Eusys found himself suddenly very busy, and just after destroying the Lost Demon, he immediately received a new task from the minister. The reason was that the kitten’s commission was repeated again, so the minister gave himself one.

In the house of Euthys jumping town, the strength is restored in good condition. It’s almost to the level of level seven. The original distribution of Jussys’ world strength was illustrated by the number of levels, one to ten, quasi-god-level, god-level, god-level supreme, and the strongest divine supreme. Level one to six is relatively easy to reach, level seven is a huge hurdle, only by reaching level seven can you surpass the power of the limit, surpass your own limitations, and have your own treasures. But ninety percent of the people would find it difficult to enter the realm of a seventh-level powerhouse. It turns out that the supreme gods and demon kings of the world are all divine supreme level, but the demon king is called the dark supreme. But the Supreme God had been a Divine Supreme for too long than the Demon Kings, so he had killed the Supreme God at the cost of seven Demon Kings.

“Meiya, come out,” Yusyth said to himself.

A purple figure appeared beside Yusyth, his purple crystal eyes still full of a sly smile. “Master, call me out so late, what’s the matter?” Meiya asked.

“Meiya, I just asked you to come out and chat with me, it’s boring to stay in books all the time” Eusys really couldn’t understand why this demon of his own was such a personality.

“Then the master don’t let me return to the Book of the Demon King, it’s so lonely and empty in that dark space,” Meiya saw that Yusys felt sorry for herself, and took the opportunity to make a request. The opportunity must not be lost, and the loss will not come.

“Well, yes,” replied Jusses.

“What? Master, you agreed? Meiya didn’t react for a while. She was just joking, she was just an auxiliary envoy not a battle envoy, it was the work of the big sister who slept in the Book of the Demon King, so she generally stayed in the book.

“Yes, I agreed” Eusys thought too, it felt very bad to be alone in the dark, like drifting in a space.

“Master, you are so loving” Meiya hugged Yusyth excitedly. As a result, two people fell out of mid-air. “Wow, Meiya, pay attention to the location” Eusys hurriedly hugged Meiya, a gorgeous 720-degree rotation plus a 180-degree point landed perfectly, and the Olympic champion would say a word when he saw it.

“Yes, I’ll pay attention in the future,” Meiya said happily.

The two men walked for a while and came to a house.

“It should be here,” Jusyth rang the doorbell, “Well? The door is unlocked,” Eusys noticed that the door was open.

With a squeak, Eusys opened them and walked in, “Master, there is an aura of light purification here!” And the smell of blood. Floating in the air, Meiya suddenly said. As an auxiliary enchanter, Meiya’s sensing ability is very strong. In addition, the power of the demon envoy is directly proportional to the demon king, and the stronger the demon king’s strength, the stronger the demon envoy.

“Let’s go see first.” As soon as Eusys heard it, he felt that something was going to happen. Unpleasant twisted breath

After Yusyth and Meiya entered the illuminated inner room, they saw blood on the ground, but not far ahead was the corpse of the client.

Been killed for a while! Jusyses judged from the breath of blood. And the killer is right in front of him.

“Bad guys deserve to be punished, that’s borrowed from a certain saint,” a blonde man in a cloak sat on the couch and turned his head, his expression completely overly excited.

“Isn’t this the Demon Lord? Or two. My name is Philide Celus, a young priest from the [Demon Eradication]” Philippe saluted Jusses. If it weren’t for the corpse next to him and the hideous face at the beginning, I didn’t know that I would have thought he was a kind godfather.

“Priest!? You’re really insulting to this identity by saying this,” Yusyth taunted.

“The low-level demons also dare to make a big fuss? I can’t be a demon, that’s scum,” Philid’s blood-red eyes exuded a murderous aura. Eusys’s magic is different from this, so Phyllis cannot know the true strength of Euthys, and can only judge that Eusys is a low-level demon from the contract on the surface of Eusys. However, it is a pity that he was wrong in the first place. So the price will be great.

“The so-called priest would kill an ordinary person, a guy who is more hypocritical than the devil,” Meiya also said.

