"According to the extremely rough map provided by the Dragon ancestor, one of the wind caves in heaven and earth is near here. According to the law of who is strong and who is in charge, this wind cave in heaven and earth is likely to be in the palace of King Fei Yun. "

With his eyes closed tightly, Zhuo fan thought carefully and murmured: "but this Feiyun palace is Shangguan's Feiyun mansion. There must be a lot of experts in it. If you want to sneak in and explore without a sound, it's really comparable to the sky!"

So said, Zhuo fan slowly opened his eyes, eyebrows are congealed into a pimple.

When Gu San Tong saw it, he couldn't help but sigh: "what shall we do? Dad, you say that the experts here are like clouds. Even if our father and son join hands, we can't save our lives. What can we do except kill them all at one breath with Longxi Dan? "

"Long Xi Dan is the last resort. I really don't want to waste it until I have to."

With a flash in his eyes, Zhuo fan touched his chin and thought carefully: "little son, you should have seen it just now. The gate of the city is under strict scrutiny, and the two old guys seem to be very cautious. We have been walking in Zhongzhou for several months and passed several cities. Have we ever seen such a cautious guard? "

His eyebrows trembled slightly, but Gu San Tong thought a little, but he shook his head slightly: "maybe Is this because Feiyun city is the capital of one of the nine regions? "

"No, certainly not!"

Zhuo fan shook his head firmly. Zhuo fan's eyes twinkled and chuckled: "Zhongzhou is very powerful and always arrogant. He even claims that he is not afraid of the detailed work of the four states. Because they are strong enough, it doesn't matter whether any information is leaked out. As long as they want to do it, they can still settle down in any corner of the world. Therefore, the investigation in Zhongzhou is tight inside and loose outside, which will not create such a tense atmosphere and make people laugh. But now that Feiyun city looks like this, it can only show that something has happened recently, and even the Shangguan Feiyun has to be nervous! "

"It's none of our business. He's nervous about him. Even the inspection in the palace is more strict, and we have no chance to explore it!" However, with a shrug, Gu San Tong turned her lips.

But when Zhuo fan saw it, he laughed and said: "the so-called blessing is hidden in disaster, and the blessing is leaning on. Shangguan Feiyun is nervous, which shows that he is threatened. Although I don't know where the power threatening him is sacred, there must be a fight between them. In this case, we can't fish in troubled waters to get the benefit of the fish! "

"Well, yes, I didn't think of it? You're smart. Ha ha... "

At that moment, Gu Santong immediately laughed and asked, "so Dad, what are we going to do next?"

A strange arc crossed the corner of his mouth, and Zhuo Fan said faintly: "find a foothold and watch the change. I can't say that we have to stay here for a while, ha ha..."

With a light smile, Zhuo fan waved his sleeves and went straight to the most prosperous market. Seeing the ancient three links, he felt strange in his heart and rushed to keep up with him!

Three hours later, they appeared in front of a large house, which seemed to be deserted for a long time. And their side, also inexplicably more a big man with a full face of beard, his body faintly exudes the spirit of the six strong man!

"My guest, take good care of it. This is one of the few good houses in Feiyun city. If I didn't need the spirit stone urgently, I couldn't give up." The big man looked around and said to Zhuo fan.

Gu Santong glanced at him, but turned his eyes.

At that time, when I first saw this big man, I saw that they were the strong ones in the market. They quietly pulled them aside in the market, and they still had a bad identity. I dare to be a house seller!

Alas, it seems that there are so many powerful people in Zhongzhou, such as dogs, that they are not worth any money. Even the shenzhao masters have begun to sell houses and become peddlers. Don't you want to sweep the street?

Looking up and down at the house, Zhuo fan nodded slightly under his heart, pondered a little, and then looked at the humanity: "make a price!"

"800000 spirit stone, do you think it's ok?"

"800000?" As soon as his brow shook, Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing: "why don't you rob me? Do you think I'm a big head? In Xizhou, even if it is the capital of the emperor, the house is no more than ten thousand spirit stones. After all, the homestead is just the place to live, and the spirit stone is the root of the cultivator. If you exchange Lingshi for a house, don't you give up the book and chase the end? "

Hearing this, the man immediately showed a look of disdain: "you regard this as Xizhou, this is Zhongzhou. If it is not for the ability of heaven and earth, the cultivator here is not worth money. Why don't you just look at me and walk around the countries of Xizhou and be treated by the nobles and nobles? But here, it is not reduced to a peddler? "

"Why did you come to Zhongzhou? Better be the head of a chicken than the tail of a Phoenix. You should have heard of it. Do you want to find a good way out in Zhongzhou with your strength

"What a good way out, with my qualifications, how can I break out in Zhongzhou?"

