After a long absence, Jusys returned to the school, and Jusyth liked the atmosphere of the school. Without thinking about the murderous ghost last night, Eusys was comfortably feeling the warmth of the sun. But my heart is still heavy.

Things are getting more and more complicated. Eusys thought with his chin propped up. The Angel of Light alone is enough of a headache, and one of the Four Demon Kings seems to have invited himself to be a guest, as well as the body of Ichijo…

“Hey. What dirty and dirty things are you thinking about early in the morning” Matsuda suddenly grabbed Yusyth’s ears, and Motoji was also standing next to him, and these two people were the only ones who could silently approach the Demon King and attack the Demon King.

“What’s the matter?” asked Usses gently.

“Yicheng, you actually have something that has nothing to do with yourself” Yuan Yi was like a heavenly god possessed, and the powerful qi made Yusyth dare not look directly.

What’s wrong, I’m not at school lately. Eusys thought.

“Some strange messages have been spreading lately, you know? “One city” Yuan Yu said, Yuan Yue was already green at this time, and seemed to be patient.

“Message?” Eusys didn’t know why.

“No with beautiful girls. Kan, into the purpose of evil deeds” Yuanyu’s face became darker and darker, why did this guy have such treatment?

“Huh?” Eusys was stunned, where is this? I’ve been saying in the deep mountains and old forests.

“I mastered the secrets of Senior Lias and Senior Junai, and then slept. They. Ah, it’s just a ghost, animal-like act. There are also beastly things to the Tacheng kitten, and they also hold Aisha sauce alone. You took a week off, right? Are they all in….”The more outrageous the Yuan Zhu became.

“Huh? “Eusys was completely speechless, this is the gossip that came from there? Looking at the eyes of Matsuda and Yuanzhu, this will cause human life, no, it is a devil’s life.

“If this continues, we will die of jealousy” Matsuda was already envious and jealous, and his eyes were red.

“No, maybe you’re already angry” Yuan’s eyes were on fire, and his combat effectiveness soared.

“This…” Yusys really didn’t know how to say. Do they believe it if they say that there is no such thing as gods and horses? Don’t believe it yourself? Jusyth remembered the night of Lias…

“Don’t worry,” the marshal suddenly became very swinging.

“Not only the girls, but also the story of you and Kiba has spread, and some girls have already accepted it,” Matsuda said with a smile.

“Nani!” Eusys collapsed, only left for only seven days, who the hell is the version that has been circulating. It’s important to know reputation. And Mu Youjian exercise? And Wood has a king’s law?

“What? Is the stupid trio talking about something bad again? “A girl came from behind.

“Kiryu, Aisha,” Matsuda said.

“Yu.. Ichijo-kun, welcome back. Aisha said. A smile appeared on Tianjing’s face. Eusys left for a week, but he was very worried.

“I’m back,” Eusys responded.

“Aisha, there is no herb in the world, why don’t you find him a boyfriend,” Kiryu asked, his glasses full of puzzlement.

“M: Boyfriend!!! Aisha stammered.

“It’s nothing, okay?” Eusys smiled awkwardly.

“You’re always glued together, and people just think you’re the couple you are there every day,” Kiryu shook his finger.

“That !!” Genju and Matsuda spoke in unison.

“Hey, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous it gets,” said Eusys.

Kindness? Eusys suddenly felt a gaze outside paying attention to him, and ran towards the window with an arrow. Oh, the window was pushed open violently.

“Hey, Ichijo, didn’t you say that you had to jump off the building to apologize?” Kiryu is not surprising and dies endlessly.

Jusys did not answer. There was peace in the empty academy. That gaze disappeared. Jusyth did feel a gaze, and that gaze made him feel trembling, the biggest feeling he had when he came to fight here. The comer is strong, the outrageous kind of strong.

“Ichijo, what’s wrong?” asked Aisha. Jusyth must have felt something.

“Nothing… I’ll go out,” Jusyth walked out of the classroom. Aisha watched with worried eyes as Eusis left.


A city at home.

With the consent of Ichijo’s parents, Lias held a ministry meeting at Ichijo’s home.

“First of all, welcome back to Jusses,” Lias said in her opening remarks.

“Sorry for causing trouble to everyone” Eusys apologized.

“It’s okay, just come back” The kitten still had a faint tone, and his expression remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

“Yes, you have to adjust it well” Junai smiled at Jusses, and Jusyth felt hairy in his heart.

“Okay, okay, let’s stop here. Ready to say the text,” Lias said.

“The number of contracts is very good, so the level will rise quickly,” Lias looked at the report in her hand. “So, next”

With a creak, the door opening interrupted Lias’s report. “Disturbed” Ichijo’s mother walked in and brought snacks. “And I brought good things,” Ichijo’s mother pulled out two large books.

“Nani !!” Eusys looked at the book in Ichijo’s mother’s hand and opened his mouth wide. This is both irrelevant and relevant to oneself.

Because Ichijo’s mother took out ———— Ichijo’s photo book since he was a child….

Euthys stayed in the corner and did not speak, although it was not himself, but everyone’s eyes looked over from time to time, making Euses have the urge to jump off the building. That’s not me… It’s not me….. The demon king who was watched to jump off the building really implemented decisiveness, and a strange story that has been passed down through the ages.

“Oh, although I know the facts, I still have a taste when I look at the photos,” Junai said.

“Well, well” Lias. Aisha and Meiya nodded.

Everyone looked at the photos with relish. Although we all know that Eusys is not a city, it is still a special taste to look at the same appearance. And Eusys is already on his knees, tears are on his face, that’s not himself. Don’t look at me that way.

ps: The first time I was in the top five of the new book list, I was happy for a while, and then I was instantly burst by daisy, which is a little unbearable!! We have more than twenty chapters saved, which can give the grassroots a little confidence 0.0

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