As soon as she saw Chong Shanyue returning home, Su Qing'er wrinkled her nose delicately and fanned the alcohol odor with her hands, her movements were extremely natural and skillful.

"Brother Yue, have you gone to Xue's house again?" She stepped forward to help Chong Shanyue and comforted him: "Don't be sad.

Miss Xue doesn’t understand your kindness now, and she will definitely regret it in the future.

I believe that my brother-in-law will be able to stand up again.

" Speaking of this, the girl raised her fist.

This action looked particularly cute in Chong Shanyue's eyes. He was in a good mood and immediately laughed.

Su Qing'er seemed to have noticed his changes and looked at him with some confusion.

"Qing'er, don't worry, I won't go looking for that woman again.

She is not one ten thousandth as good as you.

"Today's experience seemed to make Chong Shanyue wake up completely. He immediately took the girl's hand and said affectionately, "It's my fault during this time and I have wronged you.

"I promise, I will soon let you live the good life you once had."

"Maybe it was because he was carrying a big secret in his heart. No matter how suppressed he was, there was still some excitement in his eyes. Chong Shanyue vowed, "No, it's better than that! The girl immediately responded happily: "Yes, I believe brother-in-law."

" From that day on, Chong Shanyue no longer went around getting drunk, but stayed behind closed doors and secretly planned how to use the "Tian Mending Jue" to plunder a person's foundation first, so that he could practice again.

Since Fenghuancheng is now a mixed bag, there are many people from all over the world.

Chong Shanyue secretly deliberated for a few days, then paid a large sum of money to bribe an assassin and kidnapped an inconspicuous Chongshan clan disciple.

The two had a long-standing grudge. When Chong Shanyue was in power, he broke each other's legs. After he was down, he was bullied by the other side for a long time. It can be said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

He immediately plundered the opponent's foundation without hesitation and killed everyone.

After that, he did the same thing several times, and soon his talents were completely restored. Then he stayed in seclusion again and worked hard, while Su Qing'er took care of all other matters.

"Tian Mending Technique" is worthy of being the top peerless magical skill in the vast land of China. After switching to "Mending Sky Technique", Chong Shanyue made rapid progress. It was not until the third day of March that the martial arts test meeting came, and he finally broke through.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Chong Shanyue looked high-spirited and said goodbye to his childhood sweetheart: "Qing'er, just wait! This time I will make a big splash and let you live a life a hundred times better than before!" "Let Chongshan do whatever he can. After all the planning and calculations, you have to make a wedding dress for me!" "You can't take the initiative to reveal everything?" He sneered secretly, "I didn't intend to reveal it all by myself! The results of his planning for so long are completely occupied, why should he leak them to others? ! Chong Shanyue was full of confidence and went to the martial arts test meeting.

"——The Dao Map of Qiankun is mine.

"Buzz... During a long buzzing sound, Chong Shanyue's consciousness seemed to rise little by little from the deep sea until it completely surfaced.

His eyes shot open.

Dizziness, headache, black vision... All kinds of uncomfortable symptoms made Chong Shanyue unable to react. When he finally saw his surroundings clearly, he immediately looked confused.

...Wait, what happened? Shouldn't I have shown off in the martial arts trial, followed the Chongshan clan's long-planned plan, and plotted against them, and finally won the favor of Qiankun Daotu, eclipsing all the geniuses? Shouldn't I return to the Chongshan clan in high spirits, trample on all the people who looked down on me before, and take away their martial arts foundation? Shouldn't I invite the whole city to hold a wedding and marry Qing'er personally, but that woman Xue Yun can only come to the wedding alone, kneel on the ground and beg me to let her in? At this time, Chong Shanyue was completely stunned.

It was like a long dream that had just reached its climax, but was suddenly woken up by someone with a stick, almost asking the ultimate philosophical questions of life.

He managed to hold up his headache-ridden head and sat up, looking at everything in front of him in astonishment. His mind finally started to work - the sound of strings, the smell of wine and powder mixed together, and the bright lights flickering in front of him. Is it the brothel that completely transformed him? ...what happened? Could it be that everything before was just a dream of his? Feeling the chaotic Qi sea in his Dantian, Chong Shanyue looked like he was crying but not crying, and he was smiling but not smiling: "It's fake, it's actually fake! I don't believe it..." He didn't want to believe that he was still the same useless person with no cultivation at all. , and even more unwilling to believe that everything I experienced before was just a dream.

This blow was even more severe than the moment when it turned into waste three months ago.

Chong Shanyue was in a state of collapse, but in another room upstairs, it was a different scene.

In the center of the room, two figures, one black and one white, sat opposite each other, their palms pressed tightly together.

Undetectable soul fluctuations spread around the two of them, and a misty illusion force faintly penetrated downwards.

This was Yan Weilou's plan.

Ji Muyue specially put several special spices into the room where Chong Shanyue was, which would temporarily relax people's spirits.

Su Xinghan took the opportunity to weave an illusion and used superb illusion skills to incorporate Chong Shanyue's consciousness into it.

As for the fantasy script, Yan Weilou just weaved the beginning of an adventure.

Everything that follows is actually developed based on Chong Shanyue's own memories and deep-seated fantasies.

In other words, if this is a novel, Yan Weilou only wrote the beginning of three chapters, and hundreds of chapters thereafter were written by Chong Shanyue's own subconscious.

——The encounter with the mysterious man was fake from the beginning. To those who didn’t know the inside story, Chong Shanyue was drunk and fell asleep on the table from beginning to end.

Yan Weilou is not proficient in illusion, and Su Xinghan's attainments are much higher than him.

In order to ensure that there is no mistake, the two people's minds are connected and their souls are like one body. Yan Weilou wrote the script, and Su Xinghan released the illusion according to the script.

In this state of connected spiritual consciousness, the two of them could clearly arrange the Chongshan Mountains without using any language to communicate with each other.

It wasn't until they followed Chong Shanyue's perspective to figure out the truth of the matter that the two of them withdrew their illusions and opened their eyes tacitly.

"Ayan, you really hit the mark.

The Chongshan clan actually placed a soul ban on him.

"Xu Xinghan's eyes showed a hint of joy, and he praised, "Without the use of illusions, it would have been impossible to get any news from him.

"——As expected of Ayan.

Yan Weilou smiled and shook his head: "Thanks to you.

If it weren't for Mingguang's profound knowledge of illusions, I would never have been able to construct such a realistic illusion on my own, and it would have been possible for him to see through it halfway.

"The two of them smiled at each other, quite satisfied.

"..." Ji Muyue, who was sitting alone and drinking tea out of boredom, looked at the two people complimenting each other and felt like they were being ignored.

"So, what did you two see?" He suppressed some thoughts and smiled, spreading his presence freely, "...can you share something with me, who knows nothing about it?" Before , Ji Muyue originally wanted to get the person over directly.

As a person in the devil's path, it is really easy to get words out of the other party's mouth.

But was stopped by Yan Weilou.

Yan Weilou's original words at that time were: "If this person really knew the Chongshan clan's plan, he would definitely not tell it so easily.

In other words, Chongshan would not be so reassured about him.

There must be a backup plan.

” And once questioning him fails, it will be easy to alert him.

Therefore, Yan Weilou proposed to use illusions to break through the other party's defenses and let the other party reveal everything without his knowledge.

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