With the sound of laughter gradually away, those powerful Feiyun palace guards figure, also slowly disappeared. Zhuo fan three people so quietly stand, see them far away, just all together grow a mouthful of turbid gas, let go of heart.

"All right, close the door and see off the guests!"

He clapped his hands gently, and Zhuo fan made a quiet sound. Hearing this, the little three son immediately understood, turned around, took the woman who dared to claim to be his mother, and went out.

Of course, the ancient three links did not use real force, but symbolically pulled her with the strength of a child. Otherwise, she would be thrown away without a wave of his hand?

But that woman sees this scene, but is immediately a Leng, inexplicably way: "Alas, what do you do?"

"What are we doing? Hum, hum... "

Can't help but sneer, Zhuo fan eyebrows a pick, mercilessly glared at her: "did you just hear that elder said? When you are homeless... "

"Wandering around..." The ancient three links were followed by a sentence.

"A thief's eyes..."


"A man with a guilty conscience..." The two father and son drank together and looked at the woman closely, and said in unison: "it's the suspicious group. All of them should be handed over to the Feiyun palace! We will drive you out now. It's very cheap for you

As soon as the words fell, Zhuo fan and Zhuo fan both threw her out of the door in an instant, and then closed the heavy door.

Suddenly, she was thrown out by two people. The woman was stunned. Then she looked back, but she saw that the gate had already creaked and was about to close. She could not help but feel a burst of anger in her eyes. When she lifted her legs and snapped at the moment, she kicked the gate open.

Zhuo fan and Zhuo fan, who were pushing the door, pretended to be shocked by the huge force and stepped back three or four steps before they could stop. They looked at the man in front of them in panic and exclaimed, "you What do you want? The guard of Feiyun palace is nearby

"Well, what if they were nearby? Believe it or not, you and your son would have been dead before they arrived! " She glared at them fiercely, and the woman was very angry.

Zhuo fan pretended to be afraid, and then suddenly turned into a mourning face. He wailed: "elder sister, we used to have no resentment, but recently we have no hatred. Our father and son have wandered for several years. We finally arrived at the boundary of Zhongzhou, escaped the pursuit of Xizhou, and were about to start a new life. We don't want to be involved in other dangerous things. Although I don't know if you have something to do with the person who is to be arrested by Feiyun palace, please leave as soon as possible. For the sake of saving your life, please don't involve us, will you

The body trembled slightly, and the woman took a deep look at Zhuo fan. She bit her lips and hesitated.

But after a while, she suddenly asked another question: "Hey, the story you just told Is it true? "

"What story?"

"You and your wife She was really torn apart by her family. How is your wife now? " Pondering a little, the woman spoke faintly.

Not from a Leng, Zhuo fan did not expect that she should be in this crisis, but also asked this question, but have to say, this is also asked Zhuo fan pain point.

After thinking for a long time, Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing: "how can it be true? Just in order not to be implicated by you, I was just making up a lie to deceive them. In fact, it's only for the sake of my wife's better future. She's very secure now... "


But before he went on, the woman had already slapped him in the face, full of anger.

"Scum man, I'll kill you for your wife today!"

Ding, the woman has taken out a long green jade sword, a sword pointed to Zhuo fan.

As soon as his eyebrows trembled, Zhuo fan quickly pretended to wave his hand and said, "wait a minute. If you dare to do it here, the people of Feiyun palace can't run away. What's more, I'm your Savior. If you start at me, you will bite the hand that feeds you! "

"Well, I'll forgive you today, but don't let me see you again!"

The sword in her hand trembled slightly, and the woman pondered for a long time. At last, she gritted her teeth and cried angrily. Then she turned around and quickly disappeared: "where you bastard is, I don't want to stay for a moment, so as not to dirty my body!"

Looking at the dark night sky, the figure of the woman has disappeared, and the curse in his ear gradually disappears. Zhuo fan and Zhuo fan look at each other and finally show a strange smile.

"Dad, it's not a pity that the line that was finally saved has let her go like this?"

"Go? Where can she go? "

Looking at Gu Santong's puzzled eyes, Zhuo fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and chuckled: "don't you forget what the guards just came for? One by one investigation, fixed-point investigation. It is estimated that the purpose of Feiyun palace is to closely monitor the whole city and every corner, so that every resident in the city will become the eyes of the prince's mansion, while the floating places like inns are mainly monitored. In this way, there is no hiding place for the floating personnel! ""She wants to go? Ha ha As long as she's still in Feiyun City, sooner or later she'll have to come back here. Now, she has no way to go! "

After taking a deep look at him, Gu San Tong nodded clearly, but he was still puzzled: "but in this case, why should we drive her away? Isn't that unnecessary? "

"No, no, no, this is the first step of psychological warfare. If you want to get, you will indulge yourself."

