“You are the Demon King I’ve been lucky enough to meet, Euthys,” Serjax shifted his gaze to Euthys, who was standing on the sidelines and watching him.

“Nice to meet you. Demon King – Serjax” Jusyth held out his hand, basic courtesy was still necessary. After all, he is also the demon king and is also Lias’s brother.

“Me too, Lias thanks to you,” Serjax smiled and shook Jusses’ hand, then put it down.

“Today I’m for…” Sejax didn’t finish. Next to Eusys there was another flash of gold. Meiya appeared in front of everyone holding a large glass tube.

“Master, Ichijo’s resurrection ceremony, ready,” Meiya said as she put down the glass tube. Inside the glass, Ichijo’s new body looked much stronger than before, and small muscles were evenly distributed in various parts.

“This is?” Serjax looked curiously at Meiya, who took out the glass tube.

“Who are you? I haven’t seen it,” Meiya glanced at Serjax.

“This is my enchanter, Meiya.” Jusyth pointed at Meiya and said, “This is Lias’s brother, Sergex Gimonri. Also one of the Demon Kings,” Eusys introduced Serjacks’ identity.

“Demon King?” Meiya circled around Sejax a few times, and looked at the demon king with the same identity as the owner with curious eyes.

“Meiya, be ladylike,” Juses criticized.

“Oh, it’s okay, I want one too,” Serjax laughed. However, a sharp eye shot over, making Serjacks’ smile stiffen instantly. The source is Gurefia behind it.

“Who is going to be your enchanter, Meiya belongs to the master alone,” Meiya said corruptly.

“Huh” Everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

“Brother, what is your purpose here?” Lias asked her brother.

“Have you forgotten? Open teaching is close,” Serjax said. I came here specifically.

“Wouldn’t you?”; Lias said a little surprised.

“I must be in the nearest place to see my sister studying hard,” Serjacks laughed.

“Gurefia, did you tell your brother?” Lias asked.

“Hehe, don’t worry, my father will also come” Serjacks also said the news that his father would also come.

“Brother, but the Demon King, leave your work behind…” Lias still asked her brother to return to the underworld, after all, open teaching is too much. Will be shy.

“No, no, that’s part of the job too. The summit of the three major powers is scheduled to take place at this academy,” Serjax explained.

“Ugh. In this Komano Academy? Everyone except Juses and Meiya was taken aback.

“Yes, this is the result of discussion.” Sejax said. “Also. Demon King Eusys, call you Euthys don’t mind, you can call me Thurjacks”

“There is no problem with that. What do you want to say? “Juses has no meaning, the name is just a code name.

“Seeing the person in this glass tube, do you want to break away from the identity of this Hyoto Issei? After all, you don’t look the same as Reiselle Phoenix now,” Serjax said.

“This is what I promised to Issei Hyoto, and I have this plan,” Eusys said. In fact, Eusys had other considerations.

“So, what are you going to do after you get out of this identity?”

“Are you checking your account?” Meiya said displeased. What does the master do, what do you care so much for?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything. Eusys, do you want to come to live in the underworld? The environment there is still very good. You of the Demon King will also have a lot of benefits,” Sejax extended an olive branch to Eusys. The power of the Demon King cannot be ignored, and Eusys can now be said to be a Demon King without a camp. It’s best if you can pull it to the underworld. As the strength of the three major forces continues to weaken, many other forces have begun to move. The addition of Eusys will definitely give those guys a prestige.

“How are you sure I’m a real demon king and not an impostor?” Eusys didn’t go straight back to Serjacks’ question.

“In the conversation with Reiselle Phoenix, you know it from your eyes,” Serjacks said. A look that only true demon kings have in unique realms. Although it was another look from Jusses. But Serjacks didn’t know about Eusys yet.

“I’ll think about it,” Yusyth still didn’t answer directly. Lingmoil is two-way.

“Then look forward to your reply Jussis. When will the city be fully resurrected? Serjax continued to talk to Jusses, the first step in increasing his liking. Sejax could see that Juses was kind to himself on the surface, but he was still guarded inside.

