“Guild President” Shirou sped up and bounced and came to Sona’s side, who had already landed on the ground. Transform the black dragon vein and take precautions.

“It’s okay, but for now ..” Sona looked at Theodora and his dependents, the nun demons who had surrounded him and Shirou. It’s not a good situation now, and I’m stuck in passivity. Damn, Theodora would actually join forces with Zeldolu, who was not right with herself.

Ugh, ugh. Eight more men and seven women appeared around Canna, who were Zeldolu’s dependents. Together with Theodora’s dependents, a total of thirty-two people surrounded Canna and Shirou in the middle.

“Canna Sidi. Give you a chance to quit this game. I won’t embarrass you” Zeldolu looked at Canna, who was already at the end of his life, and wanted to end the battle without a blade.

After all, the relationship between the Sidi family and the Gerahiyalapos family is not bad. This can also sell a Sidi family favor. This is Zeldolu’s wishful calculation, which can be described as a victory and a favor.

“Hey, Gerahiarapos. I don’t seem to agree yet,” Theodora complained. It’s just an alliance, when will you decide? If it weren’t for more cannon fodder, I would have done you a long time ago. Now I’m the strongest demon with great power. Theodora’s eyes flashed with a sinister aura.

“Theodora, are you filled with nuns in your head?” Zeldo cursed. Won’t this nun use her brain to think about the stakes? No, let him quit directly after using it. Zeldolu also had the same idea as Diodora. Use the opponent to destroy the rest of the team, and finally kill the opponent.

“What did you say?” Theodora glared angrily at Zeldolu, with a posture of not giving up without giving an explanation. The dependents were ready for war. There is no absolute trust between each other. Always be on the lookout for each other’s every move.

“Even if you get Canna Sidi out of the game. But the movement is definitely not small. Do you want people to know we’re here? The previous explosion has already told others that we are here,” Zeldoro said. ALTHOUGH HE IS KNOWN AS THE MURDERER OF VIOLENT YIN CHAOS IN THE UNDERWORLD, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT HE IS A FOOL.

“Hmph,” Theodora snorted coldly, but there was no anti-horn Zeldolu’s words.

“How’s it going, Canna Sidi. Have you figured it out? It’s good for you and me,” Zeldoro turned to look at Canna, who was still on guard, waiting for her results.

Cang’s hands slipped and moved, and a stream of water flowed through his body, saying his decision with actions.

“Stubborn fellow” Zeldoro waved his hand, and several people rushed out from his side and swung towards Sona and Shirou…

…. Countless water elements floated around the sky, and water-like ripples continued to ripple. Five balls made of water elements constantly wrapped around Canna, rotating in a certain pattern. At this time, Canna was in a bitter battle.

Boom, a brown-haired man swung the big sword in his hand towards Canna, it was an incomparably huge heavy sword, weighing hundreds of pounds. Under the dancing of the man’s thin figure, it is like a handful, playing, and tooling. With a small body but hidden terror power, he is the Berserk Knight of Zeldolu – Casa.

No moves, no skills, Casa pursues the limits of flesh, body, and strength, and exerting the power of flesh and body to the extreme can also cause incomparable destructive power, more thorough than using powerful destructive weapons, and is not affected by any weapon, because he is a weapon himself. This is his Mad Knight Battle Method, the Dao that crushes everything with absolute strength. So Casa is also called, Berserker.

A blue ripple rippled out, and Cang Na took a gentle step forward, but it was not an ordinary step, Cang Na passed through the terrifying blunt blade of Casa’s incomparably heavy sword, and stood directly on Kasa’s shoulder.

“Phew”, at this time, the black blow that Casa pulled out only hit the afterimage of Canna, and the sharp air blade spread out by the black big sword left a huge trace under the ancient tree behind.

“So fast” Zeldoro looked at the extremely calm Canna standing on Casa’s shoulder in surprise, even if he fell into passivity, he did not lose his combat power. It is worthy of being the next head of the Sidi family.

Casa slammed his reflexive slash back, slashing at the position above his shoulder.

Cang Na took another step, and it was already tens of meters away, and wavy ripples spread under his feet. This is the power of Canna, the blue water.

I saw Cang Na stretched out a hand, a small fluctuation appeared around Casa, countless water elements surrounded Casa, Casa kept dancing the black big sword in his hand, but there was no effect at all, even if it was chopped, it fused in the next second. Seeing that the attack could not be achieved, Casa changed direction and rushed in the direction of Canna. Burst!!! All the water elements suddenly hit Casa’s body like steel bullets, directly smashing into the flesh, splashing a large blood flower. But it was nothing to Casa, whose body had been trained to rival the hardest, hardest metal. But at this time, Casa was wrapped in water elements into a water ball with a diameter of ten meters.

“Huh” with a sigh, a figure appeared from the side, silently, and a cold light attacked Canna’s clean neck. Liz, the soldier of Zeldolu, a special soldier, is not a soldier who charges directly, but an assassin hidden in the shadows.

Wave, the imaginary sound of rubbing into the neck did not sound, but the sound of water cracking. The original canna has turned into a puddle of water.

Buzzing, a huge sound of breaking the void came, and in Lisi’s widened pupils, the ten-meter water ball that Casa was trapped in fell from the sky, and the source was the canna behind Casa and directly threw over.

Rumble!!! The ten-meter water ball hit the ground like a cannonball. The water on the outside has long been strengthened by Canna, and it is as strong as steel.

“Ah” In a scream, Li Death was shocked and flew out, passed out, and disappeared into a light. The assassin is good at assassination, the combat style of one blow does not achieve retreat, the strength of the body is not very strong, so in the huge shock wave, Lisi was stunned without dodging.

“Ah” A dull voice sounded, Casa smashed hundreds of pounds of black giant sword with the force of his whole body on the water balloon, and the huge force continued to ripple on the water balloon, click!! The mirror-like water ball with a smooth appearance constantly broke, and finally turned into pieces, turning back into the water element floating in the atmosphere.

At the same time, Shirou, who was on the other side, also let out a scream.


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