Seeing Zhuo fan asking, the man sighed and waved his hand: "tell you the truth, I came with my master. My master is a soul melting master. He works as a guard in the Feiyun palace. He is also the number one figure in Zhongzhou area... ""What happened then?"

Before he finished, Zhuo fan couldn't wait to interrupt him and asked, "since your master is related to Feiyun palace, at least it can be eaten in this land boundary. Why do you still..."

"Hey, don't mention it. Everything is life."

He waved his hand helplessly, and the man's face was subdued: "we had a good life in this area. It's not a problem to eat and drink spicy food. But one month ago, the royal family broke into a group of thieves. I don't know what kind of treasure they were greedy for. Then Lord Fei Yun, the officer of the sword king, was furious. In a rage, he killed all the guards and hundreds of soul melting masters, including my master. "

"Well, in fact, it's no wonder my master and his family. You know, those thieves are quite fierce, and there are experts in Guiyuan realm. How can ordinary guards be able to stop them? But the master was angry, so he could only accept his bad luck... "

"So when your master dies, you sell his house?" Take a deep look at him, Zhuo fan heart clearly. Now I can understand why the city is under martial law because someone broke into the palace!

What's more, the thief, no matter what he was greedy for, was certainly not successful. He was still waiting for an opportunity, and even had already sought reinforcements. Therefore, the flying cloud city will be severely investigated.

Otherwise, if the treasure is lost, Shangguan Feiyun should focus on the investigation rather than internal investigation.

If the treasure is still in the palace, the thieves will surely have a second action, and then their time to fish in troubled waters will come.

Having figured out this point, Zhuo fan can't help but smile, and has begun to think about the overall plan

"My guest, in fact, you should also see that I am a errand runner. How can the 800000 spirit stones be put in my pocket?"

It seems that he is afraid that Zhuo fan mistakenly thinks that he is an unfaithful servant and smashes this business. The man's mouth suddenly shrivels and begins to act as a grievance: "think about it, even if my master is the palace guard, and I am the servant of the guard, I am a divine realm. How much power can I have in the house to deal with the master's property? As a matter of fact, as soon as my master died, many of the magic weapons in the house were all taken away by those who were strong enough to make up for it. Only this house was left here and could not be moved away. "

"So they asked me to stay here, find a way to deal with the real estate, and then follow them back to my hometown to be a master, no longer be a grandson here. Therefore, this 800000 spirit stone is really not my own, and there are many masters waiting to be scored. If you are still too expensive, you can't go any lower than 500000. If I hadn't been in a hurry to take the spirit stone away, I wouldn't have reduced the price at all. If you still didn't agree, I'd have to find another home... "

The big man said it painstakingly, but Zhuo fan didn't say a word. He just stared at the courtyard and thought quietly. He didn't know what he was thinking?

His brow could not help wrinkling. The big man was puzzled. He had already used all the sales promotion methods of pretending to be pitiful and haggling. Why didn't he take the bait?

Don't he have so many spirit stones? But it's not like it!

He has been thinking about whether to take it or not, which clearly means that he must have goods in his pocket, but how many goods he is willing to deliver!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the man was also a smart man. His eyes turned and he said again, "my guest, to be honest, there are other things in this room."

"Oh, what is heaven and earth?" Eyebrow a pick, Zhuo fan Qidao.

With a slight smile, the big man shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, my master built many secret rooms in this house before he died, or practiced martial arts, or refined alchemy or weapons. Although after his death, all the treasures have been separated by the public, but there is no doubt that there are still treasures that have not been taken away. As long as you find one, maybe the book of 800000 spirit stone will be returned. It's all up to you to be lucky

Thinking a little, Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. Others believe his bluffing words because they are greedy, but how can Zhuo fan be so easily deceived?

However, he does need a place to settle down and live here for a long time and watch its change!

The corner of his mouth crossed a strange arc. Zhuo fan's eyebrows trembled. He looked at the big man and said with a smile: "brother, didn't you just say 500000?"

"Er Well, I didn't say a gift just now Not from a stagnation, that person can smile.

He waved his hand and said, "if you can find it, you should have taken away the gift. What else can I do for you? In short, if you don't sell it, I'll go to his house. Anyway, you also said that hundreds of experts were killed a month ago. Many of them want to sell their houses recently! "

The body couldn't help shaking. When the big man heard this, he couldn't help pulling his mouth. He felt a burst of anger in his heart. He told him why these things were, and the price could not be raised.

But he was still in a hurry to leave, and the house would be smashed if he didn't, so he had to sell it at a low price.

In this way, after the two handed over the procedures and spirit stone, Zhuo fan with the ancient three links swaggered into this place. But what they didn't expect was that someone had already settled down here

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