"Marshal Tuoba, have all your cronies been sent away?"

In the back palace of gourong, the dark entrance of the passage, Emperor gourong sat in front of a convex stone with a lonely face and could not stop sighing.

Tuoba Tieshan on the other side saw him, his face was solemn, and he nodded solemnly. But there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes: "Your Majesty, I know that this matter is of great importance, otherwise your Majesty would not have made such a decision, and would have dismissed all the servants who had been around for decades. But I still want to know what's going on? "

"Well, marshal, since you are involved in it, I have nothing to say to you!"

Looking up at the bright moon on his head, the emperor took a deep breath, then vomited it out for a long time, and sighed: "shame, shame, this is the first shame of our dog soldiers. In fact, for so many years, in my palace..."


However, he did not wait for him to continue to speak, but heard a sound of breaking the sky, a black shadow suddenly flew from the black hole, and then slowly fell in front of the two people.

But Zhuo fan, with the three of the six princes, flew back from the original road.

Seeing this, the emperor was stunned and exclaimed, "you You Didn't they find out? "

One look at each other, people are helpless to shake their heads, laughing again and again. I haven't been found out yet. I'm afraid that others can't find him. How can we not be found?

Zhuo fan scratched his head indifferently and refused to comment.

However, the six princes laughed and bowed down and said, "to my father, as soon as we went in, we were found by them, and we fought with them!"

"So you are..." Surprised, the emperor looked unbelievable.

Was found, but also fight, can escape back? How could that be possible? When did the master of beast control lose the strength of several people left behind?

Originally, he had been waiting for the Beast Master's people to retaliate, that is, waiting for death. But I didn't expect that the people who controlled the beast clan didn't wait to come. Instead, they waited for these people who were destined to die. This made the emperor wonder whether he was happy or worried.

As if he saw what he was thinking, the sixth Prince couldn't help laughing and comforted him: "father, don't worry. Mr. Zhuo is incomparable in strength. He has cleaned up all the bastards of yuuzong!"

"What, clean up?"

The emperor and Tuoba iron mountain were together, and their eyes shrank, revealing their incredible faces and murmuring: "this What does that mean? "

With a flash of essence in his eyes, the six princes' eyes showed a rare color of excitement. He clenched his fists and said excitedly, "I will report to my father, master the Beast Master It has been leveled off by Mr. Zhuo. From now on, we don't have to be angry with that son of a bitch! "

The body couldn't help shaking, and the emperor was shocked. Even if it was Tuoba Tieshan, his face was full of surprise at this moment. He looked at Zhuo fan in disbelief, but he didn't know how to taste.

Is it possible to destroy a clan by one person?

"Xiaoliuzi Is that true? " It seems that the emperor still can't believe this. He has both hope and doubt in his eyes and asks again.

Lian'er looked at each other, but Qi Qi chuckled. They all could see the emperor's surprise. So lian'er took a step and bowed down and said, "my majesty, what the sixth Lord said is true. Moreover, this man is cruel and ruthless. Before leaving, he slaughters all the disciples of the whole clan, one who doesn't leave any land! "

Lian'er said this, although some complain, but the words are also some complacency. As if Zhuo fan was so powerful that she had a long face.

After a deep look at Zhuo fan again, the emperor's face gradually became dignified.

"Little Liuzi, come here!"

He called the sixth prince to his side, and the emperor took a deep breath. Then he grabbed the sixth Prince and with a plop, he fell on the ground in the direction of zhuofen heavily and knocked his head down: "I'm going to fight with emperor Harley Chai. Thank you for saving my dog Rong in a big disaster. Great kindness, no reward

The body couldn't help but tremble. When Tuoba Tieshan and others saw this scene, they were shocked immediately and rushed to help them: "Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, how can you..."

"No, what king of a country. If it had not been for Mr. Zhuo, I would have been just a clown in front of the stage. " Slowly waving his hand, the emperor rose slightly, but his face was covered with a wry smile. He said: "Marshal Tuoba, don't you want to know what's the big difficulty in this? Speaking of it, it's really the shame of my royal family and my dog soldiers! "

Said, the emperor youyou turn head, looked at the side of the six Princes: "little six son, you don't all know it!"

"Yes, I know from the beginning to the end, including how my mother died!" A sadness flashed in his eyes. The sixth Prince sighed and turned his head to look at Zhuo fan deeply. His eyes were full of gratitude: "Mr. Zhuo, to be honest, in fact, for so many years, the Hougong of gourong is just a place where the elders of the animal control clan worship and worship, so that they can be promiscuous."

