“We have long known that you have intentions to hinder my plans, but we also did not expect that the Demon Lord would be involved. But as long as I kill you, the Demon King will have to die,” Karavana said. Just as the side of Jusyth began to fight, Lias’s side also began to fight.

“Junai,” Lias said casually, not seeming to take them seriously.

“Yes, Minister,” Junai’s narrowed eyes opened, indicating that she was ready to make a real move. Zhu Nai stretched out his hand towards the sky, and the originally clear night sky was quickly obscured by black clouds, and tears welled up in the black clouds. Boom, a thunder landed on Zhu Nai, and Zhu Nai, who was baptized by thunder light, changed his clothes and wore a witch costume on his body.

“What, do you want to use cosplay to fight me?” Midilt pointed at Junai and cursed. Is this a god horse, look down on yourself? It’s unbearable.

Zhu Nai did not answer, his hands were sealed, “Ha” Zhu Nai stretched his hands to the sky, and one after another small red magic arrays appeared, bringing Midilt and Caravana. Jessica surrounded.

“It’s actually an enchantment, which is quite bad.”

“Well, don’t you want to escape from this cage,” Junai’s violent tendencies were committed again, and looking at Mithiert they were like seeing prey.

“You guys were going to be…” asked Kalavana.

“Well, it’s just to clean you up and hurt my dependents, it’s not so good. Honestly disappear,” Lias said.

“By the end of the ceremony, she’ll be an existence that even you can’t fight against,” Jessica said. After speaking, the three beams of light combined together thundered with Lias, but an amazing fluctuation erupted from Lias’s body.

“Because of you, I almost fell out with my most special demon king, so you have to bear my wrath” A huge dark red color appeared in Lias’s hands, and the three of them…


Underground sacrifices, …

“Eusys, I’m sorry, we…” Yuto apologized to Jusses, they couldn’t…

In front, Linali, who was surrounded by more than a dozen fallen angels, was smiling proudly, emitting green light, and just now, she got Aisha’s artifact from Aisha-the smile of the Virgin. Has the power to heal gods and demons. And Aisha, who lost her artifact, … There is no breath of life.

“Ahhhhh No, it’s Jusses, you’re late. I now get what I want, and your Aisha has gone to God, isn’t that her long-cherished wish? I helped her too” Linali laughed, and Linali believed that she had obtained the supreme power and had become the supreme fallen angel. I am no longer afraid.

Boom, a huge coercive pressure instantly enveloped the entire sacrifice, and everyone felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the weak ones knelt directly on the ground. Snapping, the ground began to crack and spread into the distance. Coercion emanated precisely from Jusses. Linali barely condensed the spear of light. Bang, without words, Eusys smashed the ground, grabbed Linali’s head and pressed it directly against the wall before Linali could react. Boom, Linali was pressed into the wall abruptly, this is not over, Eusys swung the broken soul, boom, the entire wall was shattered, Linali was directly knocked out. “Meiya, hymn of life, prepare for the apostolic ceremony” Jusyth cut his finger, and almost a small cup of blood flowed into Aisha’s mouth.

“Yes, master.” Meiya lowered Aisha from the cross, “Dust to dust, earth to earth…………

“Ah, cough” Linali was blasted out of the ground from the ground, and a wound in front of her body was deep in the bone, and the bones in her whole body were almost shattered. Euthys deliberately avoided the fatal wound, and he wanted to torture the angel well.

Why, why the smile of the Virgin cannot heal her wounds, why this city is so strong, and she is now the supreme angel

“Any idea why your injuries can’t be healed? Because I am a demon king, artifacts cannot eliminate the level gap. Do you know why I won’t kill you for now, because I want to give you a good taste of what pain is. Aisha, she will not die, no one can take it away. Eusys came out of the shattered wall and plunged a sword into Linali’s left hand, breaking Linaly’s tendon.

“Ah…” Linali’s whole body was tormented by the curse from the broken soul, and she couldn’t bear to die. Demon… Wang.., how is this possible” Linali did not believe the words of Eusys, how could a person who was originally killed by himself casually be a demon king.

A flash of red light flashed, and Lias appeared behind Jusses and watched Juses torture Linaly. If it weren’t for seeing that Euthysis’ consciousness would still be clear. Lias even wondered if the demonic Euthys had appeared.

Eusys slowly picked off Linali’s tendons with one sword after another, he had never been so angry, this was the first time he had done so.

“Ahhh Kill me…” Linali couldn’t bear it anymore, her body and soul were suffering. But you can’t die.

“Jusses,” said Lias.

“Ah, I see” Eusys looked at the painfully immobile Linali on the ground, “The gap between the fallen angels of the two worlds is really big” Eusys stared at Linali, the golden pupils lit up, and the Linali on the ground was gone, leaving nothing, only the smile of the Virgin remained.

On the church bench, Aisha slept quietly, sleeping quietly. A golden magic array was engraved under him.

“Sorry, Minister. I said something very excessive before. Eusys said.

“No, you’re just not familiar with being a dependent demon, but as a demon king, I appreciate it very much,” Lias said. The demon king originally did what he wanted to do.

“So, are you going to do it? I have another way to try, maybe it can bring Aisha back to life. “Lias thought of a way to transform Aisha into a demon, maybe she could come back to life.

“Let Aisha be my first apostle,” Eusys said, holding Aisha’s surviving hand.

“Apostle?” Everyone except Meiya spoke in unison.

“Yes, so that Aisha can come back to life and borrow my power, so she doesn’t have to worry about being hurt.” But the price is that Aisha will become my apostle and become the highest demon. Jusses looked at Lias again. Minister”

“Is there something wrong?” replied Lias.

“I’m your dependent.”

“Yes, of course you are my dependent, or special”

“Then, the apostles of the dependents can also be considered your dependents,” Eusys said, looking at Aisha.

“It should be considered according to the relationship,” Lias replied after a moment’s thought. The possessions of dependents belong to the owner, so the dependents of dependents are also indirect dependents of themselves

“So, Minister, Aisha can enter the Department of Paranormal Research,” Eusys said.

“Well, it turns out that there are so many circles, and this is the idea. Yes, but I’m a little jealous now, my own dependents don’t please their master, but they fight to death for a girl,” Lias looks like you’re going to curry favor.

“Yes, yes. It’s my fault,” Jusyth closed his eyes and prepared for the ceremony. “In the name of the demon king Euthys, the soul of Ru wakes up from the infinite abyss, becomes my apostle, born for me” The golden magic array emitted a dazzling light, and the white stars continued to gather, and finally synthesized the appearance of Aisha, which is the soul of Aisha’s dissipation, and now it is forcibly summoned back by Eusys.

“Well,” Aisha slowly opened her eyes. Looking at Eusis and the others, he didn’t react for a while.

“Welcome back Aisha,” Eusys smiled.

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