School lobby.

“Oh, a city,” a male voice called out to Yusys.

Kindness? He is Ichijo’s father. When Eusys heard the prestige, it was Ichijo’s father calling him and Ichijo’s mother. Next to him was a young red-haired man in a white suit.

“Lias, you’re here,” the red-haired man said.

“Dad?” Lias was a little surprised that her father would stand with Ichijo’s father.

Jusyth was also a little surprised, this man turned out to be the minister’s father.

“I am Lias’s father, and my daughter is thanks to your care. Ichijo” Lias’s father gave a look, suggesting that he also knew the true identity of Jusses.

“Where,” said Jusses. After all, some things are also related to yourself.

“How could father be with ..” Lias asked.

“I happened to meet in the hallway,” Ichijo’s father said. “It’s a bit inconvenient to chat here, or go to my house to sit. Although the place is a little narrower,” Ichijo’s father suggested.

Although he is not Jusses’ father, his daughter and Eusys both live in the house of his father in a city. So still have to go and see. This was what Lias’s father thought.

Yes! Lias was taken aback, first brother, then father?

“Then let’s go back first,” Ichijo’s father said, and left with Lias’s father.

…….. Eusys is also not good to say anything. It seems that he is going to find a place to live.

“Minister, your father and Ichijo’s father talk so casually!” Eusys said.

“Obviously not very familiar,” Aisha echoed.

All four looked helpless.

“That’s not bad,” came Serjacks’ voice from the staircase.

“Brother?” Lias looked at her brother with doubtful eyes, not knowing what the meaning was.

“Today is supposed to be our banquet with our father,” Serjax replied with a smile.

Well, Lias could only accept this reality.


At night, at home in Ichijo.

The table is filled with all kinds of delicious flavors, flavors and flavors, and a glass of moonshine is a treat.

“So, let’s toast first,” Ichijo’s father suggested.

“Cheers!!” Lias’s father cheerfully toasted Ichijo’s father. Even if it has nothing to do with your daughter, drinking together is a pleasure.

Videos of open classes are being shown on television.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Ichijo in class so quietly,” Ichijo’s father said, expecting his son to be embarrassed. Ichijo on TV was not affected in the slightest by the open class. In fact, Eusys does not have the concept that open classes are the enemy. [In other words, have you ever been afraid of parent-teacher meetings?] 】

“So, let’s look at Lias’s next”; Lias’s father suggested.

“Is her filmed too?”

The TV has turned a picture. Lias is sitting in the classroom intently in class. Then he turned his head and found that he was photographed, and hurriedly waved his hand to let him not shoot, with a shy face.;

“Being a parent is about enjoying their daughter’s performance through the video.” Lias’s father spoke about his views.

But for Lias it was extremely depressing. “This is hell like never before” Lias had already given up the treatment and sat back extremely depressed.

“Look, our little Leah was ordered by the teacher to answer questions,” Serjax said.

“Can’t stand it. Brother is an idiot,” Lias ran upstairs angrily. Jusyth looked at the situation and followed.

In the attic, Lias squatted in the doorway.

“Minister..” Eusys shouted. Lias heard this and looked at Jusses.

“Would you like to talk?”

Pounced, Lias threw herself on Ichijo’s bed, not wanting to say anything. The open class is the lesson of hell, and it is known by the father.

“Oh, Jusses, let me ask you, is it a good thing to meet me?” Lias asked suddenly.

“Well?” Jusys hesitated

“I’m happy!!” This was the voice of Lias, and she was expecting an answer from Jusses.

“I don’t know!” Eusys said sideways. “What does happiness feel like? I haven’t experienced it, or I haven’t had it. It always felt like I was missing something, something very important,” Eusys sat on the edge of the bed. In the original world, most of his memory was only his own standing at the highest point of the Demon King Castle looking at the scenery outside. “So, Lias has a family relationship, and sometimes I envy it, wondering what it feels like, maybe it’s warm.”


Just as Juses was talking to himself, Lias kissed Jusses on the lips in the surprised eyes of Jusses. Time seems to stand still, stuck at this point. Lonely Demon King and Affectionate Minister.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a long time.

Snap, suddenly the lights went on, breaking this beautiful atmosphere.

“The minister is so cunning,” Aisha said depravedly.

“It’s better to start first, I learned it when I argued with Zhu Nai.” Lias separates from Jusses. Euthys’s face was a little red, but no one noticed that Jusses’ eyes could not see any fluctuations.

Duh. Aisha wrapped her arms around Yusyth’s neck from behind. “Then I’ll start later.”

“What did you say?” Lias said.

“Oh, it’s not good to fight,” Serjax came out from behind the door.

“Brother grows up”

“Lias, suddenly I have something to discuss with you,” Serjax said.

“What’s going on?” Lias asked.

“It’s time to liberate another bishop, right?” Serjacks voiced an inexplicable proposal. It seems that only Lias and Serjax know.

“Well?” Lias was surprised, not knowing the purpose of this.

“Another bishop?” Aisha asked curiously. I had never heard of another bishop.

“Because his ability is too dangerous to manipulate with my ability, it is sealed.” Lias said.

“Is this my brother’s judgment?” Lias looked at her brother.

“That’s right! It has now come to a critical period. Whether it is the tripartite talks, the Angel of Light or other forces, the stronger our strength is, the better. But between Reiselle Phoenix and Kockbol time, it still has to be carefully considered. Now that your power has increased, you can try to free him,” Serjax said. No one will refuse to become stronger in their camp. The power of that bishop of Lias can sometimes even control the situation.

“Brother, no. Since it was the order of the demon king Lucifer. I’ll go,” Lias looked firm.

PS: I know that many people don’t like the protagonist’s personality is not enough, that’s what, but I’m used to watching the male protagonist push the female protagonist, and all kinds of explosive combat power. Let’s change the taste, the female pushes the man, as for why the male protagonist has such a personality, unlike the demon king, it will be written later

The grassroots still said at the beginning, like is honor and sorry not to like

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