Under the moonlight, the four white-haired fur clans roared up to the sky, their hearts full of violence, and they seemed to tear everything apart!


Beibo roared, and the strong and powerful bear paw slapped hard against the nearby trees, wantonly destroying, while Roth of the ape fur tribe jumped up and down, like a real monkey, and the other two fur girls were also like this, their hearts were full of violence and unbridled destruction.

“Sesshomaru-sama, what’s wrong with them? There won’t be anything, right? ”

Violet looked at Sesshomaru with some concern, she was a little wary of the situation of the four fur tribe children!

“With me here, nothing will go wrong!”

Killing Pill said lightly, his golden eyes did not blink, staring at the four people, observing the changes in the four people.

After a while, the killing pill stopped.

“Okay, calm me down!”

Sesshomaru said to the four people who were destroying everywhere.

For a while, as the words of the killing pill came out, the figures of the four people were slightly sluggish and slowly stopped, as if the wildness in their bodies was suppressed.

Then, the white hair slowly changed back to its original color, the figure gradually emaciated, changed back to its original appearance, and the blood color in the eyes receded, completely returning to its original appearance.

For a while, the four fell to the ground one after another.

Violet ran up in a panic, looked at the situation of the four people, and found that the four were only sleeping deeply, and then let go of his heart.

“Lord Sesshomaru, why did they change back one after another as soon as you said a word?”

After sending the four to rest under the whale tree, Violet came to Orochimaru curiously and asked about Orochimaru.

She had been standing behind Orochimaru just now, so after seeing Orochimaru’s reprimand, the four of them changed back to their original appearance, and they couldn’t help but be a little curious.

“Because I am their ancestor.”

Killing Pill said lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Even if they inspire the beast, in the final analysis, it is only the wildness of the beast.

He is a demon, born above the beast, and in a word makes the wild nature of the beast submit, and dare not resist, isn’t it normal?

This is like meeting Inuishi for the first time, he asked Inuishi to use armed color domineering, Inuishi’s body involuntarily used armed color domineering!

They couldn’t resist Orochimaru’s order!

This is a natural rule, and the inferior obeys the superior absolutely!

“Lord Killing Pill is really naughty, you are obviously only in your twenties, and you actually said that you are the ancestor of the fur clan.”

Violet smiled, her eyes narrowing into a good-looking crescent shape.

She didn’t believe Orochimaru’s words from the bottom of her heart, and she said that she was old, obviously she looked to be in her twenties.

“You’ll understand later.”

Sesshomaru smiled faintly and shook his head slightly, not arguing with Violet more, time would give her the answer.

“Sesshomaru-sama, after that, they still need to become the same as they are now. What does it look like? It looks a little scary and pathetic. ”

Violet looked at the four children who were sleeping with some pity, and felt very sorry for them.

“Once a month, and they’re fine, they’re just exhausted.”

Sesshomaru said slowly, he had already seen their bodies when they slept just now. Physical condition, found that they are not bad, will not cause any harm, just exhausted strength, a little tired.

“Yes, I see.”

Violet nodded and went down to take care of the four little children.

In the following period, Orochimaru continued to study the awakening of the fur race, but since their ability needed to stimulate the wildness in their bodies during the full moon, the interval was a bit long.

However, the killing pill did not waste time, and the rest of the time continued deep. Into the research to see the domineering.

A few months passed, and the killing pill also had some gains.

For the abilities of the ‘Moon Lion’, Killing Pill has some understanding.

The full moon was like a signal that mobilized the beast memories deep in their blood, causing them to burst out with a bestial aspect.

Although this can temporarily increase strength, reason will also be lost, but as long as it is guided, the bestiality is slightly suppressed, and the reason is guided, it can be used, which is called control.

But on the contrary, their strength is one point weaker than when they were completely animalized, but much stronger than the original ordinary state.

On the other hand, Killing Pill also discovered the reason why he awakened into the ‘Moon Lion’ was powerful, which was related to the concentration of the bloodline of the beast in their bodies.

The richer the bloodline of the beasts, the stronger their strength will be after turning into ‘Moon Lion’!

And Killing Pill found that among these children, the strongest bloodline power was not Beibo and the ape fur clan Lot, but the little rabbit Garrot who was still ignorant.

This is the strongest bloodline, and the growth potential of the little rabbit Garlot is the highest.

That is to say, among the four fur children in the future, the strongest is not Bebo of polar bears, nor Roth of apes, but this most harmless looking little rabbit Garlot!

ps: Second more, please subscribe, thanks brothers!

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