
When the man saw Ming Yue leaving he couldn't stop himself from trying to talk to her even though the aura she was emitting scared him.

"Girl wait," he said walking in front of her.

Ming Yue looked at him then said: "Move".

The man did not.

His school sister was watching this scene with jealous eyes, how could her brother who only had eyes for her be tempted by this fox woman?

So she furtively went to a relatively safe place then launched the firework to alert her teacher, from her aura she had to admit that she wasn't her rival, but her teacher may be.

"Brother don't let this fox woman leave with our prey" the woman yelled

Upon hearing those words Ming Yue's anger got fired.

"Prey?" she asked softly.

She looked at the girl with an alienated look.

"You just said prey?" she asked again.

"You consider a pregnant female a prey?" she interrogated them both

The brother and sister did not see anything wrong in their practice, they were strong enough to prey on this animal, so what if it was pregnant? That just meant they had killed several birds with one rock.

The schoolgirl thought so, and she just said so to the angry Ming Yue "So what if it's pregnant that just means we are strong enough to get several of this species with one catch".

Ming Yue smiled at the girl.

Her smile was warm and sunny yet the girl got a chill when seeing this smile.

"You are right" she finished by saying "Catching a pregnant prey is by far more beneficial, you get several for one catch"
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"I like the idea, so I'll take both of you" @@

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