Audition day!

The sun had now replaced the moon, his rays warm as a mother embrace were announcing a new day.

This day was a little special.

The capital was animated with news about the Great General granddaughter.

"Will you be going?" was the question on everyone lips.

"Nay, I don't want to be in contact with a waste, I am afraid my cultivation would regress"

would answer sarcastically some people.

From the night before some rumours had been spread inside the capital saying that if people were to be in a daily contact with the waste they would have their cultivation regressed.

The less intelligent believed in that rumours and decided to abstain from auditioning even if they would be letting go of the chance to meet the national hero, Great General Lei!

The more sensible knew that someone was manipulating the public opinion but chose to stay tight-lipped.

Well for them, only idiot would believe those base rumours.

Have they ever heard of someone losing his spiritual power by just having contact with someone without any?

Only dumb people would believe.


The gate from Great General mention opened, declaring the start of the audition.

Only 20 persons came at the appointed hour.

"Lady they are here." Said the maid to the woman sitting lazily in the master seat.

"Let them come" she answered coldly.

The twenty men arrived in the hall and were now all standing side by side looking at the girl lazily sitting before them.

"Is she really looking for a tutor?" thought one

"Is that the attitude a waste should have?" though another.

In the hall, the Lei family were sitting in a corner watching the show. They had some doubts about the method this little girl had used to search for a tutor.

Lei Feng still couldn't understand this niece of his, if she really wanted to learn how to read and write she just had to ask him and things would have been done discreetly!

But from what he could perceive it was like she was voluntarily telling the people that she was illiterate at 15!


Shouldn't that be something to be ashamed about?

"Hello, men, welcome" a clear and distinct voice sounded in the hall. She did not speak loudly but everyone could hear her perfectly "I don't need you as a tutor, but I have a proposition for you," she said looking at them.

Long Ming Yue had noticed that the twenty men were robust.

They did not look like scholars but more like soldiers.

She also knew that they answered her call because they wanted to join the Lightning Corps.

The scholars from the imperial capital did not come, thus declaring in which party they stood.

"You came here with a goal, but I'll give you a future" after her sentence everyone looked at her as if she had grown two heads. "If you want to accept my proposition, stay if not…leave!"

She looked at them coldly "You have 10 seconds to choose, passing this delay I'll choose for you"

"Can we know what the proposition is about" asked one of the men, and all nodded in approval.

"No" she answered lazily.

'10' Some men started to sweat.

'9' they looked at each other.

'8' danm what to choose?

'7' it can't be that hard working for a waste, can it?

'5' hey lady you jump a number, even if you illiterate you must know how to count! How come from '7' you directly go to '5'?


Everyone in the hall: '…'

Are you shitting us, you said 10 seconds, but you obviously stole four seconds.

"Men your choice?"

This little girl would not be deceiving them?

Lei Feng's thought: "My little niece is not only good at robbing but at deceiving people also"

"Well I take it as default," she said smiling.

The men were dazzled by her smile.

"How can someone so beautiful be so deceitful," thought all the men. She obviously didn't give them a choice, from the start she wanted them to work for her. She just gave them the impression they had a choice.

Grandma you didn't have to con us, we came here despite those stupid rumours it proves that we are willing to work for the Great General.

"As you know I don't have any spiritual power which makes me a weak girl in need of bodyguards." Lei Feng looked at his niece blankly and thought in his heart "Really! Girl, you just castrated a man, and the man was four stars bronze grade! If you are a weak girl, then there would never be a weak girl in the world".

"However, you are still too weak to be my bodyguards" she continued.

The four men looked at her furiously.

Is she cursing them weak!

You are weak! All your family are weak!

They thought in unison.

"What not convinced?" she stood up from her chair and walked in front of them "Then all of you come at me," she said coldly.

Are you shitting us!

Wouldn't they be bullying a little girl?

"Miss how about …" had started one of the men.


He had just been slapped!

By the waste!

What a shame!

"I said fight, not talk even a monkey know the difference." Her tone was despotic and arrogant.

Furious all 20 gang up on her.


