"Ha ha ha Old man, brag and brag

Seeing that the man couldn't release his spirit beast for a long time, another old man couldn't help laughing and joking: "just now I said that we should vigorously rectify these little guys. As a result, your own pet has problems. It seems that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. We should start from your rectification."


When his eyes were angry, the man glared at the old man, but the old man didn't care at all. He raised his head and said haughtily, "what's the big deal with the spirit pet of several decades? I'm a seven level spirit beast. I've been with me for hundreds of years. We've cooperated with each other and look like one person. Now, let me set an example for everyone and teach you how to drive the spirit pet

With a triumphant smile, the old man also waved his hand, and immediately pointed the ring to Zhuo fan, and he said, "turn clouded leopard, take that boy's head!"


In the ring of space, there was a clear vibration, but soon the vibration disappeared.

Quiet, dead quiet!

The old man has been modeling Zhuofan, as if stiff in general, but not even half of the animal hair out.

Seeing this, the old man in front of him couldn't help laughing and sneering: "Hey, hey I'm still satirizing me, old man. You're not so good with your spirit pet for hundreds of years. It's not the key time to lose the chain? "

The old man glared at him fiercely, but he was choked and speechless.

There was the patriarch. The more he looked at it, the more strange he was. He hurriedly looked at his elder brother and said, "you can try to see what's going on?"

As a result, all of them began to call their spirit beasts desperately, and let them come out to fight, but none of them succeeded. All the old men kept throwing their storage rings, trying to throw their spirit beasts out.

But it's no use, no spirit beast to listen to their master's orders, all shrink in the ring, dare not expose!

Seeing this scene, everyone's face is a color of horror, unbelievable.

Driving the spirit beast to fight is their unique skill. If their spirit beast can't be used any more, it will be equivalent to unloading one arm of them, and half of their strength in controlling beast clan will be lost.

Therefore, if we don't solve the problem, it will be a disaster to the clan!

"Lord!" An elder, with a worried face, looked at their Lord!

He waved his hand slowly, and the patriarch stopped him from going on. Instead, he looked down at Zhuo fan and roared: "boy, is this what you've done? What's going on? You'll explain it to me, otherwise..."

"Ha ha In fact, it's very simple! "

A strange arc crossed the corner of his mouth, and the black thunder in Zhuo fan's left pupil was burning continuously. He said in a leisurely voice: "I am the king of beasts. There is only one way to die for any spirit beast that dares to appear in front of me. Do you think they have the courage to come out? "

The body did not feel a shock, people do not know, so, the eyes are confused color.

King of beasts?

There is a hierarchy of spirit beasts, but there are not many who dare to be king. But even so, there is no king of beasts who can frighten the spirit beast from even the ring. In particular, the domesticated pet has been with human beings for a long time. They listen to the orders of their masters. They are much less afraid of the threat of other spirit animals, and they are not afraid to come out.

Besides, isn't this boy human? How can he be called the king of beasts?

However, they did not know that Zhuo fan's left pupil stored in the elitist thunder was the result of the integration of the four holy beasts' energy, and the level was higher than the four holy beasts' power, which had instinctive suppression on all the spirits and beasts in the world.

Lei Yan's past represents the arrival of death!

So where Leiyan is, there is no spirit animal that is not afraid of death dare to show up.

"Boy, don't play tricks here. The king of beasts farts His eyes narrowed slightly, and the patriarch was staring at Zhuo fan, and he said coldly, "you should be honest and tell me who you are. Why do you force me to control animals? What's more, what kind of devils and demons have been used to make all of us lose our control? "

Can not help but tilt his head, Zhuo fan evil laugh: "you want to know the secret of the last question, but unfortunately, this is also my secret, there is no reason to tell you. As for who I am... "

Said, Zhuo fan looked at the side of the six Wangye, six Prince is very smart, hastily back a step, tightly closed mouth, not a word.

With a satisfied smile, Zhuo fan looked at the master again and said, "I'm not going to tell you, but the purpose of my coming here can be explained. I heard that you have a wonderful place here and want to borrow some time!"

"Well, borrow? Don't you want to die if you come to borrow it before the full moon

"Full moon?" Eyebrow a shake, Zhuo fan heart doubt.

That opinion, can't help but sneer: "ha ha It turns out that you only know that there is a treasure land here, but you don't know the details of it. But that doesn't matter. Anyway, I never intended to lend it to you. If you break into this clan, you don't want to leave here alive! ""Oh, so confident?" Chuo fan chuckled as he raised his eyebrows.

