Even Lu Yiyu would get it wrong, looking at him with a look of touching intimacy: "Brother Yan, there is no need to sacrifice like this.

I, Lu Yiyu, am not that kind of person.

" Yan Weilou: "? ? ? "...No, I didn't, don't lie.

"Don't you, the Canghai Sword Sect, claim to be a well-known and righteous family? Come on, in addition to the devil like me, you just happened to go to hell with this kid. It's not a loss!" After hearing Lu Yiyu's words, the old man in gray robe became even more proud, as if he had been caught. A gold medal to avoid death.

Lu Yiyu narrowed his eyes and smiled angrily.

Seeing this, the old man in gray robe let out a long sigh: "I often hear people say that the Canghai Sword Sect has never produced anyone since Tianjian Xiao Baiji.

This generation belongs to you, Lu Yiyu, who is the leader - hey! Now it seems that it is nothing more than that! If the Heavenly Sword were here, I'm afraid it would stab him without blinking an eye..." This old man was obviously too complacent, his life only depended on others' thoughts, and he still had the intention to ridicule him.

The total lack of worry really angered Lu Yiyu, and he died.

It can be said that I was repeatedly jumping on the edge of death.

The smile on Lu Yiyu's face deepened. He suddenly stretched out his hand and flicked the golden sword. A sword light flashed across the golden sword.

"Shua——" The old man retreated a lot in an instant.

Seeing his extremely cherished look, Lu Yiyu laughed loudly: "It seems that you are not afraid of death, old ghost?" Whether intentionally or not, he turned the sword in his hand a few more times, and the bright sword light shone in his eyes. The old man's eyes were wandering.

Let his expression change continuously.

"Let them go.

Lu Yiyu then stopped laughing and repeated, "I won't kill you this time."

“——I, Lu Yiyu, do what I say.

"Otherwise, I will kill you anywhere in the world."

" He spoke every word, his eyes were like swords, and there was an indescribable sharp look on his face that had suppressed his smile.

Sensing that the old man in gray robe was slightly shaken, Yan Weilou, who was the hostage, was speechless for a moment.

…I just want to hitch a ride, why is it so difficult? Seeing the obvious expression of emotion on the gray-robed old man's face, Lu Yiyu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again.

He is not a chivalrous good old man, and he is never afraid of any threats.

It's just that the owner of Xiaoyao Tower is in the same boat as him, and he is such a bright moon and gentle breeze. Lu Yiyu does not want this person to lose his life because of his mistakes.

As for the old devil, he was seriously injured, so why not let him go temporarily? Just kill it again.

After the two settled the conversation, the old man in gray robe grabbed Yan Weilou and walked quickly to the ferry.

Because the two were fighting along the way, the ferry was already empty at this time.

He always held onto Yan Weilou tightly, with his back to the lake and his face to Lu Yiyu.

At this time, he reached out and pushed the person forward, and his body quickly fell into the lake.

"Here you go!" Lu Yiyu was about to catch the person, but the old man smiled and raised his hand to spread poisonous sand all over the sky, black mist covering the sky and the sun.

He subconsciously swung his sword, and the dense sword light almost formed an airtight umbrella, blocking all the arsenic sand.

Large swaths of black mist fell to the ground, turning into twisted poisonous insects one after another, with insect corpses all over the ground.

"Brother Yan, are you okay?" The sword light disappeared, and Lu Yiyu's smiling face also disappeared. Looking at the empty ferry and the lake, his face turned cold.

"...Old ghost, you are looking for death!!" ·The aroma of wine overflowed in the Bibo Lake, the water at the bottom of the lake was turbulent, and there were secret passages extending in all directions.

The old man in gray robe shuttled back and forth in the dark passage, looking like a big and agile fish.

While swimming, he let go of his soul perception, always paying attention to the movement behind him.

When he sensed that no one was chasing him, he completely relaxed. The kid in the secret passage was quite trustworthy, so he stopped hesitating and quickly swam towards a certain secret passage.

After twists and turns, we finally came to an underground cave. The old man in gray robe emerged from the water. The water vapor on King Zhan's body was about to strode into the cave.

"What kind of swordsman is the genius, the righteous genius! How can I be afraid of such a kind and soft-hearted person if I hadn't been injured?" He sneered to himself and tried to save his respect, "Next time if we meet again, call me He tasted the taste of my bone-corroding nails.

"Bone-corroding nail?" "An interesting voice sounded behind him. The cave was dark, and the faint voice sounded like a ghost.

"Who! Who is pretending to be a ghost?!" The old man jumped up in excitement, turned around quickly in mid-air, and stared at the water.

Liandi rippled, and the water surface separated from both sides like a cut colloid. A figure, Shi Shiran, came out, dressed in white and pure as ever.

The expression of the old man in gray robe changed: "Why is it you?!" ...Oops! He had clearly pushed this man to Lu Yiyu just now, but now that he was gone, wouldn't that little lunatic come after him? As soon as the thought passed through his mind, the old man in gray robe couldn't help but slap his forehead.

...Wait a minute, the biggest problem now is not Lu Yiyu, it is clearly this weird boy in front of him.

There is no aura of cultivation on this person, yet he is able to follow him all the way here. This is obviously wrong.

“The most touching thing in the world is meeting old friends again.

The most pleasant thing is to avenge yourself once more.

" Yan Weilou stepped ashore casually, looking at this simple cave, and finally fell on the old man in gray robe, with a happy smile on his face.

"You think so? Tiankui.

” Chapter 10 People in the World (2) Tick tock.

There was little light in the dim underground cave, and water drops slowly dripped from the rock wall, converging with the black blood dripping from the fracture of the gray-robed old man's left arm.

He was completely unaware of it.

His identity was revealed at once, especially when this stranger sounded a very familiar tone, even Tiankui Laomo couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Especially looking at the other person's smiling eyes, he felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that there was something evil about this kid.

He narrowed his eyes: "Kid, do you recognize me?" "Not only do you recognize me, but you are also an acquaintance.

Yan Weilou had a kind look on his face, which satisfied his curiosity and said, "Dragon protector of Zukuimen, one of the two chiefs of heaven and earth."

Yes or no? " Before he finished speaking, a large cloud of black mist exploded in front of Yan Weilou. Thousands of ox-hair-like needles were hidden in the mist and shot toward his face! Facing a person like Yan Weilou whose cultivation level was far lower than him. With the presence of the enemy, Tiankui Laomo did not hesitate to take action first.

...The kid in front of him is really too weird. No matter how harmless he smiles, Old Demon Tiankui still has an extremely dangerous premonition in his heart.

Just because he could follow him quietly for so long, Old Demon Tiankui didn't dare to be careless at all.

Therefore, he used all his strength as soon as he took action.

A burst of cries of resentment and ghosts sounded, and ferocious and resentful faces seemed to appear in the black mist, some old and some young.

Their eyes were empty and they were completely unconscious. They opened their big mouths and bit at Yan Weilou.

At the same time, there was a tremor in the cave, and after the undulating black mist, a huge green-black palm suddenly fell from the sky and photographed Yan Weilou head-on.

The old demon Tiankui took the opportunity to unfold his sleeves and floated towards the depths of the cave like a big bat.

Yan Weilou's expression turned cold, and the power of his soul swept out, carrying an evil aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The wandering soul that was about to pounce on him dissipated like melted butter in the blink of an eye.

There was a dull sound in the cave, and the owner of the big blue-black hand suddenly fell to the ground. He was surrounded by black mist, his face was ferocious and dull, and air currents surrounded him. He was a corpse whose heavenly door had been opened and was about to be revealed.

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