“Why tell you?” Meiya was like a hen protecting her own chick at this time, and her purple eyes began to burn with flames called anger. It’s so rude. The so-called demon king, the master is definitely stronger than the demon king of this world. As long as the master reaches its heyday, all gods and demons will be suppressed. Free. This is the power of the demonic Juses that Meiya saw in the original world. Even if not the master of the current personality, but above everything. The definition of the so-called demon king: this world is completely different from the original world.

“Meiya, stop making trouble. It doesn’t matter if you say it. Jusyth looked at the demon who protected him, and there was a smile and warmth in his heart. After all, our relationship is not ordinary.

“Yes, master. There are about seven days left before Ichijo’s resurrection. Meiya replied without forgetting to glare at Serjacks. But the latter still faced it with a smile, giving Meiya the urge to go over and punch that handsome-looking face. But Sejax is really handsome, although Meiya doesn’t want to admit it.


At night, in the living room of a city home.

“It seems that my sister has not caused you trouble, so I am relieved,” Sejax said to Ichijo’s parents. Even if not the parents of Eusys, it is a fact to live here.

“There is no such thing, Lias is a good child,” Ichijo’s mother said.

“Yes, it’s really a waste for such an excellent young lady to accompany Yicheng. Here, another drink” Ichijo’s father praised Lias while not forgetting to taunt his unworthy son. If Ichijo had come to life, it would definitely be said. Am I your son?

Hehe, Euthys, who was standing on the side, twitched inwardly. I know it’s not about myself, but why it still feels weird.

By the way, if Ichijo’s parents go out in the underworld to drink with Serjax, I am afraid that they will become famous overnight. The human who drank with the demon king of the Jimonri family is big news.

“Jusses, why do you say that you should let your brother live here?” Lias, who was sitting opposite her brother, was terrified and looked very awkward. After all, it is my brother who is observing my sister’s life.

“I want to talk to the minister’s brother a little, and tomorrow he will find a good place to live,” Eusys said.

“Well, there is no way around this, but I always feel a little shy,” Lias said helplessly.

“Hehe, the minister also has a coquettish side,” Eusys smiled as he looked at Lias’s red smile.

“Well, really,” Lias began to protest.

After finishing the conversation, everyone went to their rooms to sleep.

In a room in a city. Two demon kings from different worlds were sitting opposite each other, with a small table between them, a pot of tea and two cups, bubbling with anger. Lias and Meiya sat on the side.

“So, Jusses, what do you want to talk to me about? Are you talking to me about my sister? Serjax still had a smiling face.

“Brother… What are you talking about,” Lias said coquettishly. But seeing Jusses’ gaze lowered his head again. Lias also hoped in her heart that Juses wanted to talk about herself.

“Uh, it’s about the angels of light in my original world.” Eusys looked at Lias, who had been nervous, with strange eyes, was she unwell?

Meiya is tragic. What a nerve-breaking master to be dull to this point, so that he cannot experience the beauty of life, and his own plan cannot be started. O demon kings, bless the master to hurry up and get the hang of it.

Lias also sighed. This nerdy wood!!

“Is it? Then I listened,” Serjacks said.

“Presumably my information is already in the hands of the Demon King. Then I’ll get straight to the point. Although it is my own business, because of my arrival, the angels of light of the original world have also followed and have already killed one, but there are still some who do not know where to sleep, and do not know when they will wake up. Dimensional markers also seem to have conveyed the original world. So I hope you are prepared. The strongest angel after God’s death, the Blazing Angel, Pomechaelus, may come. That guy has the strength to fight the Demon King. And the hatred of all dark creatures is the strongest. Maybe it will lead to a new war. Eusys said seriously. This shows the seriousness behind this matter.

Serjax looked down to think, and everyone was silent. Quiet scary.

Lias looked at her brother and Eusys worriedly, but she didn’t expect that the matter that Eusys wanted to talk about was so serious.

At last.

“I’ll inform the others about this, and Yusys will continue to do what he wants.” The world is not that simple. Lias will please you in the future,” Serjax said.

“I will..” Eusys replied. This made Lias’s heart beat faster again. Does Eusis understand the inner meaning of brother? Is there any? Yes? Or no? It’s really confusing.

The conversation went on for a long time, but after that it was mostly small talk


ps: I have been eating and saving manuscripts to learn cars recently, so it may not be so fast in the future

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