With a pop, Eusys fell from where he slept.

Jusses’ expression could be described as stunned, because he was not outside, but in his own home. That’s all, there is another person next to the problem, and this person is also a famous beauty Lias senior in the school, and the most important thing is that she knows that she is still a superior demon.

“Why is she here?” While Yuses was stunned, he couldn’t help but think. Senior Lias seems to have been circling around herself, what is the purpose of this? Predecessor! -I was not clearly influenced by Hyoto’s thoughts.

“Well, it’s already morning?” Lias’s sweet voice sounded in Euthys’s ears. Lias slowly got up and stretched.

“Good morning,” Lias greeted Juses with a smile. , it doesn’t seem strange that the situation with both is not surprising. Generally speaking, if an ordinary woman is an ordinary woman, the first reaction is to shout loudly, followed by various dark weapons to greet, and finally the plot of snatching the door. But Lias is different, as Jusyth said, she is a demon, and as a demon king of another world, the breath of demons is the most ordinary and different thing for Jusses.

“Why are you in?” asked Lyas.

“I’m Lias Gremori, a demon,” Lias said to Juses in a comfortable gesture.

“And still your master! Please advise. Hyoto Kazujo-kun,” Riyath said. At the same time, the voice of Ichijo’s mother came from the stairs, “Ichijo, get up quickly, you’re going to be late, Ichijo” footsteps kept coming in.

“I’ll get up right away, I’ll come down, wait…,” Yusyth replied in a panic, this is ice and hail, if this is seen, his reputation as a demon king will be ruined, and Yusys seems to have been ignoring that he is now a substitute for Hyoto Kazujo’s identity, completely fake. Eusys didn’t know where the strength came from, and grabbed the sheets.

“Ichijo, when are you going to sleep?” Squeak, the door was pushed open by Ichijo’s mother, but… “Good morning” Lias greeted Ichijo’s mother. But looking at Lias’s room in Ichijo. In particular, the froze expression on Eusys’ face was even more certain of what was in Ichijo’s mother’s mind. “Good morning. Come on….. Ready,” Ichijo’s mother said intermittently, closing the door by the way. Then the mother shouted in shock, “Child’s father” “Child’s mother, what’s wrong?” The face has changed, is Ichijo doing strange things again early in the morning? “Ichijo’s father’s voice came from downstairs.” Foreigners, a city… He “had another shake downstairs… At this time, Euthys, who was identified as a city, had already knelt and was gorgeously unconscious. It can only be said that this demon king has suffered too much.

After a few minutes, Juses woke up unconscious. However, the dignifiedly dressed Lias is still in front of her. “Your house is really lively! Ichijo-kun” Lias stepped aside, “Oh, do you remember what happened yesterday?

“Yesterday?” Jusyth hesitantly asked, why would she ask? By the way, yesterday she was in a coma, but when she woke up, she was in the room, and it seems that she brought herself back. She also claimed to be her master, and the red magic array on her body was also set up by her.

“I just remember a guy trying to kill me, and somehow he passed out,” Eusys said. He can’t tell the truth before his strength is restored, maybe he will be used as a guinea pig to unravel and study.

“Well? Yes, then there is no way. Lias replied, but her heart was full of doubts, and Hyoto Kazujo did not seem surprised by his demon identity, as if he had known it for a long time.

“Huh? I can’t imagine your unexpected innocence, not as as school performance,” Lias said.

“This, from the outside, can not see the true face of a person. Ha… Ha…” Eusys snorted, hurriedly covering up the past. “Also, the world is full of a lot of incredible,” Lias seemed to agree with Jusses. “Just now, it seems to say [Demon] or something? Jusyses hurriedly diverted from the subject. “That’s right, I’m a demon, it’s your master, can I call you a city?” Lias said. “Ahhh… Oh” Eusys had to agree for the time being, Mingzhe to save his life


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………

In the private Juwang Academy, everyone was stunned and saw something incredible.


“That guy, how is that possible?

“That kind of obscene guy actually …”

“Lord Lias…”

Under the incredulous gaze of everyone, Kazuki Hyoto walked into the school with Lias Gremori.

Alas, how long will this life need to last? Eusys thought speechlessly. Looking at the eyes that all wanted to kill themselves, Eusys sighed, he is probably the most defeated demon king of the dark race, and it is the shame of the demon king.

