After Lias hurried back, she saw Eusys and Aisha safe in the room.

“If you’re okay,” Lias held Jusyth and Aisha in her arms.

“It’s all right, Minister, I’m here,” Jusyth comforted Lias, who was worried about the two.

“Well, I’ll pay more attention in the future” Lias was glad that her dependents had nothing to do, otherwise she wouldn’t know what she would have done.

Next, Lias, who had settled down, asked Jusyth about the purpose of the two men.

“Chatting with your mother?” Lias didn’t understand the purpose of the two men.

“Well, but I’m pretty sure they already know who I’m and I are,” Eusys said. Especially the look in the eyes of the blue-haired woman.

“Although they don’t know what their plans are, they will meet tomorrow anyway,” Lias said. “Tomorrow after school, they seem to be back in the ministry.

“Then be prepared to ward off the enemy, and guard against people,” Eusys pondered the various possibilities of meeting. Churches and demons can be said to be incompatible.



The next day.

“Thank you so much for accepting the meeting,” the two maidens of the church sat across from Lias.

“My name is Jenova,” the blue-haired girl introduced herself.

“My name is Ina Wisteria,” the other also introduced himself.

“The apostle of the gods actually wants to come to see the devil, why is it?” Lias asked.

“The Holy Sword, except for the lost one, the remaining six Excliburs are in the custody of the three camps of the Church. But three of them were taken away by fallen angels,” said Wisteria Ina.

“We only have the [Holy Sword of Destruction] and [Holy Sword of Mimicry] left in Exclibur,” said Jenova.

“So, what do you want us to do?” Lias cut to the chase.

“This time it’s our problem with fallen angels. If the demons here are involved in unnecessary interference, we will be in trouble,” said Jenova.

“Are you worried that we will join forces with the fallen angels and have bad intentions against the Holy Sword,” Lias said sarcastically.

“For demons, the holy sword is a taboo thing, isn’t it consistent with the interests of fallen angels?” Jenova’s eyes met with Lias. There is a tendency to do a fight.

“If so, we will wipe you out completely, even if you are the sister of the Demon King,” Jenova lowered his cruel words.

“Since you know me so well, just listen to me. I would never join forces with fallen angels. In the name of Grey Morry, I promise that I will not do anything to disgrace the Demon King,” Lias said.

“That’s enough to have you. Just now, I just conveyed the opinion of the ministry. I don’t think the Demon King’s sister would be stupid to this point,” Jenova said.

“But I will not assist the people of your church either, and also say that we remain neutral,” Lias expressed her position again. Neutral, it has nothing to do with us whether you want to fight or kill. This is what Lias meant.

“Of course, as long as you make sure you don’t get involved in everything that’s going on in this town.” Sorry to interrupt” Jenova already knew the other party’s position and was ready to leave.

“Understood,” Lias said.

As he was about to leave, Jenova suddenly looked at Aisha. This made Aisha very curious, she didn’t know this person.

“When I visited Issei Hyoto’s house, I felt familiar. Are you Aisha Aljet,” Jenova asked Aisha.


“I didn’t expect to meet the witch here,” Jenova’s words deeply stung Aisha’s heart. The whole person was constantly trembling.

“You are the original Miss Saint who became a witch? I heard that he was exiled because he has the ability to heal even demons and fallen angels! turned out to be a demon” Ina’s words made Aisha angina feel angina, and she wanted to die in pain.

“The person who was once called the saint has become a demon, and the fall is really complete” Jenova continued to blow Aisha down.

“Do you still believe in God? There is a sense of guilt in your body, and you can’t forget the heart of faith,” Jenova continued to ask, ignoring Jusses’ words. It seemed that Juses was not a threat to her.

“Does Miss Aisun still believe in the Lord? Even the body of the devil. Wisteria Ina asked.

“Only… I just can’t give it up. Because I’ve been believing,” Aisha’s voice was almost inaudible. A tear fell on the cold ground and turned into a sad flower, and there were already two tear tracks on Aisha’s quiet cheeks.

“Then let’s kill now”

Poof, just as Jenova finished speaking, a black lightning bolt the size of a thin sword passed through a few tens of centimeters away from Jenova and nailed it to the wall. “Watch your words. In saying that my apostle is not, I don’t mean I won’t do something,” Eusys said coldly. This kind of person disgusts Eusys the most, obviously it is his own mistake, but he says that it is someone else’s, and he has a face that should be taken for granted.

Jenova’s eyes changed, looking at the black lightning next to his cheeks, this city is very strong. Jenova held the hilt of the [Destruction Holy Sword], and it was estimated that there would be a battle to be fought.

“Witch? Saint? What is a demon? What is Holiness? What qualifications do you have to comment on Aisha? Do you really identify with her? Put away your self-righteous sense of justice, in my eyes, Aisha is kind. Even if she was alone, even if someone hurt her. She is also smiling. You, who do not even know the most basic nature of kindness, have no qualifications. God? Where is God’s grace? Why does God, who has no grace, say anything about us? The demons are very direct in their minds, free and free, but the gods hide in the so-called temple and never have a road. Perhaps it is the demon who is jealous of our freedom that causes the gods and demons to fight” Euthyus’s powerful words stunned everyone. This can provoke conflicts between angels and demons, and even cause new wars.

“Do you know what you’re talking about? What are you Aisha Aljet” Jenova was slightly angry.

“Family, companions, friends, dare to make a move against Aisha, then I will consider the entire church an enemy” Eusys uttered three words in one breath that shocked Jenova.

“Is this a challenge to our church, what a big deal” Jenova is also angry, the place where the church communicates God’s will, this is provoking God.

“I advise you to believe it,” said the kitten.

“Jusses, calm down,” Lias said.

“Exactly, I’ll be your opponent” Yuto didn’t know when he returned to the old schoolhouse.

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