Looking deeply at Shangguan Yulin kneeling on the ground, Shangguan Feiyun slightly calms down the excitement in his heart, takes a deep breath and makes the final test. What if this boy is a gangster with machine gun mouth and blind identification of relatives in order to survive?

"You say you are my nephew, so you should be very clear about the family custom of worshipping ancestors every year in Shangguan family?"

"Of course

With a twinkle in his eyes, Shangguan Yulin bowed down and told: "uncle, the Shangguan family has to burn thirty-six incense sticks every year to defend Dongzhou and Shangguan's family, and died in battle for the protection of Dongzhou and Shangguan's family. Take a bath for 12 hours, one day in advance, and only when the next day's sacrifice comes out to worship the ancestors in a clean and clean body. It also shows that the thirty-six weeks of heaven are complete and pray for the dead! "

His eyelids trembled slightly. Shangguan Feiyun was overjoyed and laughed: "ha ha ha It's not bad. It's only our Shangguan's family. We offer sacrifices every year and pray for the 36 ancestors. It's impossible for outsiders to know that! "

"In that case, have the spies of Shangguan family found it?"

The corner of the mouth slightly tilted, a hundred Li longitude latitude can not help but smile out of the sound. Shangguan Yulin heard, but suddenly a nervous, can not help but tremble and shrink his neck.

With a smile, Bai Li Jing Wei gently lifted him up: "don't be nervous, Shangguan childe. We've tried so hard to find you. We just want to show you a way. In the future, it will be our flying cloud sword king who will be in charge of the officials in Dongzhou. It is your luck that you can join in early. Besides, you just said that he was the nephew of the king of flying cloud sword. With such a relationship, the future of young master is bright

"Yes, although I am disliked by Shangguan Feixiong, I am still a member of Shangguan family. As long as there are family members willing to join the king, I will certainly take more care of him, not to mention his own nephew. By the way, your mother is... " Hearing this, Shangguan Feiyun also nodded slightly, no longer as cold as before, but a warm face.

Bowing down, Shangguan Yulin immediately reported his life experience. Shangguan Feiyun nodded slightly and understood: "Oh It turns out to be sister Yuheng. Ha ha, it's really been a long time since we lost. We still had a good relationship back then. Hahaha... "

"My mother often mentions my uncle and says that she misses her very much, ha ha..." Shangguan Yulin smile, but also climb up the pole, pull the relationship!

Shangguan Feiyun heard, nodded slightly, not to say yes.

After wandering in front of them, Jingwei chuckled and interrupted: "Feiyun sword king, your uncle and nephew are reunited. It's natural to be congratulated. But before the two get together and share the happiness of their family, I still want to ask Shangguan Gongzi to do me a favor. Besides you, are there any other people who go to the government?"

A slight glance was given to the two cowering men, both of whom looked at him with horror and begging. Now they have seen that this way of life is reserved for those who go to the government. No matter what they want to do later, they can live as long as they become officials.

Therefore, the eyes of the two looking at Shangguan Yulin are full of sadness. At this time, as long as Shangguan Yulin nods, they can

"Prime minister, I don't have such vulgar people in my Shangguan family!" Eyebrow a pick, Shangguan Yulin sneer, a face indifferent way.

Body a shake, the two legs a soft, instantly collapsed on the ground, full of despair.

After taking a deep look at him, Jingwei of a hundred Li smiles and nods, looks at Shangguan Feiyun and says, "Lord sword, you just killed a chicken as an example to find out master Yulin. Now that there are no officials here, take them down!"

"Well, if they were alive, would they not have leaked the news? If Shangguan Feixiong knows about it, he must kill me! "

"Ha ha Don't worry, Mr. Yulin. I'll find someone to take good care of them. When it's over, let them go! " With a smile and a wave of hands, a hundred Li Jingwei comforted him.

Hearing this, the two men nodded and looked hopeful. However, Shangguan Yulin frowned and shook his head in a hurry: "it's not necessary. If they live, they are always worried. In the world, only the dead are the safest! "

In this way, Shangguan Yulin had already turned around and roared at the two hands without the consent of the two hundred Li Jingwei. In an instant, they were killed.

Both of them are the eight or nine heavy cultivation of emptiness. In addition, they are scared out of their wits. Even Shangguan Yulin, who has just broken through the soul melting state, can simply kill them. They have no resistance at all.

Their eyes narrowed slightly, but they didn't speak.

After settling the two, Shangguan Yulin turned around and bowed to them in embarrassment and said, "uncle, prime minister, I'm sorry, without your permission..."

