Although the description of "Bai Nian's" appearance was similar to that of Su Xinghan, his behavior was completely different, and Yan Weilou was unable to determine his identity for the moment.

What's more, he is now on the southwest border of Dongli, more than half of Dongli, more than a thousand miles away from Beiyuan! Even if you want to do something, it's too late.

“Whether it is or not, wish him the best of luck.

" After packing up the jade slips, Yan Weilou started to work on another matter.

That was what he had thought about before - to find an opportunity to enter the vast sea again, exchange resources between the two worlds, and use the secret realm of the vast sea to expand his power in the vast land of China.

Now is the time.

There are three requirements for opening the secret realm of the vast sea: demon soul, spiritual stone, and human luck.

The first two may be troublesome, but human luck is simple and can be found in the imperial palace or the sect's residence.

Standing up, Yan Weilou looked around the empty and solemn palace, with a smile on his lips: "Isn't this ready-made Huangquan Sect the best choice?" He closed the main palace formation. , not allowing one person to enter, then Shi Shiran took out the Hanhai Order and activated it.

The light exploded, and the dazzling brilliance drowned the young man's figure in an instant.

The world was spinning around him, and he seemed to be falling from a high altitude. When he stepped on the ground, he felt that something was wrong around him.

"Ouch!" A roar mixed with a thick fishy smell came from under the feet, and the "ground" seemed to shake a few times.

Yan Weilou lowered his head and met a pair of blood-red lantern-like eyes, and he was stepping on the owner of the eyes.

It felt good under his feet, and Yan Weilou couldn't help but step on it again.

Chapter 67: Sigh on Life (1) "Ouch——!" The sky was dark and covered with clouds.

With a shocking roar, the thick blocking clouds were scattered by the huge sound waves, and countless birds and beasts rushed out of the wilderness, flew away from the treetops, and fled in all directions.

A huge beast that was lying in the wilderness slowly stood up from the ground, its hill-like body shook, and the ground shook.

There was a fierce aura emanating from his body.

Its three heads turned half a circle, and all six eyes looked toward its back.

A figure that suddenly appeared was standing firmly on its back, with an upright posture and a comfortable expression, seemingly unaffected by the changes around it.

The young man also lowered his head and looked at the monster.

In those blood-red lantern-like pupils, the calm and cold face of the black-haired boy was clearly reflected.

From the corner of his eye, densely packed monster beasts suddenly appeared in the originally flat wilderness around him.

——When they were lying on the ground and sleeping quietly, they were like rocks scattered in the wilderness, silent and harmless.

Now they all stood up and guarded the giant beast, immediately condensing into an unparalleled fierce power, making other creatures dare not take a step closer to this area.

Yan Weilou, who was surrounded by countless monsters, didn't seem to have any sense of crisis. Instead, he looked around, thoughtfully: "Is it a random teleportation again? Isn't it the place where I left last time?" "Well, this is a bit troublesome. .

"If he randomly appears in the Hanhai Secret Realm every time he enters, some of his original plans may have to be overturned.

However, it seems that the problems that need to be solved most at the moment are not these... "Ouch!" There was another beast roar, and a fishy smell hit his face.

The middle head of the giant beast opened its mouth toward Yan Weilou, its white teeth shining coldly.

So Yan Weilou also raised a hand, and the invisible and colorless Qi was released, giving the seemingly weak palm a dangerous and unpredictable aura.

The demon soul that he had not used up last time was also released by him. The ferocious demonic energy belonging to the demon king slowly spread out from the young man's body, giving his dark pupils a hint of ferocity.

boom! ..."Ouch~~~" Less than half an hour later, the beast's roar echoed through the wasteland again, long, graceful and continuous.

The voice was initially full of provocative anger and aloof majesty, but soon took a turn for the worse, becoming sad and desolate, full of submission and flattery.

It's hard to imagine how the same beast's roar can make people hear so many human emotions.

The changes before and after are like a giant dragon mutating into a husky. Even passers-by who vaguely hear it when passing through this wasteland can notice the huge difference.

I couldn't help but speculate in my heart, what kind of heartbreaking and horrific things must have happened to that monster that had never been masked before! In the roar of these beasts, countless small monsters wandering in the wilderness fled in all directions.

The huge mountain-like beast lay on the ground obediently, with its three heads facing forward, and its six big blood-red eyes looking at the young man in front of it.

"Yes, he is somewhat well-behaved now..." Standing in front of this monster that was many times bigger than himself, Yan Weilou stretched out a hand. The monster immediately trembled and couldn't help but turn its head again. It was a little lower, squeezing a pit into the ground.

So Yan Weilou successfully put his hand on one of the heads and patted it gently.

"...Tell me everything you know.

"The young man closed his eyes and released his consciousness.

Soon, scenes from the monster's memory flashed before his eyes. The experiences of how it grew up from a cub and how it fought for territory were all skipped by Yan Weilou.

His attention was focused on the past few months, and his first priority was to figure out where this place was.

In the memory of this monster named "Anhui", it migrated here half a month ago.

When passing through this wasteland, I smelled the strong smell of demon blood and the corpses of many little demons. I was instinctively attracted and stayed here.

The so-called monsters, compared to ordinary beasts, just have a little more monster blood and spirituality, and some special abilities.

The gap between them and monsters is like the gap between humans and monkeys.

The flesh and blood of demons is comparable to the human race’s natural treasures to any monster.

Once they devour flesh and blood, not only will their strength increase, but they may also enhance the intelligence of certain monsters.

Therefore, this wasteland stained by the blood of demons is a rare treasure for them.

Many little monsters in this wilderness are attracted by the scent of monster blood and come here spontaneously.

Some of them were just uncivilized beasts at first. It was during this period that they were affected by the blood of demons and developed some special features and turned into monsters.

But before these monsters arrived, in "Anhui's" memory, the empty wasteland half a month ago slowly overlapped with the scene in Yan Weilou's memory.

“I didn’t expect it to be here from beginning to end.

"Yan Weilou opened his eyes and finally realized, "There is no random teleportation at all. This is just outside the city of Qingyang Mansion.

”——This is also the place where he and Su Xinghan parted ways not long ago, left the secret realm of the vast sea, and returned to the vast land of China.

With the preconceived impression, and then comparing this place with the memory, Yan Weilou quickly identified the location and found that there seemed to be a place that was different.

The monsters there seemed to be deliberately avoiding it, leaving a gap in the vast wilderness.

He passed through the scurrying herds of beasts around him, and soon arrived at the empty space.

Then he looked startled, and there was more astonishment in his eyes.

What appeared in front of him was a small piece of frozen land, which looked like a circle about three feet in diameter. The ground in the circle was frozen with a layer of frost, and an extremely cold chill emanated from it. Let the little monsters around you avoid them.

...If I remember correctly, judging from the location, this seems to be the place where he last opened the Vast Sea Order and returned to the vast land of China.

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