“I didn’t expect that race to still exist!” After watching the image in the Ankara Mountains, Serjax suddenly let out a sigh of emotion and his brows furrowed.

“Brother, have you ever seen this monster?” Lias, who had returned from Ankara, asked Serjax, who frowned slightly.

Close to a three-meter body, close to an immortal body, agile speed and terrifying strength. Lias had never seen such a terrifying creature.

“Well, there are records of this guy in the history of the underworld, but this is not a complete body, but it is a newly hatched juvenile,” Serjax said. A terrible race that this guy has long existed.

“What’s that?” With everyone’s questions, Lias asked.

“Zerg!” Serjacks uttered two words. The zerg race is not a race composed of simple insects and other simple insects, it is a powerful race with unlimited evolutionary possibilities, and in ancient times, it belonged to the strongest race standing between the apexes.

“Zerg !!” Everyone said in unison. What kind of race is this, and why have I never heard rumors of this race.

“Yes. The origin of the Zerg probably dates back to the ancient gods and demons. In the records, the Zerg resisted the terrifying race united by all intelligent races in ancient times, but it was eventually exterminated. I can’t imagine that there are still Zerg now, it should be the remnants left over from that time,” Serjax said against his chin.

“A race that can compete with all intelligent races in ancient times!!” Jenova was also shocked, how strong this clan must be. With one family to ten thousand races or even more, I am afraid that even the current underworld and heavenly realm cannot do it.

“It seems that a new insect or mother queen has been born, otherwise there would be no newborn larvae hatching,” Serjax continued. Historical documents record the Zerg in great detail. After all, it was a supreme race in ancient times, a terrible race that all intelligent races feared, so it would be exterminated in the end.

It is not the same as the noble uniform of the entire human race, the hierarchy of angels and demons, the tribal system of orcs, and the council of elders system of goblins.

The racial composition system of the Zerg is a thorough pyramid-shaped structure based on the entire race. At the top of the pyramid, there are only one or two people, the Mother Empress and the Insect Ji who will be the next Mother Empress, and beyond that, there is no longer anyone qualified to call the shots.

All supreme leadership, all command and order. It is up to the original mother queen or insect queen to decide. No Zerg would disobey their orders. Compared with the human emperor or something, the mother emperor and the insect Ji have the strongest ruling power far beyond that power, and the supreme control of the life and death of any race member can be determined by the will alone, and there will definitely be no resistance, let alone any rebellion because the zerg itself is an insect social race extending from one point. And the basic of that point is the mother emperor of the current generation and the insect Ji who will become the next generation of mother emperor. They are the gods of the Zerg, supreme beings.

This kind of power structure in which one person can completely determine the fate of a race, without regard to any situation of resistance, is undoubtedly the strongest structure in a state of war. The power of one clan against ten thousand races is the reason, as long as the insect Ji or the mother emperor gives an order, the endless zerg army will directly submerge all enemies in the sea of insects.

“So how to deal with it? Is there any point for the Zerg to appear in the Underworld? Lias looked at her brother. Ask what to do.

“I think the Zerg must hold a grudge against their own extermination, and I can’t rule out that the Zerg will make a comeback in the future. I’ll have people pay close attention to the dynamics of the underworld. And the one who claimed to be the Dark Priest – Erwin. Serjax said.

“His ability is probably related to manipulating biological mutation, or evolution.” Serjax looked down and thought.

“He has mentioned his organization, and I am afraid that there is also a mysterious organization operating together.” Lias said.

“Yes. I have already sent someone to check. Serjax rubbed his head, there have been so many things happening lately.

“It seems. Lately troubles are getting more and more complicated,” Eusys looked at Serjacks, who rubbed his head, and now he didn’t have the usual casual smile.

“Yes, I already feel that something big may happen in the underworld soon, and the hidden dangers left by history may be erupted” Serjax’s eyes became solemn, so do you want to do it? Let’s take another look.

“You guys go rest first, Liang and Zerg, I’ll talk to the others,” Serjax said.


After returning to Gimonri’s house, Asachel had been waiting there for a long time. Eusys’ current castle has entered a state of full interior renovation, so he will still live in the Gimonri house for some time.

“Is it? Zerg, that’s a very strong race in ancient times. Are they now showing the world again? Asachel sighed after listening. Where can it be compared with that ancient times, many races are facing their own crises, and some races have even disappeared into the long river of history.

“So,” under Asashel’s words, everyone looked at Asashel.

“Now that I’m starting to practice, I’ve already thought about the project for each of you. Be mentally prepared for the war that may follow,” Asachel said seriously.

“But is it appropriate that only we accept the practice and advice of the Fallen Angel Governor? Even if there is a war, a few of us alone will not be enough,” said Jenova.

“Don’t worry, I originally planned to give the Demon Faction all kinds of information. And the angel camp has also formed a backup system. After all, it is now a three-way partnership, and if the Zerg really intends to make a comeback, we are not vegetarians. The rest is up to the young demons’ own self-esteem. If you want to become stronger and want to continue the race, if this is all from the heart, you should not refuse. Asachel picked up the steaming tea in front of him and took a sip, saying that he was a little thirsty.

“Then, tomorrow morning, gather in the courtyard. At that time, I will tell you how to practice. Make a good enlightenment, my practice is not so good” Asashel showed a sinister smile, and a cold aura invaded everyone’s body by the way, shivering, and the chrysanthemum instantly tightened. This old pervert can’t have any violent tendencies.

At this time, Gurefia walked in.

“Everyone, the hot spring is ready”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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