This moment surprised everyone.

“So that’s the case, pour all the magic power into the sword body, and use the sword itself to enhance the destructive power, so as to cut off the effect of the magic wei.” You have become stronger, Knight of Lias” Dillmudo’s eyes became weaker and weaker, and the whole person lay in a pool of blood.

“Everyone is constantly improving, so I can’t fall behind, I have to keep up with everyone,” Jenova propped himself up with his sword and gasped.

“Is it? That’s what drives you, Knight of Lias, then move on with this knightly glory,” Diarmudo closed his eyes with a smile on his lips. Although defeated, it is still glorious.

“How come, Dilmudor actually lost” Joan of Arc was a little incredulous.

“Hey, but that’s the way it is. You will lose at my hands next,” Irina said.

“Hmph, speak loudly.” Joan of Arc decided to educate Irina well and let her know what it means to respect her predecessors. The price is a noble death.

“Spear of Heavenly Punishment” Joan of Arc condensed a spear full of divine power in her hand and threw it at Irina.

Irina directly met the past, and when she was about to make contact, she directly accelerated and went around. “Cross of God” Irina drew a cross and rushed towards Joan of Arc.

“Nice attack.” A thin sword appeared in Joan’s hand, and the pure white sword body was full of sacredness.

“What is that sword?” Irina looked at the sword in Joan’s hand in amazement, and the sword easily wanted to be smashed by her own cross.

“That’s right, this is indeed the legendary holy sword. My ability is the opposite of the handsome guy next to me. My ability is Holy Sword Creation” Joan of Arc swung several blades of light and attacked Irina in an X-shape.

Irina kept swooping left and right, dodging Joan’s attacks.

“Rain of Light” Countless rains of light poured down from the sky, covering a large area of Joan of Arc. Boom! A series of explosions sounded, and under the attack of the rain of light, Joan of Arc was drowned in smoke.

“This attack is not strong enough” Joan of Arc changed another sword in her hand, it was a broad-bladed longsword, and the huge cross handle emitted a light shield, shrouding Joan of Arc, which was said to have the strongest defense holy sword.

Irina gritted her teeth, her own attack biased towards the light speed type. But for that guy, it doesn’t hurt at all. The holy sword that can create various attributes is not easy to fight at all.

“What’s wrong? If you don’t attack, then I’ll come,” Joan moved, quickly rushing towards Irina.

“Who is afraid of you,” Irina hedged.

Two white rays of light are constantly intertwined with each other, colliding, staggering, colliding. From heaven to earth, and from underground to heaven.

“Sky Holy Sword, dominate!” A cyan holy sword with flying wings appeared in Joan of Arc’s hand and slashed down.

Irina, who was originally flying in the air, suddenly felt a huge pressure pressing from above the sky. As if hit by something, Irina fell straight from the sky and fell into the ground, shaking all around.

“Bah!!” Irina got up and spat out the dirt she had accidentally eaten into her mouth.

“Don’t you admit defeat yet?” Joan of Arc said. At this time, Irina had no chance of victory in Joan of Arc’s eyes.

“Don’t underestimate people. Mimic the Holy Sword, control” Irina opened her fingers, constantly adding mistakes, not knowing what she was doing.

“Are you performing acrobatics?” Joan of Arc laughed, this will not have been beaten stupid by himself.

“I hope you’ll laugh later.” Irina’s hands kept adding and folding. “Mimicry Holy Sword, Cage !!”

“This is ..” Joan of Arc found that there were silk-like things everywhere, and if it weren’t for the sun, he wouldn’t have noticed it at all, it was too thin.

Now!!! The threads moved, like a huge net, and began to close.

“Guardian Holy Sword” Joan once again created the previous Guardian Holy Sword, and a light barrier enveloped Joan in it, forming the strongest protective circle. The butterfly that Joan of Arc now wants to be caught in the net is tied into a giant ball.

“Think so, I don’t have it?” Irina’s fingers emitted light, “Mimicry Holy Sword, Cut of Light”

The harsh sound of metal grinding sounded, and I saw that the tiny silk thread became extremely sharp, and little by little the light mask was compressed, deformed, and it was about to break at any time.

Finally, the mask is broken through and all the light is compressed into a single point.

“Is it solved?” Irina looked at the sky, but did not find Joan of Arc.

“Almost solved, angel.” On the other side, Joan of Arc appeared, shattering a puppet-like sword in his hand. The sword of the puppet, a sword that can replace the death of the master.

“Such a big gift, I also have to pay tribute back” Joan of Arc waved his big hand, and countless holy swords appeared under Joan of Arc, overlapping and adding together, forming a huge object that covered the sky.

I saw a dragon composed of countless holy swords appear in Irina’s eyes.

“Just kidding, the dragon composed of holy swords, what the hell is this” Irina looked at the huge dragon in surprise, and a terrible coercion emanated from the dragon’s body.

“This is my forbidden handing. I named it the Holy Dragon of Judgment!! ”

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