Lias looked at the kitten eating snacks on the sofa, Yudou who was wiping her sword, and Aisha fidgeting. I couldn’t help but sigh, because there were two people missing.

Minister, I need to take some time off, insufficient work, sorry. These were the exact words of Eusys, who left with a complicated mind. Is it really the angel of light? Why take it upon yourself? Lias thought as she looked at her dependents.

“Minister, don’t worry. Juses is not the kind of person who has no brains. Maybe you have something to do, maybe you’ll be back soon. After all, he is still your dependent,” Jijima Junai walked in with flower tea.

“I hope so, right? The fool’s dependent, “Lias, couldn’t do anything anymore, and everyone left.” But Lias felt that Juses might soon be no longer her dependent. The feeling is strong.


A ray of moonlight penetrated the dense branches, shining on the bodies of the two people, pulling out a long shadow. Eusys and Meiya were shuttling through a deep mountain dozens of kilometers from the town. There will be some sounds of small animals moving around from time to time, and some leaves will fall from the head from time to time. Some even landed on the hair of Juses and Meiya, but soon slipped from the hair.

After walking for dozens of minutes, Yusyth and Meiya came to a wooded corner, and in front of the two people were dozens of towering trees with a diameter of four or five meters and a height of about tens of meters.


“Yes, master” Meiya came a few meters in front of the tree, stretched out her hands, and closed her eyes. Countless small stars appeared from the grass, tree trunks, green leaves, and then flew beside Meiya. At this moment, Meiya is like an elf in a fairy tale, very beautiful.

Jusses was a little heavy in his heart now, looking at the sky full of stars, Juses felt as if he was in trouble, one vortex after another. When will I stop and rest well? Perhaps disappearing together with the demon kings is the best result.

“Master”, Meiya has finished the ceremony and came to Jusses’ side.

“What’s the conclusion?” Eusys asked. Miga’s words before he died still made him care. If it’s true, then it’s time to let yourself solve your own battle. Just because Eusys doesn’t like war, doesn’t mean he can’t kill.

“It’s the breath of an archangel. And it’s the Ten-Winged Archangel,” Meiya told Eusis solemnly that she got the result. There is a very strong angelic atmosphere left here.

“Sure enough, what Micah said is the truth, has a ten-winged angel awakened?” Jusyth and Meiya have been gone for a week and have two purposes. One collects the materials of the resurrected Kazusei, and it is better not to burden others. The second is to see if you can feel the breath of other angels of light. Although the price of the coming of the Angel of Light was to lose its power and enter an infinite slumber or dissipate in this world, now there is bad news that a ten-winged archangel has awakened and left. I’m not an opponent for the time being. I don’t know when this archangel recovered his strength faster than himself to find trouble for himself.

“Master, it is urgent to improve your strength now.” Meiya drew a magic array on the thick trees around her, and after a while, each tree was wrapped in a magic array. This is the last material to resurrect the city. The rest have already been made through alchemy.

“Yes, I don’t know when an enemy will be killed” Eusys lay on the grass, his peaceful days were gone since the war between the demon kings and the Supreme God.

After Meiya finished portraying the magic array, she began to recite the incantation: “O spirit from the Demon Abyss, I summon you again in the name of Lord Euthys, the Demon King!” Come upon these vibrant lives”

With Meiya’s spell, a black crack suddenly appeared in the air, and dozens of black mist rushed out of that crack. Rushed towards the trees surrounded by the magic array. Every tree was surrounded by a black mist, and the crack disappeared.

“Ga, Ka, Ka,” the trees shook wildly after being entangled in the mist, the green leaves on their bodies fell one after another, and the trees slowly turned black….

“Yes, master” These trees transformed by the unconscious spirits in the Demon Abyss have enough hardness and corrosion resistance, as well as a certain magical defense and self-healing power, and it is most suitable to use them as the torso of a city’s body.

“Ah” Juses condensed a black longsword, slashed with a powerful slash, and a large tree collapsed. After a while, all the trees were neatly cut down.

“Master, the next thing left is to create the body of Ichijo” Meiya drew a storage space and sucked the trees in. Once the materials are ready, they are ready to start manufacturing. After Meiya finished speaking, she returned to the Book of the Demon King and prepared to go.

“Well, let’s go” Eusys also planned to return, after all, now that the identity is still a dependant of Ichijo and Lias, he still has to go back.

Just as Eusys was about to walk out of the woods, a cry for help came.

“Help,” a tattered green-haired girl jumped out from the side, her body covered in blood. As soon as the girl saw Jusses, she shouted, “Go quickly, there are monsters, murderers.” The companions were all killed,” the girl said and fainted.

PS: Character names are a lot different in novels and videos. I’ll change it for now. Lias Gimoniser Jax Gimonriesa and Jenova remain the same. I will use these names in the future, but I can’t see it–!

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