Ten days later a black silhouette got off from the cauldron.

Dammit, I'm dirty! Fucking old decrepit! Was the first thing she thought. Was that danm old man trying to cook me? Sadly, for him I have thick skin and a long-life line humph!

But I must admit that my body changed a lot after supporting the pain. My muscles, yes muscles! 'sniff' (the last thing I thought that I would have) are firm, I know can feel a force circulating in my body. My body may be good still I am as dirty as can be.

"So, you didn't die" asked a contrite voice. Then the old man appeared in front of Ming Yue.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but god still favour me, old decrepit" she answered pridefully. Then she thought a little and remembered not knowing the man nor where she was.

"Lao Wang is Benzun name so use it accordingly" he said with a low menacing voice. Long Ming Yue got scared after those words. It was not the threat that frightened her, it was not the first time for her to be threaten, nonetheless the force that felt like it could obliterate her did frighten her very much.

It was the first time she felt how feeble she was, and the second time she got this frighten in her life. Feeling sorry for her young life Ming Yue did a 360 degree with her character.

"I am sorry old decr…Lao Wang, I know my wrongs" she answered in a servile manner.

Once I'm more powerful I'm gonna make ya lick ma boots ya bitch thought Ming Yue while she still had a contrite expression. Lao Wang chose to ignore her delusion and threw her in a clear lac to get off the dirt from her.

Long Ming Yue took some hour to wash up all the filth she had on, with every touch she could feel how soft her skin had become.

When she got off the water Lao Wang had prepared some clothes for her, they were western type clothe, a black purple pant with a purple blouse, but no underpants.

You old decrepit don't you know that us the fairer sex need underpants! Fucking old man!

'Yue'er you are behaving like an ingrate, Old Wang could have chose not to give you any clothes! Mama is really sad'

After putting the clothes on she went looking for Lao Wang in the vast land.

"What do you want" said the now familiar face behind her even so she still jumped of fright as she did not hear noise of him approaching her.

"Oh fuck" she cried "Ahem, sorry about that" she continued blushing.

"Elder Wang, this little one wanted to thank you for the bath, this little one really needed a bath"

What about that, am I licking your boots good enough? Ain't I the best at bootlicking?

"Speak with less words" Lao Wang really wanted to slap her behind.

Who does she think she is fooling, even if I could not read her mind I would have seen her little scheme, how can a proud woman like her ever be submissive if not bluffing.

"Elder Wang this one wanted to know if you had a needle and some thread" she finally asked.

Lao Wang just extended his hand then needles and threads appeared, he then gave them to her.

Long Ming Yue went back to where she had found her clothes then took a cotton blouse to sew some panties, once she finished she admired her work before putting the panty on.

Thanks heaven I listen to mom when she told me learn those feminine stuff or I would have to go commando.


"Ignorant girl, come and sit" Lao Wang had prepared a desk and a chair the scholarly types and in front the desk a blackboard.

"what is that old decrepit doing?" Ming Yue wondered.

Without any subterfuge Lao Wang started to speak.

"I know you are not a soul from this world" he started.


It's not like she wanted to cheat everyone however Ming Yue was nonetheless surprised and a little afraid.

"Today I will teach you all you have to know about the mainland and its history. Be attentive! I will speak only once" he said.

Dammit old decrepit how can you do as if nothing was out of the ordinary after a bomb like that!

Lao Wang looked at her severely then started his soliloquy.

"The mainland on which you are living is called Zuberi, it is divided in five territories. In the east is Azure country, in the west we have Bai country, south is Hong country, north is Hei country and lastly in the centre we have Huang country but now it is known as the desolate land and belongs to no one. Each country represents a Heavenly Beast"

So, the previous host had it wrong Tianning is not the country but the capital of Azure country.

Tank, tank

Lao Wang hit the desk twice as he saw his pupil mentally wandering.

Once she was concentrate he continued.

"The five emperors name were determined by the name of their country, Lan for Azure country, Hei for Hei country and so on. Huang country was the richest and the most prosperous of the five which attracted the envy and the jealousy of the other four, so they got together and killed the Emperor Huang and all his followers. After 10 days and 10 night the vast country of Huang was drenched in blood following this episode Huang country became desolate as nothing could be planted in its soil and almost all of its water sources dried up the rest were occupied by the beasts."

After Lao Wang taught the history of Zeburi mainland to Long Ming Yue he then proceeded with strategies and politics.

Fatigued and hungry Long Ming Yue fell asleep on the desk consequently putting an end to the lesson.

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