With this thought, Lu Yiyu couldn't help but feel a chill all over his body.

He couldn't help but look at Xie Xuan.

However, Xie Xuan was staring at the corpse on the ground with a solemn face at this time, and even leaned down to check it over and over again.

Looking at the various strange tools that the other party was constantly taking out from his body, with a calm expression, Lu Yiyu said: "..." He couldn't help but move two steps to the side.

A quarter of an hour later, Xie Xuan stood up again.

He exhaled and said softly: "What a cruel method.

"This man only has a few sword wounds and a palm wound on his body. The sword wounds are from the moves in the Canghai Sword Sect's "Sword Code"..." At this point, Xie Xuan glanced at Lu Yiyu, who nodded in surprise. , indicating that it was his doing.

"As for the palm injury, there are traces of the Demonic Cultivation Technique. A palm imprinted on the heart, severely injuring it and even damaging the Dao Foundation. Such overbearing palm power must have been caused by Beidou Demon Palace's "Heart-Eroding Palm"... He said it all with a natural look on his face, "Other than that, there are no other obvious injuries."

It can be seen that the murderer did not inflict corporal punishment.

” But this instead represents a more cruel method.

"The spiritual platform is empty, and there is not a trace of soul breath left. This is a sign that the soul is gone.

"Xie Xuan took a deep breath and didn't know what method he used to detect it. "And based on the fluctuations in the soul power around him, it can be seen that this person did not lose his soul in an instant, but his soul was crushed bit by bit.

" His cold and calm eyes were flickering with light at this time, as if he had seen through everything that had happened here before, and he stated in a cold tone.

“The murderer was like a child tasting snacks, grabbing a piece at a time and tearing his soul into pieces bit by bit.

" His calm voice echoed in the dark cave, giving it a particularly obstructive feeling.

Lu Yiyu couldn't help but folded his arms and took a breath.

Only then did he suddenly think of something: "Now that Tian Kui is dead, what about Lord Yan?" "That's why I said that half of our goal has been achieved.

Xie Xuandao, "Tian Kui is dead."

Yan Wulun failed to save him.

"...Maybe he is the one who killed Tian Kui."

"How is this possible!" Lu Yiyu retorted without thinking.

The young man in white with a calm expression appeared in his mind, as if he blended in with the moonlight.

"From my perspective, Master Yan has no fights with the world, has a gentle and kind temperament, and has no power to tie a chicken. How can he kill people? What's more, he is facing an old demon like Tian Kui who is cunning and powerful in blocking danger!" Chapter 11 People in the World (3) Over there, while Lu Yiyu, Xie Xuan and others were still investigating the whereabouts of "Yan Wulun", on the other side of the Huai River bank, the sparkling water was dotted with dots, and a figure was covered in the moonlight. The sound came ashore.

Yan Weilou stirred up his true energy, and a hot breath came out of his body, and all his wet hair and clothes were steamed away.

The whole person looked spotless, as if he had just been out for a walk.

At this time, the night is almost over, and there is a hazy light on the horizon.

There were only a few boats left that originally covered the river. Most of the lights on the river were extinguished, and the night wind sobbed like a ghost.

Yan Weilou slowly left along the river bank, his snow-white robes fluttering gently in the evening breeze.

The fishing lights on the river in the distance dotted his back, and for a while the legend of the Immortal under the Moon rose in the hearts of many people who happened to see him.

It's just that what this "immortal" has in mind at this time is not the beautiful image of the bright moon, the gentle breeze, and the shadow of the river.

"Three thousand nine hundred and seven soil and two pieces..." The last ray of moonlight fell from the sky. The trees on the river bank were gentle, and from time to time, fallen leaves rolled down in the cold wind.

The fishermen and boatmen returning home in twos and threes at night heard this clear and sweet voice, and then looked at the calm and gentle profile of the man in white who was walking along the river bank and counting the fallen leaves. The fatigue of the day disappeared unconsciously, and the thought of saying no came up in his heart. The sense of tranquility that comes out.