Walking into the hall, “I’ll send someone to you later,” Lias said to Jusses. “Send someone?” Jusys asked curiously. “See you after school,” Lias said and left.

Phew, finally alone, come and go to the library and learn about the world. But the sky is in trouble, there is murder! Eusys instinctively wanted to teleport away, but his body did not react, and Jusyth was hit hard by a savage punch. “Yicheng, until yesterday we were still an alliance that didn’t eat fragrant, right?” Matsuda said with tears in his eyes. “Calm down, Matsuda,” Motohama said indifferently. “Motohama?” “Anyway, let’s listen to the reason, Ichijo. What really happened after we were separated yesterday? Motohama roared, this is changing too fast. Yesterday it was still a threesome, today with the first idol of the school.

What to do? How to drag it over? Jusyth thought to himself, by the way, these two guys are. Pregnant! “Matsuda, Motohama, have you seen Minister Lias’s true appearance?” asked Jusyth seriously.

“Don’t understand”

“Never seen”

For Matsuda and Motohama, the words of Eusys are equivalent to the damage of a volcanic eruption………………

“Then you guys have to work hard” After continuing to give Matsuda and Motohama a pound of bombs, Eusys dashed away, leaving the two who had been petrified. In fact, Yusyth was also very nervous in his heart, and he was afraid that he would not use it.

Lias walked upstairs. “That’s the kid? Gui’an, Lias,” a beautiful woman asked Lias. “Gui’an, Canna,” Lias responded. “Turning him into your dependents on impulse is really not like your style.” Canna said. “Is it? Even if there is an extra stupid brother, but there seem to be many secrets in the stupid brother, I will slowly dig them out, which is also one of the fun,” Lias said.

Eusys was bold in absenteeism, for him school books were not useless things, the kind that he could remember after reading them once. Eusys spent the day in the school library reading books and learning about the civilization of this world. Walking out of the library, Eusys met a handsome boy. “Oh, Ichijo-kun,” the boy said. “You’re Yuto Kiba, what’s the matter,” Yusyth asked, looking at the handsome blond guy. “I can’t imagine you know me. Senior Lias Gremori sent me, and you’ve been looking for me for a long time,” Kiba said with a smile.

Eusys followed Kiba Yuto into the old dormitory of the private Komao Academy. In the dark room, three candles burned slowly, emitting a soft light, and in the center of the room was a table and two sofas, and a white-haired girl was sitting on the sofa eating. “She’s a first-year Tajo kitten,” Yuto Kiba introduced to Jusses. The tower city kitten looked at Eusys, “This is Hyoto Kazujo” Kiba Yuto introduced Eusys to the kitten, after all, he was a newcomer. “Hello” Eusys greeted the kitten, this was the etiquette he learned from the book, since he was going to live here for a while, at least the basic things should be understood. However, the Tacheng kitten did not pay attention to Eusys and still ate. Eusys was also unimpressed. “Ah, la-la-la, you’re a new ministry, aren’t you?” A long-haired beauty with black hair and a single ponytail walked towards Eusys, tall and slender, with a beautiful face that had the temperament of a big sister next door. “When we first met, I was Shuno Himejima, who was the deputy minister. Please take care of you in the future,” Himejima Juno smiled at Juses. “I’m Yu… Hyoto Kazujo, first meeting” Jusyth almost replied, and the real name quickly changed his words. “Well?” Junai Himejima pressed his finger to his chin, puzzled by Yusesgang’s words, he seemed to be hiding something. Eusys smiled very embarrassed, and he almost showed his stuffing again, but there are so many beautiful women in this place, the royal sister Loli next door, if Ichijo controls this body, it is estimated that he will be excited.

“I’m sorry for waiting for a long time, because I came directly to school after leaving your house.” Lias came out of the room, her hands wiping her bright red hair with a towel.

“No, please don’t care,” said Jusses.

“Well, all of us are here, and we welcome you to the Paranormal Research Department,” Lias said. “Yes, the paranormal research department is just a superficial form, something similar to my interests.”

“What does that mean?” Eusys asked.

“I’ll just say it bluntly, we’re demons.” Lias said.

“It’s really straightforward.”

“The man who killed you yesterday was a fallen angel. As messengers of God, but with evil feelings, angels who have fallen into the underworld manipulate human beings to destroy our demons. Since ancient times, around the hegemony of the underworld, that is, the so-called “hell” in the human world, in addition to fallen angels, there are also angels who have accepted God’s orders to come and destroy demons, that is, the situation of the three kingdoms. Have you understood it so far? Lias asked Jusyth after speaking.