The Lei family held their breath, thinking that Long Ming Yue had been hit.

But what they saw astounded them.

Two of the twenty men were down!

They did not know how she did it, but in that little space of time, she had put two down.

While they were thinking about how this little girl put two big men down, she had already put down more than half.

Long Ming Yue looked at the standing men, she had a smile in her eyes "I am in a good mood, you come one at a time" those five were good.

Are you kidding with us, one on one? When with twenty we couldn't touch you?!

"Don't be afraid I am a weak girl I won't kill you!" she said while looking at the five.

Everyone in the hall: "…" Is that being weak?

Looking at their funny faces, Long Ming Yue touch her nose shyly.

The Great General: "…" Do you still know how to be shy?

Madam Lei: "…" My granddaughter indeed!

Lei Feng "…" Who are you shitting with this shy face?

"Ha ha ha" she smiled "Come at me, you won't regret it," she said then stood in place her hands behind her.

"Bai Nuo, you come," she said, designing one from the five.

Bai Nuo went to her, but his face was pale showing for all to see his thoughts.

Looking at the poor man Long Ming Yue didn't know if she should be laughing or crying.

She is really good for him, why is he looking at her as if she was going to kill him?

How can a man be this timid?

"Nuo, you are water base element spiritualist, your foundation is so-so, but your use of the power is really an insult to the element," she said sternly looking at him, then in an instant, she was standing before him.

She had used some weird foot technique to move, they couldn't even see it.

She put her hand on his heart while holding his left hand, "You have to feel the power here in your heart, this power is part of you but not yours. You have to make it yours and be part of it." She let go of him. "Sit in the meditation posture and listen to my voice" even though her voice was cold, but Bai Nuo could still feel some warmth from it.

"The water element has been with you since your birth, protecting you, giving you strength in the dark. You have to walk to it and free it from the dark." The face of Bai Nuo had now an ugly shade as if he was fighting something with all his force "Do not reject it" she said peacefully "accept it, blend with it, it's yours but you also belong to it" after her words, Bai Nuo face had become ruddier and everyone in the all could feel the air condense and being consumed by Bai Nuo.

"He … He…is going to breakthrough" said, someone.

Though that was the occurrence that happened during a breakthrough, however, this one was not like the other. The aura in the hall was too condense not that of someone from the Bronze realm being promoted, and the air had suddenly become cold.

The aura in the air was slowly absorbed by Bai Nuo, then hall had become an icy hall and a big ice bird appeared behind him.

Bai Nuo opened his eyes and his eyes fell on Long Ming Yue and she had a little smile on her face.

The people in the hall did not understand what had happened with Bai Nuo breakthrough and why was there a big ice bird behind him.

"Congrats, you have found the essence of your power," said Ming Yue

Huh…this big bird…was Bai Nuo power's essence?!

How come they don't have one?

Bai Nuo stood up then the big bird disappeared as well as the chill in the hall then he knelt before Long Ming Yue.

"Thanks, you Miss for your guidance," he said heartfully.

From this moment on, Bai Nuo had accepted Long Ming Yue as his master and was thankful for her help in his breakthrough.

He was in the Bronze realm but now he had been promoted to the silver realm two stars.

The silver realm two stars!!

People like him without any resources were doomed to spend their lifetime in the Bronze realm.

Long Ming Yue smile "Now you have two choices" she put her index in the air for all to see "First one sign a master-servant contract with me and become my men" then she had another finger "the second you leave, I don't force people to serve me, but it is your last chance even if you were to beg me afterward I won't accept you".

The contract between terran was possible but rarely seen and if there's no real loyalty no one would choose to have a servant-Master contract with another because of all the restrictions present in this type of contract.

Only five people stepped forward to accept the contract with her. The five that accepted the contract were the ones she had found to have a lot of potentials. Bai Nuo was evidently among the five, the other four had seen the power of the Miss and felt that with her they could improve and become stronger.

Long Ming Yue snap her finger and five maids walked in with little bamboo's bags in their hands and presented them to the five that had just signed a contract with the Miss.

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