A huge block of ice slammed down, forcing Eusys back to the ground.

Rumble! The ice cubes weighing 10,000 pounds smashed a big hole deep in the ground.

“Hey, little Euthys, it’s me this time,” Serafl said with a grin as she waved her wand in her hand. But the hands did not fall.

“Diamond Star!” Serravl’s wand waved, and one by one the crystal-like things began to condense and recombine, forming something like a diamond with a diameter of about one meter. One, two, more and more in number, and finally covered the entire space.

“Eusys, coming”

Countless diamond-like things began to turn, so fast that they could not be seen clearly with the naked eye! Then it turned into countless streamers falling from the sky, brilliant silver flashes flying all over the sky, like stars falling, and the broken earth became even more broken, just like the broken bowl was continued to be dropped.

“Serafl, don’t count us in,” Achuka shouted, constantly bombarding the diamond stars falling from the sky, and countless fragments burst from around Achuca.

“It’s still the same old way, and when you get excited, you forget your own people” Asmodeus seemed to have expected Seravl to be like this, and he left the battlefield as early as the beginning and stood on the edge.

“Hey!” Serafl continued to wave the wand in his hand, and the huge ice pick, the hot flame, and the dark spell water smashed into Eusys on the ground. She hadn’t been so excited in a long time.

No need to aim or lock, because Serafre’s attacks are wide-ranging moves, and there are no rules to be found, and enemies simply cannot judge what the next attack will be!

Rumble! Syllable! La! All kinds of sabotage sounds, explosions, one after another, the entire square was bombarded to pieces.

“Serjax, wouldn’t that go too far?” Gurefia, who had long been trying to avoid Serafl’s indiscriminate attacks, was a little worried that the test she and Serjax had received was not as good as it was now.

“Eusys won’t be defeated so easily. You know, he is also a demon king! This attack is nothing. I could have hit that Asmodean guy somewhere else,” Serjacks said seriously.

“He also said that the surrounding buildings were destroyed by you,” Gurefia laughed. It seems that something funny came to mind.

Under the square, Jusses seemed to be silent, only the sound of Serafre’s attack.

“Well? Could it be that I went too far, why didn’t little Euthys come out? “Serafl was a little strange, not moving at all.

“Serafl, why don’t you care about me who was almost killed by you?” Achuka appeared from the other side, his body dancing with vermilion magic.

“You battle maniac, this attack can’t hurt you, right?” Asmodee said.

“It’s too quiet, though,” Asmodee looked at Jusses, who was motionless below.



Achuka and Asmodeus glanced at each other at the same time and hurriedly turned to look at the temple.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A huge cracking sound sounded from below the temple, like an erupting volcano, and the entire square began to tremble, the temple began to shake, and Lias above began to become unstable.

Black points of light flashed on the ground, gradually covering the ground, and then exploded one after another, and pillars of light ejected the temple from the periphery, isolating Seravl, Achuka and Asmode.

In the center of the temple, a black light broke out from the ground, constantly rushing towards the top of the temple. Under the impact of the black light, a large hole was opened in the temple.

Duh! Finally, the black light reached the top of the temple. Eusys stood here.

Unable to speak, Lias was extremely excited, and he finally came here. But Lias immediately panicked, because her brother, now the demon king Lucifer, is still here.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Serjax clapped his hands, seemingly glad that Juses had arrived.

“It’s really strong, Jussys. So soon to be here. Well, the final opponent is me, Gurefia, to take care of Lias” Serjax changed his easy-going normal, became serious, and became excited.

“That’s what I think, and that’s what you guys think, right? Tricks against each other! Eusys said.

“Yes.” Serjax moved his hands and feet, walked up to Jusses, and looked at each other.

On Serjax’s body, Eusys felt an incomparably great pressure. Strong!

Around Serjax, many vermilion particle balls of the same size appeared, but the size of a soldier’s tennis ball. Compared with the oversized moves of Serafl and others, it can be said that there is nothing gorgeous or the like, it can only be said that it is a very ordinary move.

