Whoosh, whoosh

The two bright swords collide, and after half a moment's deadlock, they immediately cancel each other out and dissipate in the void. However, the two forces of pressure suddenly turned into a tornado, attacking everything around them, forcing people to breathe tightly and squint. Even if he is a master of returning to the Yuan Dynasty, he has a tendency to be blown apart by the strong wind.

As for the surrounding carved beams and paintings, pavilions and pavilions, they were blown into ruins by the fierce force. They went up for nine days and disappeared. Within a hundred Li, there is a piece of yellow sand at a glance.

When the smoke and dust dispersed and the wind calmed down, people looked up again. But not far away, there were three old figures standing quietly beside Shangguan Feixiong, but they were the three most powerful worshippers of Shangguan's family.

At this moment, they are gently supporting his body, secretly using Yuan Li to nourish his breath and help him heal, but a pair of cold eyes, but they are closely watching the danqingsheng here, and their eyes are full of vigilance.

After taking a deep look at the three old men, danqingsheng could not help chuckling and said: "presumably, the three are the most powerful guardians of Dongzhou. They are the most powerful worshippers of the upper authorities. They are the three cloud swords in Dongzhou. I've heard about them for a long time. In the past, I heard that two masters mentioned the names of the three elders. They were as famous as the masters. As soon as I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation! "

"Hum, Shuanglong, the Supreme Master of Xizhou, is really a good apprentice!"

However, when the three old guys looked at danqingsheng, they gave a cold smile and said with sarcasm on their faces: "anyway, those two old guys are also the main people in Xizhou. The alliance of four states is the mainstay of fighting against Zhongzhou. I didn't expect that my apprentice should be the running dog of Zhongzhou sword star empire. Ha ha, it's ridiculous

The three old fellows made a burst of ridicule. Although the Shangguan family were afraid of danqingsheng's strength, their eyes were full of ridicule. However, danqingsheng was not impressed at all. He nodded with a light smile: "what the three elders said is very true. I am indeed a disgrace to our school and become an invincible running dog of jianzun. However, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. Who doesn't have one or two bad people? I'm just a disciple of Shuanglong academy, but the second master of your mansion is a decent successor of Shangguan's family. I don't want to be a running dog here, ha ha... "


The three worshippers were choked and speechless. Their faces were flushed and glared, and their teeth were gnawed with hatred.

Yes, danqingsheng is a traitor, but he has no relationship with Shuanglong as a master and apprentice, and is not his own son. Who has no family has a few scum who humiliates his school?

But they are not the same. Shangguan Feiyun is the second master of Shangguan's lineage. He has the most noble Shangguan family in Dongzhou, and his status is respected. Even the top management like your family has defected. Are you willing to blame others?

All of a sudden, the three old men seemed to swallow a fly alive, and their hearts were depressed.

If I had known this, I would not mention it. My ass is not clean. Do you still care if someone's ass is stained with excrement?

Alas, I'm being ridiculed by others now, but I can't return my mouth. It's really a shame to throw home!

The rest of the Shangguan family heard what Dan Qingsheng said, but they also stood still. Then they lowered their heads and stopped talking about it


Again spit out a dark red congestion, Shangguan Feixiong took a deep breath, and finally felt much better, and his face was ruddy. However, he had just recovered, but he did not need to be well cultivated. He hastily took the hands of the three worshippers and said, "no, we have been cheated. We have to withdraw quickly, or the consequences will be serious and unimaginable!"

"I know, Feixiong, don't worry, there are three of me!"

He nodded at a fixed point. One of the worshippers immediately turned to look at the rest of the people, and said, "come, escort the master to escape here. I'll cut off the empress for you!"


As soon as he nodded his head in a hurry, a few people from the upper official family came over and took the upper official Feixiong's arm and retreated back in a hurry. Seeing this scene, danqingsheng's face was indifferent, and each one waved his hand and said, "chase!"

As soon as the voice fell, the person behind him also immediately became a congealed pupil, and immediately rushed up with a murderous face: "yes, Lord sword!"

"Well, it's not so easy to hurt our master!"

With a cold smile, the three worshippers rushed forward at the right time, and the powerful pressure immediately came out. The pursuers breathed heavily and stopped.

With a twinkle in his pupils, he raised his feet and rushed up. The pressure was released in an instant, and he pressed them to the three people, which suddenly offset their strong pressure: "three elders, if you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

"Well, today, the three old men will clean up the door for the two supreme masters. Hum!"

With a cold hum, the three men did not affectation, and immediately rushed up. They joined hands and flew away without stopping their swords. With cold intent, they took the lead of danqingsheng.

And the painting is not a kind of good kind. With a flash of fine light in his eyes, the Taoist dragon sings and roars to the sky, and the most powerful sword is also sent out, sweeping the sky.

