Whoosh, whoosh

Bright golden flame, baking all around, so that the entire space seems to twist up. With the sound of breaking through the sky, the investigation team of Shuanglong academy, such as Chu Qingcheng, soon came to this place which was no longer suitable for anyone to stop.

Even the three elders who returned to the Yuan state could not help feeling chest tightness when they breathed the hot and dry air in their mouths, let alone the rest of the disciples who converted into the virtual state.

At this moment, they were already out of breath, and their faces were in great pain. It seems that if you stay here more than a moment, your vitality will be exhausted.

"His grandmother's, is this the result that human can cause?"

In addition to the golden flame, there was no breath of life revealed. Old Du was shocked and exclaimed: "it's only for a moment. The whole heaven and earth justice sect, which belongs to the three schools, has been totally destroyed. This is the strength of the demon mountain and the Jiuyou overlord that day?"

Jiuyou overlord Tianmo mountain?

Zhuo fan, hiding in the void, was stunned when he heard the two familiar taboos. How could they know these two names?

But soon, he knew that they must have been to Tianyu to inquire. It seems that shuanglongyuan has really begun to investigate the successive extermination of the zongmen in Xizhou.

However, it's good to push it on this illusory nine you overlord, but it can be put to an end for the time being, and Shuanglong courtyard of the province will not let it go. I didn't expect that he told a little lie casually in Tianyu at that time, but today it has become a wonderful escape skill.

Otherwise, if the shuanglongyuan continues to investigate, I'm afraid he will soon be able to find out his real body, then his situation is not good!

After all, although he was not afraid of the power of Xizhou, he did not want to get into trouble and be pursued endlessly. Zhuo fan's heart is also clear, even to destroy the West four, but in any case can not escape the heinous crime, no one can protect him!

"This Is it really caused by the overlord Jiuyou? "

His eyes were also full of horror, but elder Ou looked around, but he couldn't believe: "this is impossible. Human beings can't be so powerful. I'm afraid that even the strongest invincible sword Zun in the mainland can't do this."

"What do you mean..."

"There must be something wrong in it!"

Elder Du looked at him suspiciously, but elder Ou's eyes flashed. He was very sure: "it can't be caused by his strength alone. There must be some other reason, we haven't found out. In other words, there are some dangerous factors in the underground of the justice sect of heaven and earth, which are just used by him. Otherwise, how could there be no such tragic scene in front of the exterminated clan, only heaven and earth just like this? In short, I don't believe that human practitioners can have such power! "

Hearing this, the people thought a little and nodded together.

Yes, if that person is really so terrible, what else do they look for? Even if they find out, what can they do? They are not cannon fodder for others? I can't tell. The whole western state is destroyed!

Then they did not have the significance of going down, but if according to elder Ou said so, it would be another matter. Using the instability of the energy of the earth's veins to cause such a tragedy, then the strength of this person is not so omniscient, and maybe they can fight against it!

Zhuo fan in the airspace to hear their conversation, but also secretly nodded, it seems that there are still some people who use their brains in the investigators. Indeed, the people of every rank can never have such a powerful master.

However, who let this be the attack of the most powerful holy beast in the holy land? It is not surprising that people of all ranks have never seen or heard of it. Under this premise, to think of someone using the power of the territory to destroy the clan is also a careful mind!

However, as a result, the investigation team has to continue to pursue, which is quite detrimental to Zhuo fan's escape. Ye Biao knows that his belly is clear, but he doesn't know how to end all this. He can only murmur: "elder ou, maybe this is not done by Jiuyou overlord alone, but if the strength of the whole sect of Tianmo mountain is strong, you think we can find it Go, can you compete with all the fighting power of the western state? "

The body couldn't help shaking, and several elders looked at each other, and their faces were dignified again.

Yes, one person may not have such a means, but if the magic mountain masters were like clouds that day, and the tragedy was caused by everyone's efforts, it would prove that their strength was stronger than that of the whole Xizhou. They still didn't need to check it out. Anyway, they couldn't beat it. It's better to stop here!

"No way!"

However, when everyone hesitated, elder Ou shook his head firmly after thinking for a long time, and said: "boy, you have a good view of the tragedy of destroying the heaven and the earth. Can all the masters of the whole continent unite to create it? Therefore, it is the power of heaven and earth, not human power, that causes this scene. I still think that this is the Jiuyou overlord's help, and even want to frighten us in this way, bluff. Let us mistakenly think that his strength is unfathomable, and we will withdraw. But this just proves that he is not as strong as he thought and is still afraid of the power of our western state. ""Otherwise, since he has no scruples, why does he dare not appear in a dignified manner every time he destroys the clan? Especially when we came here, we didn't see any sign of leaving. It was obvious that we were hiding and running away. We didn't dare to see people! "

Elder Ou spits at the stars flying. The louder he talks, the more he analyzes, the more reasonable he feels. He even admires himself. How can he be so smart?