But those who are familiar with Serjex know that this is his move, and the destruction bullet composed of the destructive power of the Barr family is not a simple thing.

“So. Here we go. Serjax controlled the Destruction Bullet, which shot out quickly in the direction of Jusyth one after another, striking red afterimages. Jusyses kept turning back, dodging the attacks of magic bullets, and if he couldn’t dodge, he used Soul Breaking Defense to defend.


The magic bullets that were dodged all directly broke through the temple, without any explosion, and where the destruction magic bullet touched, they all melted directly, as if they were swallowed by something.

Quick, accurate, ruthless! There was no superfluous movement beyond that, although it was a simple attack, and then Yussis’s wrist felt like a mountain pressing down.

Serjax is different from Serafl and the others, he is really serious. For Lias’s sake, but also to fight with herself seriously!

Thinking of this, Yuses’s eyes also became resolute. This is not just a test, he has to respond, a response to Sejax’s desire to fight him.

Duh! Huge black wings spread out behind Euthys, and then countless black feathers shot out, like black fish in the sky, rushing towards him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It can be seen that the stone bricks on the temple have been pierced by countless black fish, and the extremely fast black fish can even easily penetrate the entire temple, spreading a monstrous dust.

In such a stormy attack, Gurefia hurriedly left with Lias and flew into the distance.

Seeing such a terrifying attack, everyone else was taken aback, this is no longer a test. It’s real in battle.

In the dust, a red shadow rushed out and stood across the air from Eusys. Then, there was a huge rumble. The temple collapsed with a bang, the entire square shook, and the splashing dust waves made people unable to open their eyes.

Shout! Rumble!

Then one red and one black were constantly intertwined in this dust wave, and at the same time various rays of light shot out from different directions.

“It seems that Little Jace is fighting with Little Sith! Well! People seem to participate,” Serafre, who was watching the play, kept shouting, but her test was over.

“No, you must find Eusys to fight again. The battle has to be like this. Achuka was also remorseful that Yusys had fought with him before and fled.

“Serjax has turned the test into his own battle with Jusses, it is not the same as we were before” Asmodeus snorted, not knowing where to move a chair, and sat lazily on it, looking sleepy. Fighting or something, the most annoying, or sleeping is real.


The two black and red beams slammed together, causing a huge explosion, and the surrounding space rippled and cracked at any time.

“Jusses, if you go on like this, you can’t finish fighting for a few days. Let’s go straight to the winner! Serjax’s red eyes burned with scarlet flames, which were from the flame of destruction.

The surrounding magic bullets quickly converged together, forming a mysterious diamond-shaped pattern that appeared in Serjax’s hand, constantly spinning. Countless red rays began to intertwine wildly, and a red sun seemed to appear in the sky.

“Good! I’m welcome,” Jusyth also thinks that I don’t know when I will finish fighting like this.

“Hehe, it seems that you didn’t do your best.” Serjax smiled.

“BOOSTDRAGON” The voice of the Red Dragon Emperor-Dolegu sounded, and in front of Serjax’s eyes, Eusys was draped in dark red armor.

“Ah, I forgot, you are still the Red Dragon Emperor. Being pressed by your demon king identity, I forgot this. At the beginning, is it already accumulating? Serjacks said that the red sun was constantly compressed by Serjax and finally turned into a ball about one meter in diameter, and several smaller balls swirled around.

“Dolegu, on” Eusys raised the broken soul in his hand, the black streamer surged, and there were throbbing ripples all around, and a terrifying fluctuation was forming on the body of the broken soul.

“End the volatility!” The ball in Serjax’s hand turned into a pillar of light several meters thick and blasted away. The terrifying power shattered the space, forming a huge crack.

“Everything that is lost, everything that has fallen, before this, is reduced to ashes! Conviction! Eusys swung his sword and slashed forward, and the huge blade of light slashed at Serjax’s pillar of light.

Click, click! The sound of something breaking sounded. A huge concussion erupted in between, and then accompanied by an earth-shattering terrorist explosion that drowned out everything around it.

ps: In other words, have you written some urban literary officials, do you want to see?

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