Grinning, the patriarch suddenly showed a ferocious color: "boy, you are too confident. Even if you can break our skill of controlling animals, but do you think that we are a great hermit sect, without the help of spirit animals, is it your clay? How can we say that we have more than 200 virtual experts in charge? "

"Two hundred? Compared with the other two families, they are much less, but they can cope with it! " The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and Zhuo Fan said, "Lord, I don't know what to say about you. After listening to your words, my heart has a lot of bottom, ha ha... "

His face couldn't help but smoke, and the patriarch immediately became angry: "damn boy, but God is only eight heavy, how dare you look down on us? Come on, catch this boy alive. I want to make him worse than death. I'll let him know that we'll make a fool of our Beast Master! "


As soon as the words fell, an elder bowed down and rushed to Zhuo fan. At the same time, a golden light flashed by, and a giant golden tiger, which was dozens of feet high, rushed to Zhuo fan. Open your teeth and dance your claws, and show your sharp, golden and fierce spirit!

"Ha ha ha Boy, shenzhao's state is not good enough to transform the virtual state. Even if you don't use your pet, I can take you... "


A red light flashed by, Zhuo fan suddenly stretched out a huge dragon claw behind him. He caught the golden tiger in his claw and couldn't move.

The elder, who was rushing down, also jerked his body and looked at it in horror. His eyelids couldn't stop jumping: "that It was... "

"Spirit, my spirit!"

A cruel smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and Zhuo Fan said in a leisurely voice: "shenzhao state has a natural disadvantage to the virtual state, but it's a pity This disadvantage does not include me

The voice just fell, but there was a huge sound of Kara. The golden tiger was like a piece of earth in an instant. It was crushed by the Dragon claws and dissipated into nothingness. The elder also looked at Zhuo fan in horror. His eyes were empty, and he lost his breath and fell down.


Can't help but take a breath of cool air, all people look at Zhuo fan's eyes, are shocked and inexplicable.

This man There is a spirit, and the power of this spirit is so strong that it can instantly kill the spirits of other masters. The ordinary spirit is not his opponent at all!

This man, who is sacred!

The eyelids couldn't help but jump. The patriarch was staring at Zhuo fan tightly. His lips gradually became dry. He gritted his teeth and said, "you Who is it? "

"I was a passer-by, but now..."

Zhuo fan's eyes flashed with a slight smile, but when he heard a roar of a giant dragon, the king of red dragon let out from his body and blocked in front of the people, waving his teeth and claws, sending out a strong and vigorous wind.

"Ha ha Now, it's a man who comes to smash the field

"Dragon Spirit? You You are Zhuo fan of the magic policy sect? " The pupils of his eyes could not help shrinking, and the patriarch was immediately shocked. The rest of the people could not help shaking their bodies and stepping back in a hurry. Their eyes were full of fear and deep confusion.

They don't understand that the news from the magic CE sect does not mean that Zhuo fan was wiped out by the justice sect of heaven and earth who came to help pacify the rebellion after his treason. How can he survive?

How could the first disciple of Xizhou, the first disciple of Xizhou, suddenly appear here at their master beast sect like a comet?

All the people do not understand, including the patriarch himself do not understand, but they only understand a little, the incoming is not good!

His eyes narrowed. The patriarch took a deep breath and gradually calmed down. He looked at Zhuo fan coldly and said, "Zhuo fan, the double dragon meeting will kill all the disciples of our clan. I haven't even asked you to calculate. I don't think you'll come to the door by yourself. Hum, hum At the beginning, the justice sect of heaven and earth didn't kill you. I didn't expect that this time I will take care of you by myself. This is also the will of God. Let me take revenge with my own hands, so as to comfort the spirit in heaven of our disciples at the double dragon meeting! "

"Yes, even the first three schools of heaven, earth and justice can't kill me. How can you claim my life if you are the bottom three A raised eyebrow, Zhuo fan can't help laughing.

His eyebrows trembled fiercely. The patriarch clenched his teeth and said, "Zhuo fan, don't be wild. Who knows how you escaped from the hands of the justice sect of heaven and earth? But here, more than 200 virtual experts surround you. You have no way to go up and no door to the earth. You are dead

"Ha ha I'll tell you, it's only two hundred! "

"Shut up, don't use talent words for me. Do you look down on us? Hum, now I'll show you how powerful our master of beasts is

He glared at Zhuo fan fiercely. The patriarch gave a big drink and waved: "let's go together and cut him alive for me!"


With a roar of rage, all the elders rushed to Zhuo fan's direction, and more than 200 virtual experts came straight to Zhuo fan and others, and they were overwhelmed.

When lian'er and others saw it, they were shocked. If one or two experts could solve the problem easily, how could he escape from the heaven?But Zhuo fan was dismissive of this. He crossed the corner of his mouth with a strange smile and stepped on his feet. He did not retreat but went forward. In an instant, he came to the front line and met with those elders!

He was stunned. The elders didn't know why. But at this moment, a black light flashed by. Zhuo fan's hand did not know when a black sword appeared, which was a stroke to them

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