Lias looked at the scene and was very surprised.

There is no golden splendor, no white beauty, and what comes into view is an endless forest full of greenery, and in the center of the forest there is a huge castle that looks old. Surrounded by mountains and beautiful surroundings.

Walking to the interior of the forest, Lias found that everything around her was static, the little squirrel jumping in the forest, the cute little, white and rabbit grazing, the colorful butterflies flying on the beautiful flowers, the crystal clear stream and the fish swimming freely, the swaying leaves blown by the wind were all static, Lias felt like she had walked into a painting, but it seemed so real. The subtle sound of sand, sand, and sand reached Lias’s ears.

Is that? Lias listened to the sound and walked to the sound ground, and at the edge of the forest, a black line around the forest was making this sound. Although it was very subtle, Lias could still see Ni Duan, and this black line was devouring this huge forest with no end in sight.

“Lias! Come to the castle,” came an ethereal voice, calling to Lias, who was watching, to the castle. I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, or where the sound comes from.

But Lias had already decided to sacrifice for Eusys, even if it was with her own life, and after Eusys had made a choice for her original sword.

Shuttling through the lifeless forest, Lias ran towards the castle, but after running for a long time, the castle did not look close at all. Lias accidentally fell to the ground, but did not give up in her eyes. Juses was waiting for me

I want to get close to the castle, I want to see Euthys. Thought, very much, very much wanted to see the innocent face of Jusyth again. It seems that Lias’s urgent thoughts have been answered, an invisible force brought Lias up, like a light rush/stab, the scenery under her feet has been blurred, but Lias did not feel uncomfortable at all, and the invisible barrier blocked the front.

Snapped, arrived, and Lias was brought to the door of the castle by an invisible force. It is a castle full of ancient atmosphere, and the silver-white walls are made of marble piece by piece, full of the atmosphere of time.

With a creak, the heavy gate moved slowly, revealing the true face inside.

The empty hall was nothing but a majestic throne with its back to Lias. This is the picture of Lias coming in.

“Are you coming? Lias: “The throne turned.

“Your face? Your voice, what happened to Eusys? Lias looked at the man sitting on the king’s chair in surprise. Her long black hair fell to her waist, her blood-red pupils were wearing a noble black and red princess dress. Engraved with various gorgeous patterns. Snow-white hands with a pair of black silk gloves and a pair of small black and red leather boots. The most important thing is that her face is almost identical to that of Jusses, but it is much softer, and she is a woman. Holding in his arms was Jusses, who had his eyes closed. Eusys wore a leather robe with a tight upper body and a wide white glow at the lower body. One white and one black each occupy half of the clothes.

But what Lias felt most deeply was the look in the eyes of the woman in front of her, the eyes that did not care about anything, as if the world was just a dispensable thing for her. No, even indifference to the world, absolute contempt. Except for the feelings that only people have when he looks at Eusys, everything else is a cold look.

“My name is Yulina, and I’m the sister of Yusyth! You can also call me Demon Jusses,” said the woman named Yulina.

“What? Eusys’s sister…”Lias couldn’t believe it, she had never said from Jusyth that he had a sister named Yulina.

“I know you have a lot of questions, but do what you need to do first, Lias, remember the oath you made, sacrifice everything for my brother” Yulina’s blood-red pupils reflected Lias’s face, and magic gathered in her eyes. If Lias is telling a lie, then she will pay a huge price and torture. Her brother would not have been like this, after being hit by the sword of the Angel of Light, this body had already crossed, so Lias needed to sacrifice something. If Lias really sacrifices all her feelings for her brother, then that thing will no longer be a sacrifice, but will become an inseparable bond between the two people.

“Yes, I have not forgotten the oath I made. Even if Eusys is stupid and does not know the girl’s mind. But it was this kind of euthys that attracted me and made me unable to extricate myself. So, I’m ready to sacrifice everything. Lias’s words were sonorous. Lias’s mind kept flashing the fragments of life spent with Eusys, Jusses’ laughter, Eusys’ depression, Eusys’ perseverance, Eusys’ back, Eusys’ blocking the sword for himself, constantly replaying in his mind. Yes, he himself has already inadvertently fallen to Yusyth. If sacrificing himself can make Euthys jump alive again, then he will have no regrets.

Yulina stretched out her hand and gently waved one of her fingers, and a huge magic array appeared in the center of the hall, and something was about to come out.

Is it coming? Lias’s mind was thinking about what was going to appear. Something that can heal Eusys through his own sacrifice. But what fell left Lias dumbfounded.

Bang, a huge object fell heavily, causing the castle to shake slightly. It is a big chuang that is enough for more than a dozen people to roll on it, the decoration is gorgeous and luxurious, it is a crystal big chuang made of the best materials, if it is taken out and sold, it is definitely an astronomical number, so that countless giants will go bankrupt.

“This is?” Lias looked at this crystal chuang that was too luxurious to describe in words.

“What are you still standing for? Tuo clothes, what you have to sacrifice is your first and night” Yulina held the Yuses who seemed to be sleeping and put them on the crystal chuang, peeling and cleaning them three times and dividing them by two, and the red / fruit / fruit of Eusis lay directly on the chuang.

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