He waved his hand slowly, and Zhuo fan's eyes flashed with a faint voice: "drive her away, not for her, but for the people behind her. You can think about it. We are the people who saved her. If we help her hide her identity, it will not be easy to be suspected. Do we have any other plans? Maybe when people behind him know about this, they will think that we are a group with Feiyun palace, and we will be very difficult to gain their trust in luring them to take bait. "

"But now it's different. We drove her away, just like a pair of timid ordinary practitioners. To save her was just a chance encounter. In this way, those people are forced to hurry by the Feiyun palace and have no way to escape. They will want to come to them and use us more. But in fact, we are ready to use them. The conversion of yin and Yang requires a strategy in mind. Every detail must be included in the plan, so as to be invincible in a hundred battles! "

He nodded clearly in his heart, and Gu Santong chuckled: "I see. You know she can't go, so you deliberately let her go, to lead the people behind her out?"

"Ha ha Yes, it will come out sooner or later! " With a faint smile, Zhuo fan stepped forward and slowly closed the heavy door. Then he took Gu Santong's hand and walked to the backyard: "xiaosanzi, where have you been in the last three days? Can't you see your shadow?"

"I went around the city, but I was seen as a child and couldn't go to many places. You told me that I couldn't break in, so..."

"Then I'll show you tomorrow?"


"Of course, we just need to wait for the news now. We can relax for a while, ha ha..." Can not help but smile, Zhuo fan looked at Gu San Tong with a happy smile.

Gu San Tong is also a burst of drinking, happy, full of children's nature!

The next day, Zhuo fan took the ancient three links to visit all the major scenic spots in Feiyun city. He liked to have fun. He didn't think about anything or mention anything. He just focused on playing!

On the third day, Zhuo fan took Gu Santong to eat snacks all over the city and enjoyed the happy time between father and son. However, they ignored their plans for this trip.

So, the fourth day, the fifth day All of them spent their time in a wild and joyful way. Until the night of the tenth day, Gu Santong returned to the yard excitedly, and Zhuo fan followed him with a smile on his face. However, what appeared in front of them was that they were stunned.

At this moment, the girl who had gone away ten days ago appeared again in front of them. But now the woman, however, is the wind blowing, no longer back to the old style, look a little dispirited.

Seeing Zhuo fan and their eyes, they are both embarrassed and uneasy!

His face slightly puffed, Zhuo fan's heart was already clear, but his face was surprised, and he cried out: "elder sister, how did you come again?"

"No shouting!"

With a jingle, the woman immediately took out the jade sword and pointed it at Zhuo fan's direction. She felt ashamed in her eyes, but she was more cruel. She gritted her teeth and cried, "listen, I'm living here from now on. You are not allowed to drive me away or report to the Feiyun palace. Otherwise, none of you will want to live! "

Sure enough, the girl was forced to hurry, or had to return!

The two father and son looked at each other, knew it well, and laughed in unison.

There are so many soul melting masters patrolling in Feiyun city. Where can you go? Now it's not good to come back to occupy the land, but also shamelessly robbed, just like the hooligan bandits.

If you knew that, why did you leave so hard? Is not oneself breaks own road, ha ha!

After a deep look at her, Zhuo fan also sighed: "girl, come back right back. There's no need to yell at our father and son. Although I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble, I can't help it since our father and son's lives are controlled by the girl. Oh, it's just that gentle and lovely little girl at the beginning, but it's only ten days. How can she become such a mother who robs the territory like this? "

The body couldn't help shaking. The woman looked at her unreasonable appearance. Her nose was sour, but she was a little sour. Her face was full of grievances.

"You still have the face to say that it's not because of you that you've driven me out?"

Her eyes were full of fog, and the woman sobbed: "do you know how I spent these ten days? I'm afraid I'll meet those people from Feiyun palace, just like a rat crossing the street. You can't go to the inn. It's easy to find out if you hide in someone else's house. Feiyun city is so big, but I can't find a place to settle down. All day long, I'm constantly running and scared. If I don't come back, they'll catch me. You said I was a Yaka Wuwu... "

With that, the woman couldn't help crying.Seeing this, Zhuo fan shakes his head and laughs. In fact, when he kicked her out, there was a second meaning. Only by making her feel desperate outside can she be at ease in her own territory

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