“People who depend on demons are no longer human, not human, no. So I’ll kill him,” Philid said excitedly. “Lord Ben’s job is to kill the scumbag demons and the scumbags who are deluded by the scum” Phyllis pulled out a gun and a sword of light from his clothes with both hands.

“Now start inserting this sword of light into your heart, and then fall to death with this handsome spear that will kill you in the forehead.” Philide looked excited, and seemed to have seen Euthys as prey to be slaughtered. With a bang, Phyllis jumped out, and the sword of light cut through an arc and slashed directly at Eusys. Think of one-hit kill.

Heh, in Phyllis’s surprised eyes, his sword of light could not be cut one meter away from Yusys. “What?” Philide lost his voice.

“People only choose us demons, not because they are deceived, but because they see clearly that the so-called God is hypocritical and the devil is a real, straightforward equivalent exchange. It’s not that God doesn’t feel any favor at all. Got it? You scumbag in the name of a priest! “Eusys directly conjured the Sword of Darkness and knocked the Sword of Light away, kicking Philid.

“Wow, abominable. Look at the gun” Philid fired a shot on the way to be shot off, and then slammed into the wall, directly knocking out a pit, and a huge crack appeared in the wall. … Filipd. He vomited blood and stood up tremblingly, thinking that Eusys had been killed by himself, that he had not yet been able to move. But the facts ruthlessly shattered Phyllis’ fantasies. The purifying bullets fired floated alive in front of Jusses, not advancing. “How is it possible”

“You can’t hurt me with this attack, less than a level six scum,” Eusys said. The gods of this world seem to be as hypocritical as the Supreme God, obviously their own desires but want to play the role of savior. Da, the exorcist’s special bullet fell to the ground in Felid’s incredulous eyes. “You don’t know the strength of the master, even if the master loses most of his strength now, it is not something you can provoke,” Meiya said.

Eusys casually slashed out a sword, and the huge black sword qi cut through the floor and rushed towards Felid. It’s better to have disappeared sooner if this kind of random killing scum. Philide dodged to the side in embarrassment and dodged the attack. Just as Eusys was about to strike again, “Ah” a familiar woman’s scream sounded.

With the costume of a nun, long blonde hair, beautiful face, onyx-like eyes. It was Aisha Aljet, whom Eusys had known for a short time.

“It’s Aisha the assistant, hurry up and help me heal my injuries and kill this guy again” Philid stood up again in embarrassment.

“What’s going on, Ichijo…,” Aisha said, looking at the corpse on the floor and Juses with the Dark Sword in his hand.

“He killed him.” Eusys said.

“You actually know each other? He and the little girl next to him are demons. And that’s what we do, to dispose of people who are deluded by demons and deal with demons. Aisha, come and help me heal my wounds. Philide said, but his eyes were full of fierceness.

“Demon, Ichijo are you? Aisha helped Felid heal and said.

“Yes, sorry, because the relationship of the camp cannot explain the identity with you.” Jusyth said apologetically.

Aisha’s treatment is top-notch, and between words, Philide’s injury is fine. Yusyth didn’t really show his strength, but he just kicked it casually.

“Okay, Aisha, the next thing is to kill the two demons with me,” Philid said fiercely, mixed with hatred.

But Aisha stood in between the two. “Please don’t fight, each side back”

“Do you know what you’re doing?” Philide scolded.

“Even the devil, Ichijo is also a good person.” And God doesn’t allow this kind of thing,” Aisha said. She doesn’t seem to have yet to judge who is on the weaker side. Embarrassed Philid and calm-looking Jusses.

“Ah, don’t say stupid things” In Aisha’s shocked eyes and Yuses’s angry eyes, Philid slashed through Aisha’s clothes with a sword, flowing out of her white body. Frightened, Aisha hurriedly covered her exposed body.

Bang, Philide was once again kicked out by Jusyth angrily, and directly broke through the wall. “Meiya, help Aisha repair her clothes” Euthys, who exuded an astonishing momentum, walked out of the house step by step. At this time, a red magic appeared in the house


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