All of a sudden, the four of you came and went and fought together. The unique sword Gang, like a deadly God of death sickle, is constantly crossing the void. Even the whole space is shaking and seems to be breaking at any time.Seeing this, all the people were frightened and did not dare to step closer to the four, lest they would be involved in the fierce fight. Those experts who return to the yuan and melt the soul behind the danqingsheng are more careful to bypass the aftereffect of the four men's war, and then they suddenly chase after the officials, and then quickly get rid of them!

"When the enemy comes, leave 100 returning masters, and the rest will escort the master to leave!"

Looking at the pursuers getting closer and closer, a senior member of the family immediately gave a big drink. All of them nodded together and rushed behind to block the pursuers and let the injured Shangguan Feixiong leave in time.

These pursuers are also ordinary cultivators. They are not so abnormal as the king of nine swords. Although the number of Shangguan's followers is relatively small, they are all elites, which can block the moment.

But just as the rest of the crowd retreated along the original road, there was a slight hum, and an invisible wave suddenly sounded. Then, in the eyes of the people, the boundary of the palace, which had been destroyed by them, appeared again.

And this time, it's not external protection. The protective array of the border is actually facing inside, just like dumplings. They are firmly wrapped in it!

"No, we're trapped. Break through the border and rush out!"

Pupil can't help but shrink, Shangguan Feixiong can't help but be shocked and yelled.

Hearing this, hundreds of experts immediately came forward, and the powerful impact of Yuan force all hit the border. However, listening to the sound of bang, but there is no crack in the border, and even tremor does not occur.

This can't help but make people pale. The intensity of the border is not the same as that of just now!

The three worshippers who had been fighting with danqingsheng in the distance seemed to have noticed the situation here. They were not surprised and rushed to jump out of the battle circle. The three of them joined hands to once again display their strong swords and sent them to the border.


This time, the sword's light bombarded on the border, which made a huge sound, and the border was shaking constantly. However, it was only shaking for a few times, then calmed down again, there was no sign of breaking open.

The pupils of his eyes could not help shrinking, and even the three great offerings this time, they could not help showing a look of horror.

What's going on? How can the border be so strong?


However, at this time, a bright sword was suddenly cut through the void and hit a worshipped shoulder with a puff, which made him spit out a mouthful of red blood!

Slowly put down his two fingers, Dan Qingsheng glanced at them gently, and said faintly: "how, fight with me, do you still have leisure to worry about other things?"

The eyebrows trembled fiercely, and the three worshippers bit their teeth, and their hearts were filled with hatred. This painting is too strong to be under Shangguan Feiyun.

Just now, in order to help the Shangguan family break through the boundary and escape from the heaven, they were only distracted, and they were caught by him and hurt one of them.

The winner or loser of a master is only in a moment, especially for a peerless master like Dan Qingsheng.

They are sure that if they continue to talk about him like this, they will be completely killed by the first person in the western state next time.

For a time, the three faces are quite dignified, looking at the danqingsheng eyes dare not have the slightest relaxation.

I'm sorry, Feixiong. The three of us are entangled with the Dragon Sword king, and we are lack of skills. We can't help you any more. You can't help yourself.

In this way, the three of them, no matter what else, suddenly rushed to danqingsheng and devoted themselves to the fight against the king of nine swords.

With a slight smile, danqingsheng also stepped on his feet and ran to the past

On the other hand, Shangguan Feixiong and others continue to bombard the border, but it is not the result. The border was still as stable as Mount Tai, and there was no tremor. There was no scene when the three worshipped.

This shows that, with their strength, the border is not shaken at all. However, at this time, the people who obstruct the pursuit of soldiers are gradually not supported. If they can not open a back road, they will be completely dumplings by the other party.

With this in mind, Shangguan Feixiong was sweating, his eyes were congested, and he was about to crack

"Ha ha Don't try any more. You can't escape! "

All of a sudden, in this extremely critical moment, a chuckle is suddenly issued. Then, with the emergence of a strong atmosphere, hundreds of people, a young childe's figure, slowly appeared in front of the public, blocking their retreat, but it was the prime minister's hundred Li longitude and latitude.

After a deep look at Shangguan Feixiong, Bai Li Jing Wei sneered: "Shangguan, you don't have to struggle in vain. This border is the best eleven grade array masters in the capital of the emperor. It took a little half a month to set up the eleven grade array and lock the sky array. They all used the spirit mine, which is comparable to the twelve grade array, and can withstand the nine sword King level experts at least ten times Give it a full shot. In other words, only the three most powerful worshippers and ten combats can you break the array. Unfortunately, they are fighting with the Dragon Sword king. Do you have this chance? I'm afraid not three times, the three of them should die, ha ha So you have no life at all! "The words of a hundred Li longitude and latitude, just like the sentence of death, suddenly let the hearts of all the officials sink to the bottom of the valley, and have no hope of being born again

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