“Heavens… Sky” Aisha suddenly pointed to the sky and seemed to see something terrible. Everyone looked at it and was secretly surprised.

“It’s not a joke,” Jenova looked incredulous, such a thing seemed impossible no matter how you looked at it.

“Is this the forbidden handization of the fog? It’s really an amazing ability,” Asachel said, staring at the sky.

The sky is not blue or purple of the underworld, but the sky is actually an upside-down picture of Kyoto, giving the impression that it will fall from above the next moment. But under his feet is the realm of the underworld, and he and the others are like being sandwiched between two realms.

“Someone is coming,” Eusys looked his head somewhere in the sky.

Duh!! The sky cracked a crack, and the two teams jumped out almost at the same time, fighting each other, and finally opened the distance.

Cao Cao of the heroic faction and Wa Li, the descendant of the old demon king, looked at each other even more from each other, full of anger.

“What the hell is going on, aren’t they in a gang?” Jenova has been driven crazy by this series of almost impossible events. Where can the single-celled Jenova accept so many emergencies at once, obviously it was a pleasant teaching trip before, which will turn into a world war.

“Wall-E, really guard against you being the right choice.”

“Hmph, this sentence should be changed to me,” Wall-E snorted coldly.

This left both Eusys and the big guy unaware, but it seemed that the two sides were turning their faces for some reason.

“Hey!! The ugly monkey over there, come and tell us what the hell is going on,” Asashel shouted, and the monkey behind the angry WALL-E almost didn’t run away, holding a wishful stick to knock Asaschel to death.

“WALL-E?” Monkey asks WALL-E’s opinion. His head did not speak, and he did not dare to go down and explain.

“The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend,” Wall-E said. Eusys and the others can now be temporary comrades-in-arms, as they all have a common enemy, Cao Cao.

Receiving Wall-E’s instruction, the monkey rolled over to the front of Euthys and the others, smiling.

“Oh, tell us what happened to you.” Asachel patted the monkey’s shoulder hard, making the monkey grin.

“Tap, old uncle,” the monkey shouted.

“Little monkey, hurry up” Women like gossip the most, and even Serafl of the Demon King came over, looking curious about the baby.

“Yes, yes, this is how it happened,” Monkey began, explaining the reason for the conflict between her boss and the heroic faction Cao Cao.

Previously, Vali received a plot to attack Orpheus, but he never knew who the mastermind behind the scenes was, but if Orpheus was used as bait, he might be able to lure the mastermind behind the scenes out. So WALL-E made a plan to make the monkey turn into Orpheus and deliberately reveal his whereabouts.

The plan worked, and the enemy jumped out and attacked Orpheus.

The beautiful monkey pointed her finger at Cao Cao, and the main messenger behind the scenes was Cao Cao of the hero card.

Cao Cao? Jenova and the others were a little incredulous. The Wall-E faction and the hero faction are not harmonious, this is known, but the common leader of the two factions, Orpheus, is actually the target of the attack, and the attacker is still Cao Cao, which has already caused confusion for everyone. Is this a nest fight?

Ussian, Asashel looked calm, Eusys had learned something from Cao Cao before, and Asashel had been paying attention to the internal struggles of the Calamity Group, so he was not much surprised by this news.

After listening to Perfect Monkey’s explanation, Cao Cao unhurriedly hit himself on the shoulder with a gun.

“I know Wall-E, I know he can’t be on my side, so I’m always on guard against him. Just like he was always on guard against me. Although I don’t want to conflict prematurely, it just so happens that the place where Orpheus himself is pretending to be the monkey is also there, so it caused the current situation. You know, Orpheus has already appeared somewhere here, and as long as my plan succeeds, she will naturally come over. ”

“Cao Cao, what is your purpose?” Eusys asked. This made Euthys very concerned, and Eusys did not think that Cao Cao was so simple to know how simple it was to be a human being.

“It’s not that I want to know where the limits of those who are called heroes by humans are.”

Airplanes!!! A huge agitation came out of the ground, and the entire ground began to shake, as if something was about to come out.

The earth in the distance began to shake continuously, intensifying, followed by a pillar of light that rushed into the sky, and inside the pillar of light, a golden nine-tailed fox was locked inside, its limbs were chained, and its eyes were out of focus.

“Mother-sama !!”

“General Marshal”

Both Kuju and Yaju shouted. The nine-tailed fox inside is none other than Kuju’s mother, the chief marshal of Kyoto Yokai.

Airplanes!!! The pillar of light began to emit fluctuations, and the nine-tailed fox began to cry out in pain and grief, raising its head to the sky and roaring.

“Bastard, what did you do to my mother-sama?” Jiuzhong looked at Cao Cao angrily, eager to cut Cao Cao into eight pieces.

“I just hope that the commander of the youkai will help us do something.” Cao Cao said.

“What exactly do you want to do?” The youkai Hachi asked, at this time, Hachi was covered in black qi, and he was ready to rescue his commander-in-chief.

“This is a special place in Kyoto, where all kinds of spirits gather, and it has been since ancient times. So this foggy space is created and linked to the spirit of Kyoto. In this way, the original plan can be realized. ”

Cao Cao paused and continued.

“In this space, summon the True Red Dragon God Emperor”

Cao Cao’s words shocked everyone present.

PS: Sure enough, I didn’t look at it anymore

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