One black and one red, like two dragons going out to sea, driving a huge air flow, fiercely crashing together.

Where it collides, silently, a black dot is in the center, constantly twisting, creeping, and then frantically devouring all the surrounding energy, with a tendency to become larger. The darkness constantly devours the red light

“How can I fail here?” Xia Ruba roared, increasing the output of the death flash cannon in his right hand, and his entire hand had become extremely vicious due to the excessive influx of magical power, and it was about to explode at any time.

But the result was doomed, Sharuba did not have the qualifications to become a demon king at all, but only had the name of the blood of the descendant of the demon king Beelzebub.

The black sword light broke through the red flash cannon and penetrated Xiaruba’s body, and the blood splattered very high.

Rumble! The furious energy lost control of Shiruba and exploded. Like the power of hundreds of atomic bombs, the surrounding space was blown to pieces, and the crystal pillars below were blown into a pile of debris in an instant. All summoned monsters disappeared after the crystal pillar disappeared.

The space for crushed powder was the one that attracted the attention of Euthys and others.


“GREATRED。 Long time no see”

A girl in black clothes and black hair suddenly appeared beside Valli, her eyes fixed on the True Red Dragon God Emperor who was constantly flying in the dimensional space.

“She is?” Juses looked at the maiden standing next to Vali. Weird space ability, very strong!

Vali confirmed and said with a wry smile, “Orpheus.” The leader of the [Scourge Group]: “Because he is also surprised, why is she here.”

Orpheus still looked at the True Red Dragon God Emperor flying in dimensional space and made a fist clenching motion.

“One day, I will definitely regain my grip on silence”

Duh!! Several magic arrays appeared in the space again.

Serjax, Assachel, Odin all appeared here.

“Eusys, it’s fine to be safe! It’s also been cleared by you,” Serjax looked at the already potholed terrain around him. Sejax knew that Jussi was fighting fiercely.

“Haha, it’s Jussys. Everywhere I go, I will make a big move, but this time I have encountered something amazing,” Asachel looked at the greatness in the dimensional space.

“So nostalgic, Great Red” Tandin also ended the battle and came here.

“Has Tantin fought against it?” You asked.

“No, it ignored me at all,” Tantin said.

“Long time no see. Asachel, Sergex, and Odin, the Norse goddess. It’s very lively now,” Vali greeted Asachel and the others. There was not the slightest fear of the possibility of being beaten.

“The old Krunier has been picked up by Sazeks. …… After killing the leader, his subordinates scattered as birds and beasts. It seems that Sharuba Beelzebub was also killed by Yusyus. Valley. You’re really calm,” Asachel said.

“Hehe, their battle has nothing to do with me at all, dead, that’s no ability” Wally did not feel the slightest sentimentality for the sacrifice of his companions.

“It’s cold-blooded.” Asachel taunted.

“Isn’t the blood of demons cold,” Wally said.

“Now, the factions of the Old Demon Kings who are rioting everywhere have either run away or surrendered. ——In fact, without the last descendants who gathered together, the faction of the old demon king is already in a state of destruction. Asachel pointed out that the Old Demon King faction had died out in name only.

“Yes. That’s another end” Orpheus didn’t look surprised at all, and Orpheus wouldn’t have any pain at all for our faction to disappear. All this time, she was alone.

“In your organization, the only major forces besides Wally are the ‘hero faction’ composed of human heroes and descendants of brave people, and owners of artifacts.” Asachel shrugged. “Let’s fight, Orpheus. Now there are three demon kings of the underworld. The Norse Lord God and the Fallen Angels gathered here. ”

“Three Demon Kings? Sejax one, Tandin one. And who else? Orpheus wondered.

“That’s him, the newborn Demon King, a completely different Demon King power.” Asachel pointed at Euthys. Lias hurriedly glared at Asashel, how could the identity of Yuses be casually said?

Orpheus looked at Yusyth carefully and nodded. Then turn around.

“I’m going back” doesn’t mean to fight at all.

“Stop, Orpheus” Tandin had no reason to agree, spread his wings, and roared.

Orpheus smiled.

“Tantin, the Dragon Kings are gathering again, enjoy it. We’ll see each other again” The air around shook slightly, and Orpheus had disappeared.

“Let’s go too.” While Orpheus was talking to everyone, Vali had already entered the teleportation magic array.

“Euthys, next time, I must fight you well, to prove that the white dragon is the most powerful, and the demon king is also my stronger” Wally said and disappeared.

“Hmph, walk away without a fight?” Tantin’s thick nostrils spit out two dragon breaths.

“Huh, isn’t that nice?” Serjax laughed.

“Yes,” Yusyth also nodded. It’s best not to play. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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