"He What's the matter? "

Liu Wang Ye has never seen such a gaffe. Lian'er and Tuo BA Liufeng look at each other. They are all puzzled. They look at Zhuo fan with a puzzled face and ask.

Without saying anything, Zhuo fan just took a deep look at him. He seemed to have understood something in his heart. He turned around and continued to walk along the dark tunnel, with an old face.

Lian'er was stunned and didn't know why. So she quickly followed up and asked, "Zhuo fan, do you know anything?"

"I don't know!"

"Why did the six princes make a sudden move just now?"

"It's probably for the sake of killing the mouth. You can ask him yourself!" His face was still cold, and Zhuo fan walked forward. Lian'er saw this, and stamped her foot in anger.

At this time, the sixth prince also took a deep breath, temporarily restored his calm, and immediately followed him. However, his face was not as relaxed and happy as before, but became much heavier than Zhuo fan.

Lian'er sees, more strange, want to ask, but is pulled by Tuo BA Liufeng and shakes her head lightly.

Everyone can see that there must be something in it, but looking at its face, we can see that this must not be a good thing. Even if you ask, people are not willing to answer, it's better not to ask, so as not to poke the thorn in people's heart!

So, lianer's heart is full of doubts, but she can only hold it in her stomach and continue to follow the crowd.

Soon, they came to the end of the tunnel. It was a dark stone wall, and there was no road ahead. Lian'er was surprised and said, "there is no way out?"

"Ha ha, you idiot. If there is no way, where did the man and woman just come from? What's more, there are rooms built here, and the man said that they were training rooms. It is clear that people often come here to practice. How can there be no way out? " Can't help but sneer, Zhuo fan shook his head and sneered.

"Girl, you forget your mind outside the cave before you come down. You really don't take your life seriously. Ha ha ha!"

Apricot eyes wide open, Lian Er looked at him angrily: "you..."

Without looking at her again, Zhuo fan gently stroked the stone wall and felt it for a while. He could not help but slightly cocked his mouth and nodded slightly: "this is a protection boundary of the sect, which is the same as the magic CE sect. If you don't have this unique knack, it's hard for outsiders to get in here! "

"What should we do? None of us is a disciple of Yu animal sect. How can we know their master's secret?" Not from a surprise, six princes immediately cried out.

Slightly pondered a little, Zhuo fan didn't look at him, but he said: "you are very sure that this is the boundary of the master beast clan!"

"Er Not just what you said, but also the man who just Do not feel a lag, six Wangye turn head to look at Zhuo fan, can't help but smile.

The corner of his mouth crossed a cruel arc, and Zhuo Fan said faintly: "just now I guessed, and that man only said that he was the master of beast control, but he didn't say that this is the master of beast clan!"

"Then I guess too!" The sixth Prince answered immediately.

"Well, shall we go on?"


All of a sudden, the sixth Prince's heart was stagnant, and he looked at Zhuo fan deeply, but he faltered and couldn't speak. Lian'er looks very strange. It seems that Zhuo fan has been going forward all the way, and seems to be looking for something.

Why now, on the contrary, he asked the sixth prince? Is it that the sixth Lord asked him to look for it?

Only the sixth Lord himself can understand the true meaning of Zhuo fan's words. Maybe he has already understood everything. Therefore, the sixth prince could not help laughing and bowed down: "I am accompanying Mr. Zhuo to look for what Mr. Zhuo is looking for. Everything depends on you. If you want to continue, you can go back. If you want to return, you can go back. Everything depends on you!"

"But I'm fine, but I'm afraid you're in big trouble. Is it all right to return like this? "

His brow could not help shaking. The sixth prince thought about it a little, but he nodded his head and said firmly: "everything is subject to Mr. Zhuo. I am your fan. I will do my best for you. I have no regrets."

"OK, then..." Fixed a nod, Zhuo fan quiet voice.

The sixth prince was staring at his mouth tightly, but he was not aware of it.

"Then go on!"

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, Zhuo fan determined the next action plan. Six princes can't help but be happy, immediately full of excited smile. However, lian'er and Li'er are confused. What are these two people doing?

Is Zhuo fan looking for something, or are the six princes looking for something!

Did not care about the doubt in their eyes, Zhuo fan left pupil suddenly flashed a black thunder, Shua, then shot out, straight hit the dark wall.

Kill the thunder burning pupil!


A single spark can start a prairie fire.

From Zhuo fan's eyes, although the thunder is extremely rare, like a silk almost coarse, but a touch on the wall, it is suddenly burst. Just a few breaths, they will cover the front wall, burning violently.Zizizi!

Black thunder burning on the wall, crackling thunder, people's ears hurt. Lian'er and others are in the terrible black flame, and they can't help but retreat, for fear of being touched by this terrible thing and vanishing in smoke.

It is hard for them to imagine what it is. It has such a terrible power. Even if they just look at it, they suddenly feel a breath of death!

