Katie Astley, a heretic inquisitor at the Divine Archdiocese, fished for materials at her headquarters in Wang Du.

What I'm looking for is a record of Baron Silverlight's territory.

But the dossier room at headquarters is largely unorganized, and the Baron Silverlight territory is an unnamed countryside. Besides, it's been a forgotten land for the last two hundred years, so it's been hard to find materials.

But Katie finally discovered a thin file that collected Baron Silverlight's records.

Anything, it seems that the first Baron Silverlight was an awesome knight, recognized for his accomplishment in defeating a ferocious monster, and was given a title and territory three hundred years ago.

The former Baron Silverlight territory said apple cultivation was thriving.

The neighboring Viscount Cunningham family has long been a specialty of apples, but the reputation of the Baron Silverlight family of apples has pushed the sales down.

However, from one year onwards, the Baron Silverlight territory continued to suffer from weather irregularities, which prevented the apples from being picked.

On the contrary, the well has dried up, and it has become a land where people cannot live, to this day.

Thanks to the neighboring Viscount Cunningham territory, apple sales reverted.

"Suspicious...... very suspicious!

Katie glanced at the file in the library.

In Katie's view, there is something in Viscount Cunningham's territory.

But I don't know what's sappy, so I need to go on the ground and find out.

And I'm anxious to look into it alone, so I thought I'd ask the Baron Silverlight people to help me.

"- That's why I'm here."

"That's right. If we'd come a little earlier, we could have gone out for udon together."

"Yes? Udon?

"Oh, Katie, I don't know udon. It's for you."

Iris fell asleep on the bed and threw the right words at him.

Katie, sitting in the church bench, looks decent.

"To the puffy"

"Even you didn't know udon until you went to Wagaka Village," said Punigami, who, as usual, was Iris' pillow, adding an uninteresting scratch.

But it's not a question of when you find out.

What matters is now.

Iris knows Udon and Katie doesn't.

Iris can therefore be prestigious with regard to udon.

"I've never heard of udon like that. I have trouble being prestigious with food. It's more of an apple than an apple!

"The apples are delicious, but I want chocolate."

and Iclipse, who was also gobbling in bed, murmured.

"Yes, it's chocolate."

Cheryl, who was sitting on the bed, took the plate chocolate out of her pocket.

"Wow. Momogu...... yummy"

"Oh, Eclipse is really cute! I'd like to eat some chocolate, Eclipse."

"I don't think it would taste good to eat about me, huh?

"Is it? Let's give it a try. Pepper ~"

"Hia, tickle."

"Hey Cheryl! What are you doing to my sister?

"It's cheeky!

"If you look at that, you'll see! I'm telling you to stop!

"Okay. Then I will pepper Iris instead."

"Heh? Hey, stop...... hia, tickle!

"Iris, your sister is cute. I'm gonna put my cheek on the other side."

"Even Eclipse!? Somebody help me!

Marion rushed me through the church door with a burn of momentum as Iris cried jitterily on the bed.

"Iris, what's wrong?!? There's a scream right now… what's the situation!

"As you can see, Cheryl and Eclipse are going to melt..."

"I'm so proud of you... not that you're so full of yodals! Don't do this!

"'Cause Iris, your sister looked so cute..."

"Yes, it is. We're not bad. Iris should not be cute."

Cheryl insisted with a serious face.

"Hmmm............ maybe if you ask me............?

Marion twists her neck and whines at her lack of confidence.

"No, don't get pushed off, Marion! Because what Cheryl is saying is a trick! Help me!

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm gonna help you now!

Marion, who returned to me, jumped into bed, threw Cheryl away, and strangled Eclipse with wings.

"Mm-hmm. Well, Iris, I can't pepper your sister."

"You don't have to! My sister is not a pepper!

"Really? Marion doesn't want to pepper you about your sister Iris?

Iclipse asks with an innocent voice.

If this were Cheryl or Jessica, it would mean she would be saying it to make fun of me, but Eclipse is just purely listening.

That is why it is illuminating to answer that.

"Beh, I don't care about the pepper, and I don't want to!

Marion answers with an inverted voice.


Eclipse will look suspicious.

and then. Cheryl, thrown away, stood up and circled behind Marion. Then he takes his tail and trims its tip with his tongue.


"Hmmm...... this tastes like you are lying"

"Really? I can do it too."

"Go ahead, go ahead"

"Pepper... I don't know"

"You might find out if you lick more."

"Is that so? Peppero."

Iclipse rode in Cheryl's mouthpiece and continued to pepper Marion's tail.

"Kusuku, no, no! Stop it, Mother, help me!

Marion left the church crying out loud.

"Um... it's time for you to listen to me, okay?

Katie, who kept her mouth shut until now, asked reluctantly.

Iris had completely forgotten her existence.

"…… If you've been around for a long time, you could have protected me from the peppers."

"No, I don't know what to do with my powers... and I don't like it, but he seemed happy..."

"Oh, you're not happy!


Even Punigami sounded suspicious.

I wonder why they suspect.

There's no way I'd be happy to have my cheek licked.

I actually didn't like it when it tickled...... I bet it didn't.

But as he thought about it, he was losing confidence, so Iris decided to change the subject and listen to Katie.

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