The sun shines and the flowers smile at me!

The warm morning sun rises slowly, illuminating the dark sky. Old past, new beginning! For someone, however, it is the beginning of tragedy.

Lonely men and widows live in the same room, dry firewood and fire, and are full of spirit. Zhu Nai was the first to come out of the room, and his white face had an extra charm between a girl and a woman, which made people not move. But for Lias, it was…….

“Eusys….. What did you do yesterday night. That’s right. What did you do” Lias’s burning eyes almost swallowed the entire Juses who appeared behind, and a huge resentment surrounded Euthyses.

“That…. Lias: Listen to me explain…”Eusys left a cold sweat, only Yusyth himself knew that Lias was very jealous. I guess it’s hard to escape today.

“Eusys: In Junai’s room: Actually… To Sister Zhu Nai: Done bad things…. Aisha was already in tears, with an unwilling expression, as if something important had been robbed.

“Aisha… Don’t cry..” Eusys hurried to comfort.

“Badass Demon King… Sure enough, at nightfall, his nature will be exposed,” the kitten looked at Jusyth with contempt, and almost did not label Yusys as a villain.

“How did you promise me yesterday?” Lias twisted Euthys’s cheek and kept lifting up, staging a good drama of a wife and a husband.

“It hurts, Lias. Tap it,” Eusys exclaimed.

“Yes, you should be gentle and virtuous to your own man, otherwise you will run away.” Junai came over and hugged one of Eusys’ arms, smiling with a smile on his face.

A flash of fire flashed in Lias’s eyes. Come and declare war so soon, Eusys, I will not give it to you, the place of the big grandma is mine. Sure enough, putting Eusys in Junai’s room was the biggest mistake he had made in his life. Thinking of this, Lias’s hand was hard again.

“Oh, it’s a battlefield early in the morning. Sure enough, youth is good,” Odin’s disrespectful voice came from downstairs. Yesterday night. Odin and Lotse Viatherer lived here on loan together.

“Guian, Lord Odin” Lias greeted politely, quite a beautiful temperament, and the rapid transformation made Euses also smack! Why is it so cruel to me?

“Bastard old man in the north, what are you doing here” Meiya didn’t have a good breath, this old man stared at himself everywhere at first. Damn old man, his body and soul belong to his own master, next time peek, gouge out your eyeballs, chop it and feed it to the dog.

“Well, this one. How to say it? Invited,” Odin thought for a moment to answer.


“Yes, talk about something with the three major forces. However, Mr. Odin, isn’t it too early. The itinerary should be a little later. Ah Ye, who was still an instructor, walked in from outside, followed by Junai’s father, Baichu.

“Because Northern Europe is also starting to be uncalm. Some people don’t want it, it’s better to think that the old man decided to come over early” Odin sat on the sofa unceremoniously, lazy.

“Asashel, what are you doing in such a hurry?” Eusys said.

Speaking of this, Asachel replied: During the time that Grandpa is in Japan, we will serve as his escort. Baichu is an important member on the side of the fallen angels. I’m busy this time, and I have limited time here. These days, Baichu is temporarily responsible for acting as a guard accusation”

“You mean, there are enemies lurking around?” Juses hit the nail on the head.

“Well, yes. Recently, there have been various attacks, all of which were carried out by the [Scourge Group],” Asachel said solemnly.

Even Odin became serious, and he came here because of this matter.

“Another calamity,” Lyas read. The ghost lingers.

“What did they do?” Eusys also sat down and asked seriously. The topic was thus diverted by Euthysis, secretly shouting – good risk.

“Carrying out a plan that is half the effort – the forbidden hand plan” Asashel’s eyes flashed with a sharp mang, and he seemed to be very disgusted with this forbidden hand plan.

“Forbidden Hands Plan?”

“Someone wants to use a convenient and simple and rude method to forcibly forbid the person who owns the artifact?” Asachel held up a finger.

“The previous attack was…”

“That’s right, by fighting with the strong to achieve forbidden hands in batches, but the success rate is very low, and the result of failure is death.” Asa Shelton paused and continued.

“This kind of thing has been thought about by any force, but it has not been put into practice. If I had done the same to the demons and angelic strongholds before the agreement was signed, I would have been criticized and would have developed to the point where war was imminent. We don’t want that to happen. But it is precisely because they are terrorists that they do it. ”

“Who wants to do that?” Eusys asked.

“The heroic faction in the [Scourge Group]!”


“The descendants of legendary braves or heroes come together. Physical abilities are no worse than angels and demons. There is also a wide variety of legendary weapons that appear in literature. Last time, Arthur by Valley’s side was a descendant of a hero,” Asachel answered everyone’s questions.

“What is the purpose of this?” Lias asked.

“I don’t know yet, it’s still under investigation.” Old man, the time is still there, is there anything you want to go? ”

“Let’s go to the hot springs, I haven’t been there for a long time”

“Haha, the focus is really unique, the young girls on my side have opened a VIP shop in this town. Just go there and entertain you. ”

“Shame on Brother Asashel! Really knowledgeable! Let’s prepare a lot of beautiful women for a big show! It’s time to rub and rub it well! Walk up! ”

The two YIN old men hooked up like this, embarrassed and headed towards the hot spring, and Lotse Viather could only follow, her brows furrowed.

The performance of the two made Euthys, who had just felt the serious atmosphere, drop his eyes again.

………… Two cattle…………….. This was the first thought of Jusses.

“All right, Jusses. Keep explaining to me why you did something like that with Junai,” Lias broke out again after seeing the outsiders leave.

“Listen to me…” someone scowled. _

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