At the same time, a big hole with a radius of three meters burned out on the dark wall. And outside the cave, is a lush mountain forest, beautiful scenery, delicious. Gurgling full-bodied aura, can't stop to face-to-face, let a person smell, then refreshing!

It seems that it is really the territory of controlling animals!

The corner of his mouth crossed a strange arc. Zhuo fan took the lead in stepping through the big hole and came to this beautiful place with a smile: "yes, it's true that the heaven and Earth Wind Cave, whether it's good or bad, can't be possessed by secular people, and only this Hermit sect can really dominate it! I should have thought that the first place I wanted to look for when I came to gourong was this master of beasts. Ha ha... "

Zhuo fan's face finally shows a satisfied smile, and lian'er three people are in a hurry to keep up with each other and come to this mountain forest. Like a curious baby, they look left and right


However, just at this time, a loud noise was heard, and two giant beasts, tens of feet high, suddenly stepped on the ground, and came to them with their teeth and claws, and hissed incessantly!

When lian'er and others saw it, they were startled. Their faces turned pale. They exclaimed, "are they seven level spirit animals, and two more?"

The master of animal control is famous in Xizhou for its skill of controlling animals. The whole dog soldiers also learn from it, but the skill of controlling animals is very different. Even if the secular man subdues the spirit beast, it is impossible to surrender to the level seven spirit beast.

However, in this master beast clan, two seven level spirit beasts suddenly jumped out, which scared them to fly.

Only Zhuo fan, who has seen the real queen of beasts, will not pay attention to these spirit beasts?


A black flame flashed in his eyes, and Zhuo fan coldly looked at them: "get out!"

The body can't help but shake. The two spirit beasts looked at Zhuo fan with a look of horror, but their eyelids turned suddenly and fell to the ground with a roar. They were completely fainted. They were stunned by the instant destruction breath emanating from Zhuo fan's body.

Not from a Zheng, lian'er and others look at Zhuo fan's eyes and are stunned.

In the past, Zhuo fan was only able to scare off the spirit beast, but now this boy can knock the spirit beast out. Yaya bah, he learned such a wonderful skill of controlling animals from there, which was more powerful than that passed down by the master of controlling animals.

Zhuo fan himself can't help but be stunned. Originally, he really wanted to shock the spirit beast back and finish it, but he didn't expect to directly shock him out of consciousness. It seems that the level of this anti world thunder flame is really above the five holy beast energy, and the effect is much stronger than the previous green flame.

So thinking, Zhuo fan can not help but chuckle, leisurely continue to move forward.

It seems that from now on, he will be the real king of beasts

At the same time, in an antique hall, a middle-aged man with a pale face was sitting on the upper seat. On both sides below are some old people with white hair and white beard. Their strong breath can't stop sending out. It seems that they are the strong ones.

He shook the jade slips in his hand slightly. The middle-aged man frowned, but shook his head and sighed: "Alas, the front line is tight. The thousand Holy Spirit stones of the evil moon are not easy to earn. We have already sent 50 Huaxu elders to fight, but we still can't get half the advantage in the war against the universe. That's good. Elder wuyanmu'er has come to the jade slips for help again. What do you say? "

Eyebrows deep frown, the following group of old guys are helpless to shake their heads.

"Suzerain, in recent years, the fighting power of Tianyu is really advancing by leaps and bounds. Even without the aid of the three clans of protecting the country, we are not afraid of the attack of 50 powerful people, even if we do not have enough strength."

At this time, an elder got up and bowed down and said, "in my opinion, if we want to win, we have to send twice as much combat power as before."


However, as soon as his voice dropped, a loud noise suddenly came out, and then another big man with black beard stood up angrily, and the urn voice was in the air: "hum, send troops? Many of the elders we sent out to offer sacrifices have been seriously injured or even died. If we send twice as many people as we have sent, we will not have to defeat them at the expense of others? "

"Originally, this is the fierce struggle between the three clans of protecting the state and Tianyu Neimen. Xie Wuyue only borrowed our hand to weaken the strength of those elders who betrayed the clan. Ren Xiaoyun also wanted to weaken the control of the Luo family in Tianyu. He got the name and profit, so he stood still and watched the fire from the shore. But this is their Tianyu internal affairs. What does it have to do with us? Don't forget the painful lesson eight years ago. Tianyu people are cunning and don't recognize people. Last time we were knocked out of a large area of fertile territory by them, resulting in our income greatly reduced by more than half in recent years. Are we going to repeat the same mistake? ""Yes, yes..."

"It's reasonable to say that we'd better quit their business as soon as possible..."

Hearing his words, the rest of the old people also nodded slightly in agreement.

The patriarch held the jade slips in his hand and hesitated. He didn't know what to do. It's really a dilemma to call back the people from the front line or send someone to help. It won't be overcame by those bastards again. It's really a dilemma!

However, just when he was hard to make a choice, a light sound suddenly spread all over the corner of the clan

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