"I'd like to tell you that the overlord of Jiuyou is a hundred Zhang tall, with sky and ground on top of his head. You can't see his head from afar. The whole body is covered with black inflammation, swallowing the sky, with two eyes. It is as bright as a star and shaped like a burning sun. It has a radius of 10 meters and emits a frightening light... "

In the Tongtian Pavilion of Shuanglong courtyard, three elders of the investigation team and a group of disciples knelt down in front of Shuanglong Supreme Master and reported the situation of that day. In the eyes, still with hard to hide the panic.

The two nobles looked at them in a daze and listened to their reports. When it was over, the two old men looked at each other, but they were completely stupid.

The black bearded emperor looked at the crowd in disbelief. His brow trembled slightly and he pondered for a long time. Then he said, "he is a hundred feet long, and one eye has a radius of ten meters Well, is this still a man


However, the three elders looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing bitterly.

They had already guessed the reaction of the two Lords. To tell you the truth, if it was not for seeing it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there were such old monsters in the world.

"We have seen this with our own eyes. We dare not talk nonsense. If you ask these little guys, they were also present and witnessed the appearance of the master. It is really frightening and terrifying."

Once again, elder Ou sighed and shook his head: "in a moment, the justice sect of heaven and earth was razed to the ground and turned into a sea of fire. We have seen it with our own eyes. The strength of that elder is really the best in ancient and modern times. It is worthy of being an old monster with 300000 years of skill. It is estimated that no one in the whole continent is the enemy of its unity, including the invincible sword Zun. "

"However, it seems that the magic mountain has already retired to the mountain forest, and most of the disciples in the sect do not walk in the mainland. Otherwise, if such an ancient and modern clan was born, how could there be room for the invincible jianzun to jump to the world? "

Although the fox eyes of the whole mainland still exist, how can they be so suspicious?

However, seeing their sincerity is not like lying. Moreover, recalling Zhuo fan's extraordinary strength, the master who can train such disciples is not an ordinary person!

In this way, the two supreme masters looked at each other again and nodded slightly. They believed each other for seven or eight points.

Although the elder, known as the overlord of Jiuyou, may not be a monster with a body length of 100 Zhang, or he may have used some magical avatar to hide his body shape, but his strength is strong. Otherwise, it will not be able to shock the three returning masters in a moment.

In this way, it is not appropriate to investigate the evil mountain's revenge. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's going to make a beehive!

Thinking of this, the black bearded Supreme Master gently waved his hand and whispered: "since this matter is not caused by the infiltration of other states' forces, it should not affect our western state for the time being, so forget it. Now the five sects are all destroyed because of their revenge. They are also responsible for their own mistakes and offending people who should not be provoked. There is no need for us to provoke unnecessary incidents for Xizhou for their sake. Elder Du, you will immediately send people to inform each clan that this matter is over and has nothing to do with the fighting among the States. Let them be at ease. Also told them, an Shou Ben Fen, not relying on the strength of zongmen rampant. Who knows if there is such a terrible existence as Tianmo mountain in this world

"Yes, I'll do it right now!" With a bow, elder Du retreated slowly.

Watching him leave quietly, Bai Mei thought for a long time, but he frowned and said, "the five schools are to blame themselves. We don't pay attention to them. But what should we do about the vacant seats of the five schools?"

"Yes, Xizhou has such a wide area. Five of the nine cases have disappeared. The rest of these places have become a vacuum without supervision. It is impossible to say that it will become a gap, and others will take the opportunity to get into it."

His brows were also deeply frowned, and the black bearded Supreme Master sighed: "we should not provoke Tianmo mountain, but our losses this time are too great, and even have shaken the stability of the whole western state."

Hearing this, the people who kneel down below can't help sighing.

They also understood that the loss of five sects was not only the lack of fighting power of Xizhou, but also the lack of control of the whole western state. In particular, this time, one of the upper three schools and one of the middle three schools were destroyed one after another, but a large vacuum was left.

We should know that the places where the first three places were located were not only worshipped by the local people, but also supervised the whole huge first-class Empire, as well as dozens of neighboring countries to prevent foreign states from attacking.

Although tianxingzong is the end of the middle three schools, it seems to be located in the third tier empire of Tianyu, but it is actually responsible for the monitoring of dozens of small countries around it. In addition, the control animal sect was destroyed, and the seat of zhenguozong in the gourong empire was vacated.

All of a sudden, one fifth of the land boundary of Xizhou suddenly became a vacuum that could not be touched by the nine sects!

This is the most dangerous moment for the stability of Xizhou!

However, the system of nine sects in Xizhou is facing the most dangerous challenge. Perhaps at this critical juncture, once Zhongzhou takes the opportunity to attack from these gaps, Xizhou will be defeated like a mountain, and it will be difficult to defend layer by layer, step by step!This is the most worrying thing for the two supreme masters at this moment

After pondering for a long time, elder Ou looked tentatively at the two supreme masters and said, "Dear two, although these boundaries are empty, they are not very extensive. That is to say, the territory of the righteous sect of heaven and earth is large enough. Or Shall we divide these areas among the other four


Slowly shaking his head, black beard supreme immediately denied: "the nine divisions are divided by strength, and they are all within the scope of the clan. If we rashly allocate the remote areas to four schools, let alone whether the four schools have the ability to do so, we must send people to stay in the areas we have allocated. This is a problem. Don't forget, the lesson of the devil CE clan

The body couldn't help but shake, and the elder responded immediately. He lowered his head in shame and repeatedly said yes.

