“Minister, you are ready,” Junai’s voice informed Lias through the transmission.

Eusys has successfully invaded the gymnasium with Kitten, this is Lias’s deployment, and occupying the gymnasium first is the first condition.

Eusys and the kitten did not hide their meaning at all and walked out directly.

“I didn’t expect you to show up on your own, although we had expected you to come here” The four of them had been standing there for a long time.

“I am the [Chariot] Xuelan,” said a female demon in a fighting suit.

“[Soldier] Mira, Iru, Otoro” Mira and a pair of loli twins who were defeated by Jusyth also introduced themselves.

“I’m not used to it for the time being,” the kitten said something strange.

“Just be fine. The soldier handed it over to me,” Eusys summoned the Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor. Last night, I had a good chat with Dolegu and got a lot of interesting things.

“Be careful,” the kitten said. The two people rushed to the opposite side like wolves.

And on the Phoenix side.

“Did it really start from the center? What happened to the Einsatzgruppen Corps? Phoenix said.

The Queen’s Yubelura unfolds a magic ball that shows the direction of the Einsatzgruppen team. “Three soldiers, Shuria, Malleu, and Bironte, are infiltrating the enemy position.


“Hmph, ha” Xuelan rushed towards the kitten strongly. Fire burst out under his feet, and a series of powerful kicks left the kitten defensive temporarily. Xuelan then threw her fist and slashed a one-meter-long mark in the air. The kitten hurriedly flipped back and moved sideways to avoid Xuelan’s powerful blow. But immediately after that, Xuelan slammed her legs after a blow, and the huge impact scraped the kitten’s clothes, revealing the red underwear inside.

“Ha” Xuelan came with another powerful side kick on the kitten’s body, and a huge cyclone flew out through the kitten. “Uh” Xuelan found her foot caught by the kitten. The kitten immediately pulled over, and in Xuelan’s surprised eyes, the kitten directly hit Xuelan’s face with a right hook, and a fist mark remained on Xuelan’s face. Another collision knocked Xuelan out a few meters away. Sherran fell to the ground and groaned. The strange power of “What kind of divine are you” is comparable to the [Queen] level.

“I am Lord Lias’s servant” The kitten turned to look at the battle of Euthys, and the people were looking at him. Three people had fallen on the floor of Eusys. The three were defeated by Euthys with one blow, and in an instant.

“How fast!” Kitten also solved Shenandoah.

Student Union Office.

“It’s unexpected, that dependant named Ichijo,” Tsubaki said.

“The speed and strength of the terror, and even more so, the three soldiers did not resist at all. That’s what cares me the most. When the results of the investigation come out, you may know “Canna looked at the calm face of Yuses, what kind of divine are you.” Soon the truth came out.

“Jusses,” came Lias’s voice.

“Minister, mission accomplished.” Eusys replied.

“Junai is ready, follow your plan. I’m going too,” Lias said.

“Let’s go” Eusys and Kitten quickly evacuated the gymnasium. In the sky, a huge thundercloud flashed with electricity and boomed. A lightning bolt more than ten meters thick slashed down fiercely, and a huge explosion sounded, accompanied by the splash of huge boulders, the original gymnasium had been razed to the ground, and nothing was left.

Vice Minister Zhu Nai really has violent genes. This time, Juses 100% determined the S characteristics of Junai. Looking at Zhu Nai’s intoxicated look, Yusyth felt cold, how violent this is to have an expression.

“One [Chariot] and three [Soldiers] of Lord Reisel cannot continue to fight, retreat” Gurefia’s voice sounded, indicating that Reisel Phoenix was missing three people.

Suddenly a purple light hit between Euthys and the kitten. There was an explosion, and huge smoke enveloped both of them.

The “Break” Coming is Phoenix’s [Queen] by Bellura

“Oh, Lias, don’t underestimate me” Phoenix laughed in the headmaster’s room, he had already thought of Lias’s plan.

The smoke was dispersed by a wind drawn by Jusses. The kitten had fallen to the ground. “I’m really unwilling,” the kitten said and disappeared, without the slightest expression of guilt. “Ah, just come back later. I’ll just fix it,” Eusys said.

“What’s going on? Why wasn’t her prompted to quit? “The [Queen] of Reisel said strangely by Bellula.

“I’ll tell you when you exit” A pair of four wings up to ten meters long appeared behind Yusys, and the four wings composed of pure black magic shook gently, pulling up bursts of light dust. Compared to Jusses, Yubelura looks very small.

“How is that possible. With such a magnitude of magic, who are you divine. Yubelura looked at Euthys, who remained in mid-air, and said in a lost voice.

“Uh-huh, it’s really curious to see Eusys fight for the first time,” Junai appeared behind Yubelula, with a smile on his face.

Yubelula’s face was embarrassed, and Yuses’s strength was completely unexpected by the master. Why didn’t this guy Mira tell the master that this subordinate was hiding his strength. In fact, it’s not that Mira doesn’t want to say it, but she doesn’t have this memory at all. It is too easy for the Demon King to erase a memory. Now I am blocked back and forth, and the situation is very bad. But Yubelula is not afraid, she still has that.

Syllable. As Bellura flicked her staff, more than a dozen flashing balls of purple light appeared around two basketballs. All-round deployment, both defensive and offensive. Bellura decided to strike first, and seven or eight purple balls of light flew towards Yuses, sealing Yuses’ path at a certain angle and distance, and could only face it head-on. Don’t underestimate these seemingly beautiful balls of light, you can know the power of these little balls of light when Bellura was called the [Exploding Princess] in the demon world.

“BOOST” Euthys looked at the purple ball of light flying towards him, not flustered in the slightest. The left hand, which was armored by the hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, condensed a black ball smaller than Yubelula. Whew, like a metallic rubbing sound. The tiny black ball was launched out like a diffuser, and the dark magic traces left deep traces on its path. The continuous huge and sharp sound waves almost numbed everyone’s hearing.

Click, click, click, in front of the black galaxy, the purple ball of light was instantly engulfed, like a meteorite with monstrous flames hitting the earth, the light made the sky lose its color. The shock wave caused by the explosion hit all upright objects without bounds, and it continued to rise from wave to wave. Belula was hurriedly descended, and the whole person was rushed to the ground by a huge wave of qi, and he avoided this dangerous blow. Yu Bellula was shocked, this is not the power of the lower demons at all. Even if the Red Dragon Emperor’s Hand with the [God Exterminator] possessed it, it definitely did not have such explosive power within the time superposition.

The black beam shot into the distance, and a mushroom cloud of nearly a hundred meters rose up, and the land with a diameter of about a few hundred meters instantly vaporized, turning into a depression, and even the space appeared cracks, trembling slightly.

Everyone watching this game was shocked, the lower level demons could burst out such a strong attack?

“Oh, interesting” a certain demon king who silently followed his sister smiled, as if he had found something good.

“It’s not a joke, is it?” Tsubakihime’s whole body was pressed against the table.

“It seems that Lias’s trump card is indeed this soldier,” at this time, a report was delivered to Canna’s hands…

“Ahhhhhh Zhu Nai looked at the big pit in the distance, which would attract a lot of attention.

“Ah, haven’t gotten used to the new power, sorry. However, it is almost over, the minister is already there” Yusyth felt the magic in his body, which was a huge difference compared to the beginning. If it used to be a stream, now it’s at least a river. Coupled with the doubling of the Red Dragon Emperor’s strength, it led to such a result.

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