After putting some spiritual power in Long Ming Yue, Jun Jinyu observed some slight change in her body, it was like the spiritual power that was in turmoil had just calmed. He looked at her like a battered husband. "You lied to me," he said to her.

She looked at him then put on a charming yet evil smile "it's a lesson, don't believe what people tell you so blindly". She got off the bed then took his hands in hers.

"Jinyu, I don't know how I know the things that I know, oops! there was a lot of the "know" word, well anyway I know that you and I are compatible to become relative. there is a ritual that need to be done if we want you to revive a year after your death" she then posed and looked at him sternly "I will accept to carry you, but you have to know that even if you become my flesh and blood if you were ever to betray me, I may not have the heart to kill you but I can make you live a life worse than death" after her words Jun Jinyu could feel her hegemony, the oxygen around him seemed to lessen as consequence his heart accelerated making it harder for him to breath.

Long Ming Yue had yet to be conscious of the pain that her brother betrayal did to her original temperament, though she was a tough girl a betrayal from someone that close will leave a shadow in her heart.

After saying what she had to say she retracted her aura and Jinyu let a sigh of relief.

They spoke for a while.

Long Ming Yue took her time to explain the ritual to her future son, drawing the medicinal plants that he had to find as she was illiterate.


The capital some days later

"Did you hear? The waste from the Governor house ran away and went to her maternal family!" said bystander A

"What! Did she find that being a Young Miss from the Governor house was beneath her and wanted to upgrade her standing? Would the Great General recognize this waste bastard?" asked bystander B

In a restaurant

"Brothers, did you hear the news" asked youngster A

"Heard what?' answered the others.

"The Fourth Miss of the Governor house went to her maternal grandfather recently and was being blocked by a guard, the guard even wanted to take her as a concubine. Can you guess what she did to the guard?" he asked while looking at his friend with a smug smile

"She slapped him like a good waste, haha." Answered the youth B laughing

"She cried and asked the general to do justice for her?" guessed the youth C

"No, No, no brother, you are both wrong! She made a eunuch of him" the youth A ended answering.

After listening to their brother answer, the youths collectively touched their lower parts with a constricted look, even though the Fourth Miss act scandalised them, but they couldn't really blame her as it was the guards who did not know his place and wanted to take the Great General only granddaughter as a concubine. Even if she's a waste and a bastard she is still the daughter of the governor, the granddaughter of a national hero and the ex-fiancée of the Crown Prince. How could a mere guard compare with her, waste or not.


Someone entered the restaurant with haste and cried for everyone to hear that the Great General Lei was looking for a Tutor for his granddaughter and will be holding an audition in three days.

What surprised them most was that anyone could volunteer, whatever is social standing.

In a corner of a street, a purple figure is strolling leisurely without a care till she stopped in front of a shop.

Thousand Herbs Pavilion!

She entered, and the scent of various herbs assaulted her nose it was not nauseating but more refreshing almost nostalgic.

Shopkeeper Lan was not happy to attend to the shop on this day as today customer was the famously known first Miss from the Yun family, Yun Qing. She was a pharmacist genius at sixteen she could refine grade two Pills. The Pills were a rare commodity on the continent and the highest that could be found on the market were four grades Pills, so everyone really admired her talent, well not everyone Shopkeeper Lan, unlike the Tianning's residents, disliked her with passion!

The reason?

Her arrogance!

She was indeed a rare genius but for Shopkeeper Lan she was just an arrogant little miss with no redeeming qualities, even the proudest genius knew how to be humble but this little girl…tsk tsk

"Hello!" said a melodious voice at the entrance.

When Shopkeeper Lan looked at the direction of the voice, he was astonished by what he saw.

She had a honeyed skin colour, long brown hair and a heart-shaped face with well-shaped eyebrows she had an aquiline nose and provocative lips; but what attracted people the most were her blue eyes, it was like seeing a calm sea on a clear weather. Overall people could perceive a faint arrogance emanating from her, she was like a sheath sword.


Was the only world Shopkeeper Lan thought of to describe her!

She was indeed a rare beauty!

Ignoring Yun Qing Shopkeeper Lan went to welcome her with a smile "How may I help you, honoured customer?" he asked.

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