That's right. How could he forget such an important key issue?

The reason why jiuzong can stabilize Xizhou is not because of how united they are, but because they contain each other, one betrays and eight discuss together.

The same is true for a clan. The reason why they can form a fighting force is that they gather together all day long and supervise each other. If someone has the intention of treason, they can be found and annihilated soon.

However, once zongmen's influence is separated and stationed in Outland, you can guarantee that he will not start a new business and betray zongmen? Especially at this time, we need support, especially the support of foreign enemies. On the contrary, it is easier to induce the enemy to invade.

At that time, Xie Wuyue was demoted because he was dissatisfied with his position as the patriarch. He colluded with outsiders in the clan and risked his life to rebel. What's more, now, if the power of one clan is divided into two parts, it will inevitably cause internal trouble!

At the thought of this, elder Nao was already sweating, and he would like to smoke his mouth and come up with such a bad idea, which almost shook the foundation of Xizhou!

After a deep look at him, the black bearded Supreme Master also knew that he was unintentionally lost, so he didn't care about it, but his eyebrows were still tight.

At this time, Wu Qingqiu thought about it a little, and finally bowed down and clasped his fist. He said, "the two supreme masters, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

"But it doesn't matter!" He raised his eyes and glanced at him, and the black beard made a faint voice.

After pondering a little, Wu Qingqiu said: "the nine schools of Xizhou are stationed in nine fields to protect Xizhou. And in these nine places, only the people of this sect know it best. So it's not too much to call jiuzong nine local snakes! "

The eyebrows could not help shaking. The two supreme masters looked at him deeply, and their eyes were full of strange colors. What did he mean by this?

"Two lords, since there are nine local snakes, five snake kings have died. Instead of pulling one out of other snakes to become the snake king, why don't we take local materials and choose a snake king directly from the local area to make the great cause of Xizhou

"You mean..."

After hearing Wu Qingqiu's words, the two supreme masters looked at each other again and said, "foster new forces and complete the five empty seats?"

Fixed place nodded, Wu Qingqiu smile.

"But Between the secular world, there is such a force, can bear the great position of the clan? "

"The two supreme masters clearly see that for the time being, I will guarantee one side's power, but this is an important task!"

Wu Qingqiu's eyes glistened and his voice was fixed: "the disciple went to Tianyu not long ago and found that Luomeng of Tianyu empire is developing rapidly. The leader of the alliance is very smart, modest and well received. There are a lot of talented people in the league. Many masters of the former magic strategy sect have been included in the league. If there is support from the Shuanglong Academy in the future, it will surely develop faster and support a corner of the world in Xizhou! "

The eyelids trembled slightly. The black beard looked at him deeply, and then looked down at the people: "what do you mean?"




Yan Mo, Ye Lin, Wen Tao and other disciples made a statement, and none of them hesitated. This can not help but make the two supreme masters wonder, what is the relationship between them and the Luo League, and they support it together?

In any case, however, the Luo League is not an ordinary person. It's rare that they can gather the hearts of these talented disciples.

Then, the black bearded supreme master looked at the elder, and said faintly: "you go and have a look. If you really have this qualification, let them fill the position. This is also the blessing of Xizhou."


Elder ou, bow down and accept your orders!

After that, they discussed the rest of the chores, and they all went away.

As soon as Wu Qingqiu and Ye Ling left Tongtian Pavilion, they flew straight to a waterfall and spring. As they walked along, they said with a smile: "this Luo family is brother Zhuo's home. This time, we have pushed the Luo family to nine seats. I think the spirit of Zhuo in heaven should be gratified."

"I don't know if he's happy or not. Anyway, as an opponent, I'm worthy of him!" "This time, we told the news to Chu Qingcheng, and the girl should be in a better mood."

"Who knows, she doesn't seem to care about the glory behind her!" Can't help but skim his mouth, leaf scales sigh a long.Squint at him one eye, Yanmo not from evil smile way: "Hey, we are going to see Chu Qingcheng, she seems not to treat you very much, what do you follow?"

"It's one thing whether she wants to see me or not, and it's another thing whether I go to see her or not. Can you control it?" Not from snort, leaf scale does not agree.

Wu Qingqiu saw, but also dumb smile: "you two individual fight, has arrived!"

With that, they saw a rather elegant courtyard beside the Qingtan, and they all went down.

But when they had just entered the courtyard, they suddenly saw shuiruohua and daner standing by the door of a room, their eyes full of shock.

"What's the matter?" Not from a Leng, Wu Qingqiu they are also rushed to the past, to the internal inspection, but suddenly a lag, is also a moment of stupefied.

At this moment, the beautiful image of the house is leaning against the bed column with sad face. The silver like white silk is floating gently with the breeze of the window

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