The little fox was placed in Masamune's inter spatial ring, he had cried himself to sleep when his new mother had collapsed out of the blue.

Masamune lightly patted the young fox's head in reassurance, the sight of the little kid howling pitifully nudging its head against her fallen figure made him feel somewhat touched.

When Kagura was ready she came out to see Masamune dressed in his usual black robes appearing as attractive as ever, his black robes contrasted boldly against his fair complexion, emitting a mysterious aura that drew in men and women with his glacier eyes to explore more about him.

Masamune quietly walked beside Kagura keeping her pace as he helped her on to the carriage. She placed her small hand into his large hand as he pulled her to sit beside him.

This time she let him seat her beside him, she was still a bit weak.

Unbeknownst to her, She has unknowingly became reliant on him since the previous incident. Masamune felt the hair behind his neck stand up when his wife gently leaned against him.

"The..." when she opened her mouth to speak he gently urged her to continue as he watched her pretty face lovingly.

"How long do I..." Her soothing voice came to a stop as she lowered her gaze.

Masamune of course knew what she meant and spoke with a serious expression, resolute "Don't worry, you will definitely live" Although the chances of her living long were nil she felt warmth deep down in her heart being comforted by his words.

"En" she rested against his shoulder, her soft breathing made his neck heat up. Did this woman even understand what she was doing to him, he suffered every night because of her yet she sleeps so calmly without a care.

He was beside himself with joy that she initiated contact, even if it was just simply leaning against him! This was clearly a start.

His eyes moved to the beaded jade bracelet on her wrist when her sleeves moved, showing her exquisite skin. His azure eyes deepened, this bracelet, he had turn the jade heart into a bracelet just for her on their one year anniversary.

*The jade heart is a rarity for it is near impossible to find, moreover it grows in the Deshret forest, a forest swarmed by A-SSR ranked beasts. The jade heart is a completely pure jadeite that shines with lustre formed from the blood of the Ancient Gods.

She still kept it. This warmed the softest part of his heart, she treated him so coldly yet she still wore the bracelet that was proof of their marriage to each other.

Even though she denied their marriage ruthlessly she still seemed to have some feelings for him.

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