"..." Yan Weilou suddenly felt a lot of eyes on him. From the corner of his eye, he saw many people passing by him showing a kind of confused and relaxed smile. He always felt that these people seemed to have misunderstood something.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it, and his mind was still immersed in the news he got from the "friendly exchange" with Tiankui not long ago.

"His soul was torn into three thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven pieces, and he also confessed three thousand nine hundred and seventy-two sentences..." Yan Weilou lowered his eyes silently, recalling calmly in his heart, whether it was for Zu Kuimen or He thought he knew Tiankui well enough.

"...Seven hundred of them are lies and have no credibility; the other 420 sentences contain something concealed and are not entirely true; the rest is more than 90% credible.

"Through the information revealed by Tiankui, as well as some vague details learned afterward in the previous life.

In this way, Yan Weilou deduced the general story.

Everything started a month ago, when the leader of the Zukui Sect, Zu Changsheng, broke through the last level of the sect's supreme mental method, the "Demon Demonic Art of Resisting Evil", and by chance, took the last step to enter the realm of Taoism, and entered heaven with one step.

The martial arts practice system of Shenzhou Haotou is special. According to the realm step by step, it is roughly divided into first refining the body, then refining the Qi and then refining the spirit. Before entering the Tao, whether it is the second level of shackles of earth or the third level of insight, it cannot be separated from this scope. .

Going further up, it involves Taoism.

Above "insight" is "entering the Tao". This is the biggest gap between genius and mediocrity, between the strong and the weak.

If you want to enter the Dao, you must have talent, perseverance, and luck, especially you must concentrate your own martial arts will, which is not something that can be achieved by mediocre efforts.

Therefore, the Dao realm is also called the Grand Master.

The first step to enter the Dao is to understand the Dao you hold, cleanse a pure Dao heart, and condense the Dao seed in your heart. After that, you must continue to practice your own Dao and cultivate the Dao intention.

Until a certain opportunity comes, you can break through the Dao realm and break into the heavenly man.

This is called "using the heart as a seed and the Dao intention as fertilizer.

When the Dao intention is perfect, the heavenly man will be self-made."

The heavenly man has transcended the ordinary and entered the sainthood, with a lifespan of 800 years, which can almost be called sacred.

Now the number of saints in the heavenly man realm in the whole Shenzhou is no more than three earth positions, and most of them are figures from hundreds of years ago. It is still unknown whether they have been in seclusion or have died.

In this way, it is indeed a great event for Zhu Changsheng to become a half-step heavenly man. At that time, the whole demon sect was shaken by it, and the Zhu Kui sect was even more happy.

Who would have thought that this half-step celestial being would end up in a mess after only a few days of being a celestial being?

He thought that he had achieved great magical power, but he was perhaps too arrogant. When the people from the demon sect gathered, he actually provoked the Beidou Demon Palace Master Du Jiuyou without knowing whether he would live or die. As a result, he was beaten to death on the spot and had to flee back to the Zhukui Sect in disgrace.

After that, Zhu Changsheng urgently closed himself off. Although no one knew the specific condition of his injuries, Tiankui and others had already guessed it based on the clues such as the medicine resources consumed by the sect. I'm afraid that his injuries were very serious, and even the Dao seeds that should have been tending to be harmonious had problems. The foot that had already entered the realm of heaven and man was knocked down again, and fell back to the peak of the Dao realm.

Even so, this sect master was still the first person who had the final say in a second-rate sect like the Zhukui Sect.

As soon as he issued the order, many disciples and elders in the sect immediately went to various parts of the world to collect rare and precious medicines for him, and Tiankui Old Demon was one of them.

The target he chose was Dongli Fairy Valley, which had always been secluded from the world, but had countless elixirs.

However, he did not get off to a good start, and before he could even reach the door of the Fairy Valley, he ran into a master of the Canghai Sword Sect. After being injured by him, he was still released as a target of the trial mission in the Canghai Sword Sect.

Therefore, a group of Canghai Sword Sect disciples led by Lu Yiyu chased after the old demon Tiankui all day long, and they crossed Dongli and chased him to the territory of Dayong.

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