Those who were lucky enough to witness the events that happened two years ago couldn't help but look dazed, as if they were stuck in memories.

“This man is truly extraordinary.

He has supreme talent, but his mind is unruly and unruly, and he has strayed from the right path and gone astray.

""Yan Wusheng is not his real name.

It is said that he was originally a prince and a nobleman, and was born noble. Later, he encountered changes and wandered around the world. Fortunately, I, Xuantian Peak, took him in and he was able to live in peace.

"But not only was he ungrateful, he burned Xuan Tianfeng on fire all night, took the opportunity to leave the sect, and even willingly fell into association with the demonic Zu Kui Men..." "Zu Kui Men?" Is it the demonic sect that used to kill people and refine corpses, extract souls and refine souls, and did everything to the extreme, which was not tolerated by both good and evil, and finally caused public outrage and was destroyed by the Taishang Taoist Sect in one fell swoop? "Isn't it?" "The person who spoke seemed to be very jealous of evil, and his tone was not as calm as the first two senior brothers and sisters.

"That Yan Wusheng was willing to fall. Not only did he associate with the notorious Zukuimen, but after the Zukuimen was destroyed, he took his inherited treasure and fled, becoming enemies of hundreds of sects in China, causing disasters wherever he went... This No matter how talented you are, people who don’t know right and wrong will never be tolerated in the world!” He sneered again: “No wonder when this person ascended to the Heavenly Peak, the master of the Zhitian Pavilion gave him orders and called him unknown! !" Everyone said something to each other, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, and finally put together what happened that year.

Including how the demon escaped, how the hundreds of sects in China exterminated the demon and defended the way, and how the other side later fought back and killed the world... The younger generation of disciples were fascinated by what they heard.

"...The way of heaven is clear, and the retribution is not good! The previous master of Zhitian Pavilion spent his life to deduce the secret of heaven, and united with hundreds of sects to set up a dragnet. In the end, he was forced to lose all his meridians, and was unable to escape. In the end, he had to jump alone. Go down to the abyss.

"Tianyuan?" ! "As soon as this term came out, the disciples of the younger generation gasped when they heard it.

Everyone knows that the Heavenly Abyss is dangerous, and it has always been regarded as a place of death and no life by the people of the world. Now, Yan Wusheng can actually return to the world safely from under the Heavenly Abyss? They couldn't help but express the question in many people's minds: "... Is this Yan Wusheng a human or a ghost?" "Does it matter if he is a human or a ghost? Even if he is really a ghost, this time he will be completely shaken out of his mind!" Falling, heavy snow suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and the flying feathers were light and graceful, dotting the rocks, cliffs, pavilions and pavilions.

The wind howled incessantly.

Thousands of miles away, the sky is still clear, but within a thousand miles of Xuantian Peak, there is wind and snow like a waterfall.

It seemed like the world had changed in the blink of an eye.

"This is... a change in the celestial phenomena!" "Yes, it is indeed a celestial phenomenon that can only be caused by at least practitioners in the heaven and human realm, and it is a celestial phenomenon that has never appeared in the world before.

"Could it be that one of the great masters made a breakthrough?" "Amid the exclamations, the rising sun was gradually obscured by clouds, and the dim sky and earth were filled with white.

The heavy snow was flying, and the sound of ethereal footsteps slowly sounded from the plank road outside Xuantian Peak, and the wooden plank road made a "creak" sound.

A figure came in the wind and snow, and the last ray of light in the sky became his background.


Blood everywhere.

It seemed like endless blood dyed the snow red, and the ferocious red covered the snow-white mountain tops.

The dying Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak was pierced through the chest by a white bone sword, and was firmly nailed to the mountain gate.

The terrifying sword intent cut his soul piece by piece.

Countless limbs and remains were spread across the earth with him as the center.

"I'm back..." A soft murmur sounded on the Xantian Peak, which was as silent as a ghostland.

Under the robe woven with wisps of white flames, a figure stood silently.

"Ho...ho...Yan..." The Holy Lord, who was nailed to the mountain gate with a sword, forced himself to open his eyes, and made a sound like rubble rubbing from his throat: "You are not dead..." Blood covered his body with blood. His vision was blurry, and all he could see was a ghostly shadow.

The pale face, the snow-white hair, the pale flames burning around him, and the dark and hollow eyes in the flames without a trace of light.

It's dark, cold, and doesn't contain the slightest bit of popularity.

These are the eyes of a blind man.

The empty eyes glanced at him gently, and a plain hoarse voice slowly sounded: "I said, I will not die, I will definitely come back alive.

" this...your revenge?" "Everywhere you look, corpses are everywhere, the broken souls in the spiritual platform let out their last screams, and the Holy Master's eyes are filled with grief.

"We were wrong about what happened back then, but..." Sometimes, even though we know it is wrong, for the sake of reputation, profit, and many things, we have to make mistakes.

"Revenge? You are thinking too much.

"The man in black robe took a step forward.

“Over the years, I’ve been thinking about what I did wrong.

" Forest white flames were lingering, and his snow-white hair was floating in the flames. His hoarse voice was as calm as before, without waves, like a scholar who was explaining his doctrine to everyone.

“… After thinking about it, I understand.

“In this world, weakness is sin.

My mistake is that as a weak person, I actually try to talk about fairness and justice with the strong? It's really pathetic and ridiculous.

"You were stronger back then, so you can say black is white, and white is black... Now that the strength has reversed, I can naturally use all of your lives in exchange for a chance to start over."

"That's fair, isn't it?" ” His voice was really serious, and his tone was extremely sincere and sincere.

Anyone who heard it would understand that he had wholeheartedly regarded these words as the truth, without any hypocrisy or sophistry.

He really regarded the lives of the people as the fuel for his rebirth, not wanton slaughter for revenge and hatred.

"No——" The Holy Lord suddenly felt cold all over, and the chill seemed to flow out from the cracks in his bones and spread to his soul.

The indescribable fear was like an invisible hand, slowly strangling his throat... What kind of devil did he create with his own hands! He wanted to deny, to defend, to confess loudly, but no sound came out of his throat.

He could only stare at them with his eyes wide open, but his sight only reflected the cold and empty eyes of the black-robed man from beginning to end.

There was no sadness or joy in it, and there was no pleasure of revenge, just like the sun and the moon hanging high in the sky, unmoved by all things.

In the fear deep in his soul, the Holy Lord closed his eyes, and the sudden arrival of the white flames completely submerged him.

The surrounding sky changed again.

One after another, wisps of cold white flames were born from the void.

The piercing cold flames melted the remains of the Holy Lord, burned the pavilions and towers like the heavenly palaces around, wiped out the bloody remains of the mountain gate, and ignited the cold wind and frost.

The Xuantian Peak, which symbolizes the supreme holy land on earth, was burned to a white ground in this vast flame, and the debris on the ground turned into ashes, leaving a piece of Wang Jing.

A figure stood quietly in the sea of ​​fire. The incarnation of the Yuanshen under the black robe had reached its limit, gradually turning from real to virtual, and almost shattered.

He looked indifferent, neither happy nor sad.

Turning away, a golden glow lit up in the depths of his dark and empty pupils.

The golden light swam like a flame, interweaving a round of illusory patterns in the pupil of the left eye that looked like a sundial, but the scale on it was different from the sundial, and there was no word on it.

This is the rare treasure "Dial of Time" that has accompanied him since he traveled to this world. It can control time, tamper with time, and reverse time. Only the power of time can drive it.

One after another, illusory streams of light floated up from the debris in the sea of ​​fire. These invisible and intangible light-blocking forces rushed towards him and were finally swallowed up by the Dial of Time.

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