Seeing Xiaowei’s gun tip getting closer and closer to him, a thousand thoughts of Jenova came out of his mind.

Can’t hide!! In any case, you will definitely be shot!!

Under the crisis, Jenova twisted his waist, forcibly changed the direction of his body, and walked diagonally in the other direction of Dilmudo.

At this time, Xiaowei was only a few centimeters away from Jenova. Burst!!! Jenova was stabbed in the waist. A cut was made, and blood stained his clothes red. At the same time, Dilandar also struck Diarmudo’s wrist.

Duh!! The two returned another blow at the same time, and finally separated.

“Was it a pretense to make that shotgun disappear before?” Jenova touched his waist, the wound could not be restored, obviously using Phoenix tears.

“If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have been able to seduce you,” Diarmudo said, waving his two weapons.

If there is no way to recover the wound, then the attribute of the short gun named Xiaowei is a cursed gun that cannot heal the part that was stabbed.

The red magic that breaks the demon, the yellow Xiaowei who cannot heal the wound. What a horrible combination. Why have such artifacts and people never heard of it. Jenova gritted his teeth and thought that he seemed to have fallen into an unfavorable situation now. Is this guy really just a dependent?

Diarmudo seemed to see Jenova’s thoughts, and the corners of his mouth curved even more.

“It’s almost over, you say, Knight of Lias? My treasure attribute is estimated to have been speculated by you, I haven’t fought so cool in a long time” Dirmundo crossed the two guns and took a step with his left foot. It seems to want to end the battle with one blow.

“Treasures? Isn’t it an artifact? Jenova gripped Dilandal and watched Dilmudo’s every move.

“The origin of the artifact, legend has it that it is the weapon used by the god that is called an artifact. But the vast majority of the world’s artifacts are not real artifacts, but pseudo-artifacts. It is generally called a treasure among heroes. Diarmudo said.

“Hero?” Jenova replied suspiciously.

“Nothing, that’s it, let me end you.” Rest assured, it won’t really kill you. After all, we don’t have any hatred, I’m not that bunch.”

A huge qi emanated from Diermudo’s body, and the red magic wei and the yellow Xiaowei all began to emit a faint luster.

Jenova has to keep his teeth clenched and be fully defensive. The wound on his waist is still faintly painful.

A powerful qi erupted behind Dilmudo, and the whole person turned into a light and rushed towards Jenova, and finally the entire light curtain was drowned in powerful smoke and dust.


On the side of Jusses.

Brush, white flames shot at Yusys like bullets, and the density almost turned into white silver threads.

“Dark Barrier” A black barrier rises around Yusyth, shrouding it in it.

Clicking, like the sound of metal colliding, the black barrier constantly rippled, as if it was about to break at any time.

Eusys shook his hand, his magic was very harsh. This is probably the last time I will participate in the competition.

Seeing that his attack had no effect on Jusses, Theodora continued to attack. A huge ruler appeared in Theodora’s hand, with extremely sharp teeth on the edge of the ruler. And where those gears passed, a clear black line appeared.

The way these gears rotate without any regularity, but the speed is amazingly fast, and in less than a second, they have controlled all the space around Theodora for about ten meters.

In this area, there was only the cold sound of cutting and the movement of gears, and those black lines easily tore the earth and air. The cold breath of death is enough to make all life shudder.

As a member of the current demon king Achuka’s family, Theodora was extremely fortunate and learned a lot from the techniques that Achuka had previously developed.

Euthys summoned the Broken Soul, I don’t know if it was because of Euthys coming from a deep sleep. Eusys now has an indescribable feeling about the broken soul.

Brush!!! With a black line, the gears cut towards Juses irregularly.

With this feeling, Eusys waved the broken soul in his hand.

“Duh! Duh! “The sound of countless metal shattering erupted in the air, and the black gears that were spinning around in the air were crushed in a sudden burst of flashes that were darker than it. However, this was not the end, and all the crushed pieces of metal returned to Theodora, and then reformed into new gears.

Unlimited reorganization, continue to attack. This is why it is called the wheel of suffering, and it is not the liberator who suffers, but the recipient. As long as this coat of arms is not damaged, then the attack will not stop. Until the opponent is consumed alive.

This was one of Theodora’s favorite techniques.

But the next picture made Theodora’s eyes widen, even mixed with disbelief.

, the speed of recombination of black gears is obviously not keeping up with the speed of destruction. About a dozen seconds later, in the absolute defense composed of countless gears, a tiny gap appeared. It’s really a tiny gap, I’m afraid it’s not even a tenth of a second.

But at this tenth of the time, Eusys came to Theodora with an arrow, and a stab pierced Theodora.

Thump! With an embarrassed tumble, Theodora dodged Jusses’ attack with a look of horror, leaving her face in disgrace.

This guy, so fast. Looking at Jusses, who was strangely touching his weapon. Theodora was terrified and fierce at the same time, how could she lose to the owner of the filthy dragon power. It’s just carelessness.

Just when Theodora kept making excuses for her embarrassment.

Jusyses looked at this broken soul again, he still does not know where the broken soul came from, and the stand-in personality has not given himself a memory in this regard. The blow just now had a sense of instability, so the blow just now had a flaw, so Theodora dodged it.

Seeing that Jusys did not seem to attack again, Theodora was furious.

Does this guy look down on himself? Waiting for my attack? I want you to look good. Diolado was already extremely hideous at this time, and he had completely lost his previous appearance of Nasven. The ugly heart is at full view at this time.

Without Theodora’s control, the Bitter Wheel collapsed directly into the air.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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