Zhaowen Hall was the place where Emperor Yong rested and lived on weekdays, and where he met privately with some close ministers and royal family members. It is said that the ability to enter Zhaowen Hall was one of the factors that many people privately judged whether a courtier was favored by the emperor or not.

At this time, not far outside the gate, a man in red clothes could be vaguely seen standing upright at the door like a benchmark. The hem of his crimson clothes moved slightly in the wind, and a long and narrow knife hung on his waist.

"Huh? This is..." Yan Weilou often comes to the palace, and the palace attendants in Zhaowen Palace are also used to him not having to report anything special. He was about to enter the palace as usual, but suddenly stopped and looked up at the guard at the door. man in red.

Xie Xuan glanced at him in surprise and said nothing.

Someone from the palace immediately stepped forward and explained earnestly: "Your Highness, this is the newly appointed commander of the Feiyu Guard, Mr. Xie Xuanxie.

" When the palace man spoke, Xie Xuan also stepped forward and saluted him: "I have met His Royal Highness.

"...It turns out to be Commander Xie."

" Yan Weilou looked stunned.

He stepped forward to give the other person a hand in a very natural manner, with a smile on his face.

That handsome face was full of energy, with the air of a young man in high spirits.

"Thank you, Commander, there is no need to be polite.

There are other important things to do today, and I will definitely invite you to the Star Reaching Tower to get together some other day.

" He waved his hand boldly, with the aura of a knight-errant, and walked away with his head held high.

"..." Xie Xuan stood back where he was, his expression calm and calm.

He silently watched the young man's back as he walked away gracefully, and touched something extra in his hand.

·"Pa!" "Qingwei, you have come to this point and you still refuse to repent! Do you want to force your mother to kneel down and kowtow to you?" A gentle female voice whispered sadly, and only heard The sound makes people think that this is a woman as gentle as water.

“You are the ones forcing me.

Another female voice was younger and colder, "I said, I won't get married."

"In the Zhaowen Palace, Emperor Yong was sitting on the throne, looking down at the farce in the palace.

The eldest princess and Fang Qingwei, mother and daughter, were confronting each other in the palace. The former was wearing gorgeous hair and beautiful appearance, but the latter fell to the ground in a panic, with a slap mark on her left face. She looked up at the eldest princess. Biting his lips drew blood.

"I will never marry the prince of Qi.

" She spoke every word with a sharp hatred in her eyes.

"Then go die.

"Chang Xinhou, who was sitting on the side, suddenly spoke, his voice cold and emotionless, "Why don't I beat you to death on the spot, you evil girl, and it will be over once and for all.

"Huh... there seemed to be a cold wind blowing through the palace.

When he didn't speak, his whole person seemed to dissolve in the air, without any sense of existence.

Once he opened his mouth to speak, a majestic mountain appeared before his eyes, filling the entire world, making everyone bow down under this majestic and profound momentum.

This is the aura of a great master who has entered the Taoist realm.

Before the others could react, he stood up suddenly and was about to wave his palm out. He didn't hesitate at all and beat his own daughter to death on the spot.

“Wait a minute.

"As soon as Yan Weilou stepped into the palace, he saw the scene of father and daughter fighting each other. A smile appeared on his face, "The engagement concerns both parties. Could it be that no one asked me if I am willing? "I thought it was a happy ending plot, but now it seems like a forced marriage? He didn't care about Fang Qingwei's life or death, but if this slap continued, wouldn't the Shengjing gossip headlines become #为There are various sensational news such as the eldest lady of the Changxin Hou Mansion chose to die to avoid the engagement, or the truth about the fratricide between the father and the daughter of the Changxing Hou Mansion was actually because of him.

Then wouldn't he have become Ma Wencai, who broke up Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in this inferior script about forced marriage? Maybe he will become the infatuated object of the other party's eldest lady in Shengjing City's gossip.

... This not only seriously denigrates his aesthetics, but also slanders his innocence out of thin air.

Chapter 14 Wei Lansheng (2) "The engagement concerns both parties. Could it be that no one has asked me if I am willing?" In Zhaowen Hall, this sudden sentence fell lightly, and the brisk and rising ending seemed to reveal a little bit of the young man's distress, which made The listener couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The arrival of Yan Weilou suddenly broke the tense atmosphere in the palace.

This space that was supposed to be filled with Chang Xinhou's aura seemed to suddenly be filled with a breeze, and the original sense of oppression disappeared.

The aura on his body was much weaker than that of the Grand Master who had entered the Dao Realm, but he had a unique and strong sense of presence that no one could ignore.

Chang Xinhou withdrew the palm he was about to swing, and his expression softened.

"For the sake of the Crown Prince, let me spare the life of this evil girl like you.

" He flicked his sleeves, sat down again, and coldly scolded Fang Qingwei who fell on the ground. His aura dissipated, and his whole person became ordinary again.

The few people who were originally suppressed by the omnipresent majestic aura of Chang Xinhou all felt inexplicably relaxed, as if the rain came after a long drought.

Emperor Yong, who was sitting on the throne, immediately laughed, pointed with one finger at Yan Weilou, who had just stepped into the palace, and said in a familiar tone: "You kid has not been in the palace for a while.

I heard that you have been practicing hard in seclusion in your mansion for the past two days, but is it true? " He pretended to be surprised and had an unexpected look on his face, as if the person who sent Feiyu Guards to monitor him day and night and knew everything about Yan Weilou's words and deeds was not Emperor Yong himself.

In this regard, Yan Weilou could only sigh, as expected, emperors have always been actors since ancient times.

...However, if we really want to talk about acting skills now, it is not because Yan Weilou is boasting. Several of the people present are younger brothers, and he can easily beat him by himself.

He only brewed for less than half a second before a careless smile appeared on his face, and he came close to Emperor Yong as usual, beaming: "Of course it's true, I have made great progress in my cultivation this time.

"I don't know that you are lazy, you must be just pretending!" " Emperor Yong's tone became more intimate.

Yan Weilou shook his head, his expression in high spirits.

"Uncle Huang doesn't know that people in this world have different talents.

Some people practice hard for half a lifetime, but it is difficult to break the shackles. Some people are intolerant to hard work, but they can break the shackles in one day, which is equal to the mediocre person's half-life effort.

" His tone was like a child asking for credit, full of pride and cleverness that was not annoying.

Emperor Yong almost laughed angrily: "You mean, you are one of the few geniuses?" "Uncle Huang still knows about me.

"Yan Weilou nodded shamelessly, looking at Emperor Yong with relief in his eyes, "I only stayed in seclusion for two days, and all my shackles were broken. I once reached the Tianmen, and my energy grew in the sea overnight. How can I not be a genius? "The more he said this, the more Emperor Yong didn't believe a word of it - the cultivation level Yan Weilou had shown so far was only the seventh level of shackles.

What's more, his image of not wanting to make progress has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The two drama stars had a good exchange with each other. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they seemed to be in harmony with each other on the surface. They seemed closer than their biological father and son.

At this time, Yan Weilou calmly said his true purpose: "Just heard that Miss Fang does not want to fulfill the engagement?" Chang Xinhou, who was sitting with his eyes closed and concentrating, immediately opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and his voice was Also as cold as ice: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my daughter, Fang Tianxun, will not allow her to have two husbands. The engagement will be terminated unless she dies.

"Husband!" "The eldest princess immediately exclaimed.

Fang Tianxun ignored her: "The state has national laws, and families have family rules.

You are not allowed to interfere in this matter.

"The eldest princess immediately fell silent and did not dare to say another word. She just cried silently, like pear blossoms with rain.

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