A large area of black feathers covered the entire space, and then poured down like a rainstorm, crashing into the ground.

“Wheel treasure !!” Cao Cao tried to destroy the black feather in the sky with the wheel treasure, but to Cao Cao’s surprise, the black feather did not destroy under the brilliance of the wheel treasure.

Destroying weapons is the ability of Wheel Treasure. But its capabilities are relative. Not any weapon wheel treasure can be destroyed, not within or below the same level, wheel treasure can not be destroyed at all.

What’s more, the black feathers of Eusys are composed of energy and cannot be destroyed at all.

Cao Cao wielded the holy spear and drew a large circle, forming a defensive circle. Burst! Burst! From time to time, Cao Cao’s body was pierced by a blood hole through the black feathers.

“Ah” Cao Cao angrily slashed a blade of light at Euthys, but was easily smashed by the latter with a broken soul. At this time, Euthys made everyone feel a little strange.

“Yudou, this feeling is…” said Jenova in shock, this feeling.

“It’s exactly the same state as when I was with Loki before. Blackened? “Blackening is the name that everyone secretly gave to Euthys, and such Eusys can be said to be infinitely terrifying. You know, at that time, even Loki was blackened by Euthyss who had been killed in seconds.

“What the hell is going to do about this?” Aisha left tears in worry, and this kind of Euthys was very scary, and it felt like the original Euthys was about to disappear.

“Teacher Asashel, can you contact the outside?” Yuto asked. If he could connect with the president, he might be able to stop Eusis from continuing to blacken.

“No, this space seems to be completely closed and can’t be transmitted at all.”

“Then you can only kill the holder of this Peerless Mist first,” Yudou immediately confirmed the plan.

“Ah, leave this to me,” Serafl said with a smile. But everyone can see that she has held the fire in her stomach.

“Then please Lord Serafl.”

“Hey!! Lord Euthys, come to help you” The beautiful monkey suddenly appeared behind Cao Cao, and directly swept up with a stick. The sealing time of the wheel treasure has finally passed, and the beautiful monkey should pay tribute to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was knocked on the back by this sudden blow, and the whole person suddenly flew out, knocking out a mouthful of blood.

“When did it become a group fight?” Cao Cao wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at Euthys in the sky and the beautiful monkey on the ground.

“Hey, Astalot’s, don’t watch a good show. Do you want your allies to die? “Cao Cao can’t bear it anymore, after fighting for so long, he can’t stand it as an iron man.

“Ugh. I hope so, and it will take time for reality to help. Can you make way? Kittens? Camis Asralotte said with a smile. I don’t know that I thought that this product was a gentleman with higher education, but in fact, he was a madman who had been devoured by hatred. His target now is Orpheus behind the kitten.

“Ahle, doesn’t it look like a cute girl to sit down and talk?” Tacheng Black Singer Mei said, without the slightest intention of leaving. Lord Orpheus behind her didn’t know what the situation was, and he had to make sure that Vali was safe before she returned.

“Cao Cao, that’s it, I have to solve this little cat first,” Camis Astalotte said that he couldn’t get away. This made Cao Cao secretly scold, obviously hoping that he would die, and pretending that he couldn’t help, which was really shameless.

“Georg !!” Cao Cao intends to let Samael deal with Yusys, after all, he is also the Red Dragon Emperor, and Samael, who has the dragon killing attribute, has absolute suppression.

Rumble!!! In response to Cao Cao was an earth-shattering explosion!! Serafl has already made a black hand. The entire space began to shake, and large chunks of space debris began to fall.

“Damn, is Georg being targeted? Retreat first, Georg, anyway, the things are already in hand” Cao Cao saw that the situation was not good, it was better to retreat temporarily. There is also an unstable bomb Samael on his side, if he accidentally let him run away, he will lose his wife and break the army. Until the time to summon Samael comes, Cao Cao will not trade at a loss.

Just as Cao Cao shouted for retreat, a fist smashed into Cao Cao’s face. With a bang, the tumbling belt rolled more than ten meters.

“Eusys, nice job.” The beautiful monkey appeared next to Cao Cao in a flash, ready to make up for it.

Bang!!!! A figure was blasted far away, splashing the boss’s rubble.

“Ahem……..,” It was not Cao Cao who was sent flying, but the beautiful monkey. And it was Eusys who hit the flying monkey.

“Hey, how do you hit your teammates?” Monkey protested.

“The Vali family, don’t go near Eusys now, that guy is blackened and has entered a certain state, which is dangerous.” Asachel hurriedly warned the monkey that this guy was going up and would definitely be killed.

“Whoosh!! Woo1!! Woo1!! “It seems that because Georg was vented by Serafl, he did not continue to control Samael. At this time, Samael was constantly roaring

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