Above the sea, a giant whale is parading quickly, and behind the giant whale is a pirate ship.

Above the pirate ship, a dazzling thundercloud shrouded the deck of the pirate ship, and from time to time a thunder fell, directly bombarding the personnel on the deck, scorching their skin.

This is exactly the pirate ship of the red-haired pirate group, and at this time, this thundercloud is made by Killing Pill.

He said that since he wanted the red-haired pirate group to enter the new world quickly, then he would give them their due reward!

With Shanks’ power, he is not afraid of the new world at all, and the reason why he wants to sail slowly is completely to give his crew the opportunity to grow, sailing experience and the strength to fight.

The experience of sailing killing pills can’t give them, this can only rely on them to make up for it later, as for the combat experience, he is very willing to help them make up for it!

This is not difficult for Orochimaru at all, releasing a thundercloud and shrouding it on the deck, bombarding it from time to time, which can both improve their reflexes and exercise their ability to resist blows.

I believe that over time, the strength and reaction of the members of the red-haired pirate group will be improved in all aspects.

Of course, the killing pill will also control the power of thunder, otherwise a bolt of lightning will go down, and they will all be blasted to ashes.

“Senior, I think our strength is enough to break into the new world, even if we meet Whitebeard, we are fearless!”

Shanks suddenly found Orochimaru and said confidently, if he didn’t look at the slightly smoking hair on his head now, it would look much more believable!

“So senior, take back that thunder.”

Shanks, who was originally heroic, suddenly turned his face and turned into a sad face, looking at Orochimaru helplessly.

He was about to be tormented by this thundercloud and went crazy!

Although he knew that this would be very helpful for their members to improve their strength, he was tired of thunder day and night.

So even Shanks, who has already met and smelled domineering, will inevitably suffer a few thunders!

Shanks felt more and more that he should not go near Orochimaru, and it seemed that nothing good happened every time.

“Can’t stand it? How else do you want to mix in the new world? ”

Sesshomaru looked at Shanks seriously, and behind Shanks, with a look of fear, secretly looked at the red-haired pirate crew on this side.

After this time of getting along, some of the crew members of the red-haired pirate group who did not know the identity of the killing pill also knew the identity of the killing pill, and the shock was inevitable, and even some worshipped the killing pill, after all, the name of the killing pill had already spread throughout the world when which reward order came out.

But after this time of getting along, in the hearts of the crew of the red-haired pirate group, Orochimaru has become a devil!

Because the existence of this thundercloud is all the time, they need to be alert to the fall of thunder every minute, and one accidentally will be numbed by electricity, which is a mental torture for them.

However, the benefits are also obvious, Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirates, and the sniper Jesus Bu, as well as some crew members with more sensitive perception, have opened up to see and hear the color domineering, and even the armed color domineering is about to get started.

Their strength ushered in a great improvement, but on the contrary, they felt that their spirits were very haggard!

“Well, in the future, the thunderclouds will be turned on during the day and closed at night!”

Sesshomaru quipped that before, he was also teasing them, so he let Thundercloud appear above the pirate ship at every moment.

For a long time, the crew of the red-haired pirate group will not be able to stand it, which exceeds the purpose of training, so Orochimaru put away the thundercloud at night.

And after a period of sailing, there is a whale Labra, and the pirate ship of the red-haired pirate group is very fast, crossing one island after another, and soon comes to the terminus of the first half of the great voyage, the Chambord Islands!

“Senior, we really can’t enter the new world directly, we can only enter the Fishman Island after coating, and enter the New World through the Fishman Island!”

Shanks said helplessly, he could see that Orochimaru should have something to go to the New World, but without the coating, they couldn’t go directly.

“Normal coating is enough, I know there is a person who has good coating technology, and he is also your acquaintance.”

Killing Pill said slowly, speaking of the coating master of the Chambord Islands, Killing Pill suddenly remembered Hades Rayleigh, I believe he is still very willing to help this one.

“My acquaintance? Do I know anyone who can coat? Who is it, senior! ”

Shanks asked curiously, did he have an acquaintance on the Chambord Islands? And will it be coated? How did he not know.

“When you see it, you’ll understand.”

Sesshomaru smiled lightly and didn’t say anything more.

The perception instantly poked out, swept the entire Chambord Islands, and Killing Pill immediately found Renly’s location.

“Rab, to that. Go in one direction! ”

Sesshomaru said directly to Rab, who screamed and pulled the pirate ship in the direction that Sesshomaru was pointing.

Soon, Rab came to one of the shores of the Chambord Islands.

On a shady shore in the Chambord Islands, the shadow of a large tree obscures the shore, and a man lies leisurely on the shore, with a fishing rod beside him, hanging casually in the water, without paying much attention to it, and regardless of whether any fish will be hooked.

“Aren’t you afraid of being discovered by the people of the Navy when you bask in the sun here so leisurely? Your head is worth a lot, Rayleigh. ”

Sesshomaru looked at the one on the shore. Personally, said with a chuckle.

Renly slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the pirate ship!

“His Highness Killing Pill said and laughed, I’m just a bland coating master, how can the navy arrest me?”

Renly said with a chuckle, his face very calm.

“But Your Highness Killing Pill, why did you appear here?”

Just now, he already felt . Feeling the breath of the killing pill, Renly was not surprised at all by the arrival of the killing pill.

And at the same time, Shanks’ surprised voice sounded!

“Vice… Captain? How did you end up here? ”

ps: The chapter at twelve o’clock at noon accidentally passed to the draft box, only to find out, sorry!

ps: please subscribe, please customize, all kinds of requests, thanks!

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