Other people heard, but also repeatedly nodded, the secret way this old man's brain melon seeds when so careful and flexible. Even if it is Zhuo fan who is hiding nearby, he can't help nodding slightly. If he hadn't done all this himself, he would have believed the old man.

Only Ye Ling, seeing that the old guy was still biting, but he laughed and sighed: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case that the nine you overlord is really not easy to provoke? We found him on the head, and when we meet him face to face, how should we end up? "

"Nothing in case, as long as I don't see the real body of Jiuyou overlord, I will never believe that there will be such a person in the world. Grandma bear, more lawless than the invincible sword Zun, hum

Needless to say, he waved his hand. Elder Ou seemed to be quite convinced by his just set of words, and his face was arrogant.

Seeing this situation, the people pondered a little, and nodded slightly. They thought it was reasonable. It seemed that it was necessary to continue to investigate.

Zhuo fan looked at them, but he couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. In any case, all the four major gates have been destroyed. He has nothing to stay in Xizhou. He'd better leave here as soon as possible. Alas

With a sigh, Zhuo fan took a deep look again, and closed his eyes reluctantly.

From now on, we will not see each other again, Qingcheng


However, at this time, but listen to a crackling thunder, bursts of thunder light suddenly jump between Zhuofan's hands. Not from a surprise, Zhuo fan looked down, but was surprised to see that his Lei Ling ring was constantly shining with bright light.

At the same time, the ring in Chu Qingcheng's hand also sent out the same thunder light.

His pupils couldn't help shrinking. Zhuo fan took a deep look at the two rings and said, "how can it be possible that in this airspace, the space is cut off. How can the two thunder rings resonate?"

However, he did not know that things follow the people's heart. This object has been accompanied by the master for a long time, which naturally communicates with the master's heart. At this moment, the lovesickness of Chu Qingcheng and Zhuo fan resonated, which naturally led to two rings crossing the space barrier and having a dispute!

"Zhuo Zhuo fan? "

Shaking his fingers, he slowly raised his hand. Chu Qingcheng was staring at the dazzling light of the Lei Ling ring in his hand. His eyes suddenly filled with dim tears, and his lips trembled. I didn't know whether he was surprised or happy. He ran around his head and cried out: "Zhuo fan, you're not dead. You're still here, right?"

What, drovan's not dead?

Not from a surprise, three elders Qiqi looked at her, and even said, "Qingcheng, what do you say, Zhuo fan is not dead, how do you know?"

Without answering their words, Chu Qingcheng just kept calling Zhuo fan's name all the time, and his eyes were full of color of wings. Because she knows that only the Lei Ling ring in Zhuo fan's hand can echo with her. This is their own Keepsake!

"Younger martial sister Qingcheng, are you so anxious that you have hallucinations? Zhuo fan is dead. Where is his shadow? " Seeing this, Ye Lin is in a hurry. If he finds out the boss, he will become the enemy of the whole western state, and the danger will be great.

As a result, he yelled, and quickly came to Chu Qingcheng. He covered the ring in her hand to avoid the leakage of thunder. Can laughed.

However, Chu Qingcheng felt that he was the enemy of Zhuo fan, and he had no affection for him at all. Seeing him suddenly coming forward, he suddenly pushed him away and angrily scolded: "get out of my way. I know that you have always regarded Zhuo fan as an opponent and would like him to die. But he must not be dead. He's here, Zhuo fan, Zhuo fan I'm Qingcheng, you come out... "

Helplessly shrug his shoulders, ye scaly's face was speechless. He was really kind as a donkey's liver and lung!

What good can you do if you call him out now? Don't you just wait for him to be hunted down by a wanted order issued by Xizhou? I help you to cover up, you still treat me as a bad man, this woman is really crazy!

If I didn't treat you as my sister-in-law, I would

Biting and biting his teeth severely, leaf scales puffed up his mouth!

"Go out and see if there is anyone around you?" The three elders looked at each other and immediately explored the surrounding activities. However, there was no breath of life except the hot air.

But they shook their heads. After looking at each other, they looked at the crazy shouting of Chu Qingcheng. They couldn't help sighing. Could such an excellent disciple really remember his husband and become a demon?

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