Soon after the teacher came to the emplacement where the girl had sent her emergency signal but saw no one.

Until he heard steps sounds.

He saw a beautiful girl in a purple dress, holding a fox like a baby on her shoulder.

"Miss, hello," he said walking to her position, then he saw her hand in hand with a man in black.

"Mister" she answered with her melodious voice

"Excuse me Miss, but did you see two teenagers a girl and a boy? They are both wearing a yellow dress and have the same badge as me" then he showed the badge he had on his dress. This badge represented the school to which they belonged.

"No, I only saw preys on the way" Maya answered then left with her men without giving the man a second look.

Feng Yi: "…" nodded Miss is right, there were only prey

Feng four: "…" Miss can you not lie with a straight face, and you Boss can you not agree with the Miss


After the peripeties on the road they had finally arrived at Huang country, which was a vast scenery of desolation, there wasn't even a wildflower.

Maya was overwhelmed by emotions as she walks into Huang territory, the anguish, the fear, the sadness…

The country was crying, the soil on which she was walking was begging her to save them, to give them a new life.

Maya continued her walk for three days until she reached the middle of the country, then without a word she sat down and closed her eyes.


Long Ming Yue had lost all feelings of self and was now connected with Huang's country.

They now formed one, but apart.

Huang's country was a pile of ashes in front of Ming Yue and his ghost was looking at her.

Ming Yue: You look like a ghost

Huang country: "..." Can you say something I don't know

Ming Yue: Do you want to live again?

Huang country: Would anyone choose death when there's a possibility to live

Ming Yue: Would you agree to serve because that is the condition to revive you

Huang country: Mistress please allow this humble person to serve you.

Ming Yue smiled mischievously, then took some ashes in her hand.

"You know they say when people die they become ashes as they were ashes from the beginning so it is normal to return to their first form.

However, there's only one creature when it dies can revive once it turned into ashes.

Yes my little guessed it"

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Long Ming Yue closed her eyes then modeled the ashes into a beautiful Phoenix.

"Ashes to ashes is for those lowly creatures but you my Little Zeburi you are not any creature.

You are mine.

My country.

My Blood. (She then drop some of her blood on the Phoenix head.)

My child.

When you die you will and must revive.

Now Zeburi wake up and embrace your new life !"

The Phoenix opened its eyes, then slowly emerged from the ground and when it had arrived at a relatively higher level it spread his wings wide and looked proudly at his creator.

His proud eyes seemed to say: From now on I will strive to live to make you proud of me. Just like I am proud to serve you.

Maya looked at him then laughed at his proud posture. What a child!

"Come, my little Zeburi let's shape those ashes"

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