The moonlight faded. Juses and Gaspar, who had made up his mind, returned downstairs.

At this time, Yudou, Kitten, Aisha, and Jenova were all there.

“Well, when did you guys get here?” Eusys looked at the four people who had come to the old schoolhouse at some point.

“I just came back from a meeting, not long after,” Yuto said.

“We felt a little too much to leave Gaspar alone with Yuses,” Aisha said first.

“Thinking of something we can do?” Jenova followed.

“For me?” Gaspar was a little surprised that someone was thinking about what to do for themselves.

“Kajun is also an important partner,” Kitten said.

“Kitten” Gaspar didn’t finish. A few objects sneaked up, it was the invincible garlic.

“Ahh At this time, Jenova flashed a flash of light, took out an object and slammed it on Gaspar’s head.

“How does it feel?” asked Jenova.


“This..” Juses pointed to the paper bag on Gaspar’s head.

“It was Sister Aisha’s idea,” Kitten said.

Jusys turned his gaze to Aisha, who he least regarded as an apostle.

“That, too, was not my idea. I’m also not good at talking to people face-to-face, but it doesn’t matter over the phone. I’m just fine with them, as long as I can’t see my face,” Aisha said a little shyly.

“After that, I thought about this. Just put something on your head,” Jenova pulled out a note he had taken out at school, with love and marks drawn on it.

“You’re still holding this thing,” Jusyth broke out in a cold sweat. What the hell was Jenova thinking


“How’s that, is it appropriate?” Gaspar’s eyes glowed red, like a creeper.

“There is a self-evident courage,” Yudou was also startled and forced a smile.

“It seems to be powerful,” commented Jenova.

“A little perverted feeling” is the voice of the kitten.

“I like this,” Gaspar walked around the room.

Jusyth looked at Gaspar, who was already determined, and smiled.


Eusys walked alone on the path of a tall shrine, because he was asked by Junai at the academy, and the minister also signaled him to go.

What the hell is it, do you want to attack the Celestial Realm and make yourself a striker?

“Welcome, Jusses,” Junai walked out of the middle passage dressed in the service of a witch.

“Junai, is there something wrong with letting me come?” Eusys asked.

“I’m sorry to ask you to come, the Minister will come over after the final consultations with Lord Sergex, and one of them is about your identity Euthys,” Junai turned and stepped up the steps, also signaling for Juses to follow.

“That’s why I’m here because I’m going to welcome someone’s work. This lord can’t move around at will for some reason, so he bothered you to come here. Although this is a bit rude, let the demon king come in person. Junai apologized.

“It’s okay, I don’t have any Demon King Enlightenment” Euthysis’s words made the demonic Euthys hidden in the depths of Euthys unhappy for a while, and the incomparably [fierce] eyes stared at his brother, making Euses suddenly tremble, and the sky became cold?

Walking to the end, two huge pillars were erected on both sides of the road, and a house that looked to be old appeared in front of you. Shrines are places where people worship gods.

“Is it okay to come here?” Jusyses looked at the shrine, where demons were not allowed to appear.

“Here, it doesn’t matter if the demon comes in. We made a special agreement with the shrine in private,” Junai continued to lead Eusys forward.

It turns out that it can still make conventions. Jusyses remembered his original world. Not to mention making an agreement, as long as the angel meets the demon, he directly wants to destroy the other party, and there is no intention to negotiate until he is willing to break out that world-destroying level war.

“When the god lord of the previous generation died, this place began to be left unattended. Lias managed to keep it for me,” Junai said, looking at the shrine.

“Is this the new demon king Juses that Sergex is talking about?” A gentle male came. A golden light appeared in the sky, dazzling like a sun.

“First meeting, Jusses. My name is Michael,” a handsome man with six wings of golden wings on his back appeared there [Asachel is also a six-winged, Kokbol is a five-winged. Thank you very much to the reader for pointing out my mistake], dazzling light, endless busyness. It seems to show the presence of the Lord, and God’s grace is everywhere.

Boom, there were waves around Euthys, endless darkness pervaded, deeper than the abyss darkness turned into a canopy. Light and darkness occupy half of this small courtyard.

“Eusys..” Ju Nai shouted.

“Sorry! This is an unconscious reaction “Jusyth put away the darkness around him, the dark race is naturally sensitive to light, hates divine light, is tired of divine light, and even hates divine light.

This is how Michael and the demon king Jusses met for the first time.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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