he couldn't make a sound. He could only curse the first devil emperor in ancient times. Why did he come up with such a cultivation method?

If the devil emperor hears this, he will be very disdainful to curl his lips: "I didn't force you to practice, who makes you so cheap that you have to practice?"


Suddenly, a light ring issued, Zhuo fan Wu ran whole body a tight, and then it is a moment of paralysis down. The bones of his whole body had turned into powder at that moment.

But now, his eyes are full of tears, which can only be filled with tears.

"And The last step is to regroup the remnant body... "

Zhuo fan's head was dripping with cold sweat, but he took a hard breath and clenched his teeth again. His eyes flashed with unyielding color.

The skeleton of the whole body has been completely smashed, and Vajra quicksand has been driving straight into zhuofen's viscera in an instant. As before, as soon as it's attached, it's going to drill in.

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan's whole organs were broken at the same time. Zhuo fan's throat was sweet, just like a hot spring spout, suddenly gushing blood water with visceral fragments.

The blood flows into this strange array and slowly melts into it. And Zhuo fan also because of this massive blood loss, the whole body gradually cold down, but his mouth is cocked up a strange arc.

"I finally survived. The next step is to reorganize the remnant body Eh... "

Suddenly, Zhuo fan's smile stopped suddenly, and then he couldn't help sending out a huge roar.


After destroying his internal organs, Vajra quicksand did not begin to reorganize the body as he expected. Instead, it immediately flowed into his brain and suddenly penetrated into his brain.

No matter practitioners or ordinary people, the brain is the most vulnerable place, even the yuan God is sent to the center of the brain.

King Kong quicksand suddenly attacks the brain, which is equivalent to directly attacking his soul and destroying his original God. As soon as the original God is destroyed, people will die of both the gods and the body, and there will be no place to bury life.It never occurred to him that the ultimate practitioner of this method of body building was the yuan God?

At this moment, he is like a soul biting, pain like heart, that kind of pain than before, even more than ten thousand times. But unlike before, the more painful he was, the clearer his mind was. Now the more painful he was, the more blurred his eyes were.

He knew in his heart that his spirit was slowly being consumed, and that he was on the verge of vanishing. But there was nothing he could do. His body is now on the verge of death, and his spirit is getting weaker and weaker. He is already a dying man and has no power to return to heaven.

"Ha ha I didn't expect that Laozi was the devil who killed himself. It's ridiculous! If I had known this, I would not have practiced this method of body building... "

Zhuo fan laughed at himself. His eyes became more and more blurred, and he felt more and more weak.

That strange array is still spinning, the Vajra quicksand on it has been soaked in his blood, but he has no time to look at it again. There is only a trace of consciousness left in him, and it will soon be consumed, and then he will be really finished.

Why he doesn't want to practice the sabre!

"Did I get kicked in the head by a donkey? Why should I practice this kind of abnormal secret skill..."

Zhuo fan slowly closed his eyes, a trace of regret flashed in his heart, the last image of the past flashed in his mind again and again.

Since he first entered the devil's road, he went all the way through all kinds of difficulties, set foot on the position of the head of the eight emperors of the holy land, and became the first person under the saints, all the way to glory. Later, he got the secret record of Jiuyou, but he was betrayed by his apprentice. He reborn the Luo family and became a housekeeper. Finally, I met Xie Tianyang and Xue Ningxiang

"Xue Ningxiang Xue Ningxiang... " Zhuo fan's lips moved and called out the girl's name in a dream. Suddenly, but suddenly opened his eyes and roared: "Ning'er!"

Suddenly, he remembered that the reason why he practiced this abnormal secret method was to save her.

At this moment, the strange array diagram turned quickly, and a strange force wrapped everything in the array.

Zhuo fan's forehead suddenly flashed a blue flame, then quickly turned into a stream of clear water flowing to all parts of his body, and finally integrated into the strange array.

What Zhuo fan doesn't know is that the secret method of refining body in Jiuyou secret record is not only to refine body, but also to refine spirit, which is the art of combining body and spirit. You can tap all the potential in the practitioner's body.

If a practitioner practices only the body but not the spirit, he will surely fail and die without a whole body.

But at the last moment before his failure, Zhuo fan remembered the purpose of his physical training, and his mind was full of obsession. It is this obsession that resonates with his original spirit, and makes the blue flame hidden in his body appear and merge into the formation.

At this moment, the formation can be regarded as exerting its real power.

However, the formation of the rapid rotation of the formation, forming a whirlwind, a blue flame also swirled in that formation, instantly melted the Vajra quicksand into a golden liquid, mixed with Zhuofan's blood, and began to gradually return to his body.

The golden blood moistens Zhuofan's scarred body and recondenses his skin, bones and internal organs. Under the effect of that strange formation, the blue flame re penetrated into his brow, and instantly integrated with his original spirit.

Zhuo fan closed his eyes and didn't know what happened outside. But he felt that his life was recovering and his momentum was getting stronger and stronger.

The blood baby in his body was closed slightly, and his eyes were crossed in his elixir field. At first glance, there was so much golden liquid pouring in, I couldn't help but be overjoyed. Open your mouth and suck a part of it into your stomach.

All of a sudden, the blood baby suddenly turned into a golden baby and sat there. Micro open eyes, a flash of gold, it is full of spirit.


The wings flashing thunder light, in this formation, because of the burning of the blue flame, also instantly turned into a blue liquid into Zhuofan's body. In the blink of an eye, a blue pattern of wings appeared behind him, and there was thunder in the pattern.

Deep in the mountain range of beasts, there is a high mountain, no spirit animal dares to come here. But in a huge dark cave in the mountain, there was suddenly a voice of alarm from a middle-aged man.

"Why, the green inflammation I gave to the little guy disappeared? Did the little guy wipe it out by himself, or did he take it for himself, out of my control... "

With that, a laugh came out of the cave: "ha ha ha I'm really confused. If I can erase my green flame, it's already a boy against the weather. How can I be refined by him? Even if you are a saint level master, you can't get my green flame. "

"It's just that if it's really erased by him, how can I find him in the future? Oh, forget it. Anyway, he will come back later, ha ha... "

The cave resounded with the man's proud laughter, but within a hundred miles, there was no shadow of a spirit beast

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