What?The pupils of his eyes could not help shrinking. Tuoba Tieshan was shocked. Tuo BA Liufeng and his wife suddenly showed a surprised expression. Only Zhuo fan, who seemed to have already guessed, was still calm: "the secret road is located in the back palace. I want to have something to do with the palace. In that secret Road, the woman you killed is the emperor's.... "


A naked cold light flashed in his eyes, and the sixth Prince gritted his teeth and said: "in the whole Xizhou, the clan of protecting the state does not participate in the affairs of the secular court, but the place where the master of beasts is located is only ten miles away from the capital of the emperor. Therefore, when the dog army was in power, it was more constrained. However, this is also an old story, but later, even more excessive, they actually dug a passage, adultery harem

The emperor nodded in a fixed place, and the emperor gritted his teeth and said, "yes, this passage has been open for hundreds of years, and the affairs of the harem are not chaotic for a day or two. The emperors of all ages are aware of this, but they are afraid of exposing the evil power of the controlling beast sect, and they dare not expose it and pretend to be deaf and dumb. And the women in the palace, who are worshipped by those elders, will be forced to come. If you don't follow, you will be poisoned by it immediately. In the face of this situation, many women finally compromise. But some loyal daughters, like the mother of xiaoliuzi, vowed to die and eventually became the dead in this palace. "

"They have come to ask me, but I can only pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretending to be a faint monarch, and prevaricate in the past. It's really cowardly!" With tears in his eyes, the emperor laughed bitterly and shook his head.

When they heard this, they could not help but clench their fists and burst into anger.

The king of a country can't even protect his own women. It's not only the shame of the royal family, but also the national shame!

But soon, the marshal Tuoba's anger had not subsided, and the sixth Prince threw another heavy bomb: "that's OK, but later, these bastards even had a plan to fight dogs in the world. Several of the father's descendants, including the crown prince, are not the blood of the father at all! "


He was shocked. Tuoba Tieshan was immediately shocked, and his eyebrows trembled violently. He said angrily, "it's not your Majesty's blood. Can you say They are trying to disturb the Royal orthodoxy

His eyelids drooped slightly, and the emperor's eyes also exuded endless hatred: "yes, they support behind, support the Imperial forces, and intend to control my dog army. Especially the prince, the heir to the emperor appointed by the master of beast control. In my opinion, that's his seed. Hum, it's ridiculous that emperor gourong can't pass on the country to his son, but he wants to pass it on to outsiders. What a pity

"How can this be true? The world's foreign sects even want to plot the secular monarchy. Once this case is opened, Xizhou will not be in chaos. Which Empire is not in danger? Your majesty should inform the Shuanglong courtyard of such a matter as soon as possible. How can you be so defiant? "


With a loud noise, Tuoba Tieshan was furious. He smashed a rock nearby and swore loudly.

However, the emperor and the sixth Prince looked at each other, but they both laughed bitterly and shook their heads: "Marshal Tuoba, you are too naive. In this world, there is no so-called right and evil, and the so-called righteousness is just the rule of enslaving ordinary people! "

Looking at the two people that pair of lost expression, Tuoba Tieshan's upright intestines can't help but a Zheng, a face puzzled.

Zhuo fan seems to have some understanding, and nodded slightly.

"Marshal Tuoba, what if the emperor informs the Shuanglong academy? Will Shuanglong academy uproot the master of beasts?" Lift an eye lightly float Tuoba iron mountain one eye, Zhuo fan quiet sound.

As soon as his body was stagnant, he pulled up Tieshan, frowned and pondered a little, but he had no choice but to shake his head and sigh: "how can that be? The nine schools in Xizhou are all important fighting forces of Xizhou. Pulling out one is like breaking a strong man's wrist, and Shuanglong academy will never do so!"

"That's right. As long as the master of beasts still exists and evades this rumor in a few years, will its revenge be able to be borne by your little third rate Empire?"

Zhuo fan calmly questions, Tuo PA Tieshan hears, but his face is more and more dignified, and he can't stop sighing.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo fan looked up at the sky and couldn't help laughing: "now I seem to understand how I felt when one of them was stepping on jiuzong. In the final analysis, Xizhou is just a stable hell. What the right way, what order, all the bullshit. Some things have to be done by the devil. The villain has his own mill. That's what it means. Ha ha ha... "

"Six princes, when you led me all the way to the prince's house and then to the palace, that's what you meant After laughing, Zhuo fan's eyes flashed a faint light, looked at the sixth Prince and said: "although I've been looking for this all the way, but even if I don't find a clue, I'm sure you will lead me. In order to make me and yuuzong clash... "

"I dare not!"

However, before Zhuo fan finished his words, the sixth Prince quickly kowtowed: "I know Mr. Zhuo's temperament. I hate to be used by others. Therefore, I dare not count my husband's share. Although I had this idea when I first met him, I did not dare to do so. However, I have met Mr. Zhang at the double dragon meeting. I know that he is a man of true temperament and will certainly not deal with these hypocritical and deceitful people. So I just hope that you can help us out of the bitter sea. ""If you don't mean it, I would like to help you find what you want. Mr. Zhuo, you must believe that I am a real fan of you

After a deep look at him, Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing and nodding: "I know that I've tried you all the way. Even when you were most excited, I didn't interfere with my decision. This is very good, very good... "

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