“Well” Jusys replied, it seems that the gods of this world are the same as the supreme gods, they all want to destroy our demons, and the demons are not cruel and hypocritical gods as written in the novel, and in the end they have not been killed by our demons.

“Okay, now it’s time for me to ask questions,” Lias cocked her feet directly across from Jusses.

“What?” Eusys suddenly had a bad feeling.

“So, let me ask a question. Who are you? Lias asked Jusyses in a serious voice.

“Hehe, Senior Lias really can joke, didn’t you already know my name? I’m Kazujo Hyoto,” Yusys replied with a smile.

“Hehe, it was before, but judging from all the performances just now, you are not at all. Because you’re too bland on the topic of demons. A person’s reaction without exposure to demons is not this reaction at all. Most importantly, Kazuki Hyoto is, and you are not. Lias said.

“This…. I’ve seen a lot of demonic stories, so…” Eusys still wanted to hide his past. But seeing that he was surrounded, Euthys also planned to give up his death throes, and now he is not an opponent at all. Damn the High God, curse you to death. However, it seems that the supreme god of the other world is dead, and there is still no corpse. “Okay, I’ll confess.”

“That’s right,” Lias said with a smile as she waved everyone to sit down.

“I’m really not Nakazuki, my name is Eusys, the Nascent Demon King,” Eusys said cautiously.

“Demon King?” Everyone was taken aback. However, this demon king is a very weak kind no matter how he looks at it.

“Yes, I am a newborn demon king from the high-dimensional other world, and I am now temporarily borrowing the body of Hyoto Kazujo.” Jusyth continued.

“And what about Kazujo Hyoto? Also, the strength of your demon king from another world is too weak. Himejima Jun said.

“Kazuki Hyoto is now sleeping in the Book of the Demon King, otherwise his soul will dissipate. My body has been destroyed by the Supreme God of the original world, so I can’t exert my power now, and when I finish transforming this body, I will resurrect Kazuki Hyoto. Eusys said.

“Supreme God? Why do you say that you are a newborn demon king and not a demon king? Lias became interested.

“Yes, there are gods in this world, and naturally my original world also has them, but they are dead. Killed by the seven demon kings of our dark family. The Dark One only has my infantile bloodline left. So I can only be regarded as a newborn demon king. Any more questions? It will take me a while to return this body and Hyoto Ichijo,” Eusys explained.

“No, first of all, welcome you Eusys and become a member of the Paranormal Research Department.” Lias said to Jusyth with a smile.

“Don’t you care about a city?” asked Jusses.

“No, we didn’t know Ichijo originally, but there were some special reasons to pay attention to him. But the contract is signed on you, right? Jusses,” Lias said to Jusses.

“It is the contract that is on me, because the soul of Ichijo is in the Book of the Demon King. But this contract doesn’t work much for me, like this. “Eusys forcibly suppressed the contract on one side of the body and could not work.” Demon kings from other worlds cannot be contracted. Once I regain my strength, I can lift it unilaterally. Eusys said.

“Then, will you break the contract of my master?” Lias suddenly hugged Eusys directly behind and asked sweetly. Lias’s performance made Eusys shiver. “This…” swallowed Eusys. Isn’t this demon afraid of this demon king? Eusys didn’t know that Lias had known his weakness since she saw Jussys’s performance in the morning, the identity of the Demon King? She didn’t care about the demon king she was afraid of in the morning

“You haven’t answered my question yet”

“I will not break the contract,” Yusyth hurriedly replied subconsciously. As soon as you say it, you know it’s broken

“It’s good, as a demon king, words will count, not hypocritical like God. I kind of liked your performance and welcome you again. Lord Demon King, one more point, you are really too good to deceive, I am just tempting, and really tempted” Lias left Yusyth’s side after getting the result, and said with a smile.

Alas, how did Eusis feel that he was killed by this person, is he not a demon king, she is?

“Then, why was Hyoto Kazujo killed?” Eusys asked.

“Quite simply, he is a boarder of the artifact.”


“Extra-standard powers that dwell on specific people,” Junai Himejima replied. “It is said that there are many owners of personnel artifacts among those who have left their names in history.”

“So that’s the case, the dragon in the body is an extra-standard power,” Eusys said.

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