"Ha ha It doesn't matter, it's the benevolence of the woman, or the master Yulin did it right! " Slowly shaking his head, Bai Li Jingwei chuckled and said, "master Yulin, since you have joined the flying cloud sword king, can you tell me what you want to do this time?"Nodding his head, Shangguan Yulin really rebelled completely. Without any hesitation, he said all Shangguan Feixiong's plans.

After thinking about it a little, the hundred Li Jingwei chuckled and said, "sure enough, as expected, they are still preparing for the second surprise attack. If you want to make a surprise attack, you have to gather people and horses, and you can't disperse your actions. So, where are you staying in Feiyun city... "

"Qianmen courtyard, ancient home!" In the eye fine awn flash, Shangguan Yulin coldly smiles, very simply betrays a way.

Eyebrow a shake, a hundred Li longitude latitude secretly ponder: "Qianmen courtyard ancient home? It seems a little familiar! "

"Don't you know me well, Prime Minister of Baili, this ancient home is not elsewhere. It's the old home of Gu Yifan, which you regard as your guest of honor today."


Not from a Leng, a hundred miles of longitude and latitude rarely stunned: "ancient master, he is also your people? But I heard the king of Feiyun sword say that you are not good at refining alchemy. How can you produce such an alchemist? "

"Well, what are our people? He deserves it? Hum, he's just a gangster... " As soon as Zhuo fan was mentioned, Shangguan Yulin was so angry that he gritted his teeth and told the whole story. Then he told him: "prime minister, that Gu Yifan is also a spy of Shangguan family, but he is my backup. You must wipe him and not let him pass on any information!"

Alternate? You should be his backup!

Squint glanced at him, and shook his head undeniably, but there was still a trace of inexplicable sadness in his eyes. Master Gu, what a rare genius! How could he be the enemy?

Anyway, he didn't have so much entanglement with Shangguan family. What he did was fame and wealth. He could still pull it over and use it for me!

Thinking of this, Bai Li Jing Wei already had a measurement in his heart. He could not help laughing and looked at Shangguan Yulin and said, "Shangguan childe, you have made great contributions to the flying cloud sword king and your uncle this time. It also makes up for a huge loophole. You know, Ben Xiang originally planned to push the ancient master to the capital of the emperor. He was not really prepared for him. He almost made a big mistake. Fortunately, he was reminded by the young master. For this reason, please accept my respect

As he said that, the hundred Li longitude and latitude were already deeply worshipped. Seeing this, Shangguan Yulin quickly held him up and shook his head vigorously. He did not dare to say that, but his face was full of elation.

Look, the hundreds of miles of longitude and latitude actually worship me, Laozi cow!

Seeing this, Shangguan Fei Yun sneered and shook his head undeniably

"Prime minister, how do you want that boy to die? Or do I do it? " His eyelids fluttered wildly. Shangguan Yulin looked excited, but soon he seemed to think of something. He added: "it's just that the girl beside him is my cousin. Please give her to me. Don't hurt her. I promise she won't hinder you in any way."

As if he saw what he was thinking, Bai Li Jing Wei couldn't help laughing: "that girl It's the man you like

Not from a Zheng, Shangguan Yulin cheek slightly red, stagnated a little, lightly nodded.

"Ha ha ha Don't worry. Since you are a childe's person, I won't hurt her. " Slowly swing hand, a hundred miles longitude latitude promise way.

Can't help laughing, Shangguan Feiyun also nodded to promise: "yes, although I have a grudge with my elder brother, but at least that girl is my niece, how can I start with my niece?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yulin was relieved.

"So When are you going to do it, boy

"No, we need him to live for a while." Slowly shaking his head, a hundred miles of longitude and latitude irrefutable smile.


But when Shangguan Yulin heard this, he was surprised and asked, "why?"

"Because after the meeting of the Dan king, his reputation has become too great. If something happens to him, he will certainly frighten the snake!" The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and Jingwei's eyes were bright and bright: "besides, we still need him to send news to Shangguan's family."

"What news do you want to send? I can!" Can't wait to pat chest, Shangguan Yulin said, Zhuo fan can do, he can do.

But Bai Li Jing Wei looked at him, but he shook his head with a smile: "Yulin childe, you really can't do this, because this Dan meeting, you have been eliminated!"

"I I was eliminated? "

"Yes, if you don't eliminate them, how can you monitor Shangguan Feixiong's movements all the time?"

A strange smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and a hundred Li Jingwei faintly said: "originally, I thought that Shangguan's family would only send a spy, so after I found you, I pretended to admit you, and then sent you back to work for Feiyun palace. But now that there are two people, it is more appropriate. Besides the information I want to give to the officials, I also want to know their choices. Perhaps just a moment of delay, there will be different actions. So I decided to use Gu Yifan to spread false information. You can watch Shangguan Feixiong and see if he is suspicious. In this way, my deployment will be more precise with two pronged measures. Do you understand? "

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