Yan Weilou quickly grabbed him: "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's not the problem here.

"Xu Xinghan looked back suspiciously, but his eyes fell on the young man's face carefully, not missing the slightest change.

At this glance, he discovered the clue.

Although Yan Weilou's expression didn't seem to have changed much from before, if you look closely, you can see a hint of patience between his slightly frowned eyebrows.

The lips that were still holding a gentle and ambiguous smile just now also lost color, and the curve of the corners of the mouth became straight.

The young man's dark pupils were always calm and deep, without many emotional ups and downs. He only showed an undetectable soothing smile when his eyes met with Su Xinghan's.

He also turned around and urged Su Xinghan, who was standing still, with a hint of helplessness and indulgence in his smile: "I'm really fine, let's keep walking, I can already sense that the place we are looking for is very close.

"The battle is over, and he is not in any danger now - even if there is real danger, they cannot fly out from the forbidden land in the sky immediately.

Then why go out of your way to tell Su Xinghan? Not only does it not help, but it also affects his mood in vain? Su Xinghan stared at him seriously and did not choose to reveal it. He just stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve and shook it gently: "Don't worry, I am very interested in this town. It seems to be a relic from ancient times.

Can I stop by and explore along the way? "Of course."

"Yan Weilou almost separated from consciousness in pain, and his head felt dizzy. He agreed without much thought, with a bright smile, "If you like.

In fact, I am also a little curious.

"Next, Su Xinghan began to observe everything around him carefully, from an ancient stone road, to the rusty sword fragments on the stone road, to the wall engraved with ancient patterns on the roadside, he carefully After looking at it for a while, he took a few steps forward.

Yan Weilou's pace also slowed down in response. While Su Xinghan was concentrating on looking at the ancient ruins, he stood quietly on the spot, silently enduring the severe pain that came from his consciousness, and even had some kung fu. Focus on observing the recovery of your own body.

"The rib repair progress is 70%...the forearm bones are corrected, 100%...the chest flesh and blood is 80%..." The progress was automatically reported to himself in his mind, as if a man-made system was installed, and Yan Weilou couldn't play with it. He was so happy that he forced himself to ignore the pain, and before he knew it, he became energetic again.

At this time, Su Xinghan seemed to have suddenly lost interest in the ancient ruins around him, and his attention returned to Yan Weilou: "Without wasting time, Ayan, let's go find the general outline of the Heaven-Mending Technique first.

" Yan Weilou tilted his head in confusion: "You figured it all out so quickly? " "ah? "Xu Xinghan blinked slowly, feeling a bit dull and dazed.

After understanding the meaning of Yan Weilou's words, his eyes flashed, he slowly shook his head, and said in a calm tone, "It's not interesting, it's more interesting to find the general outline of the Mending Technique.

" These words sound like a scumbag who likes the new but hates the old.

Yan Weilou chuckled to himself at his imaginative association.

He noticed that the pain in his consciousness was getting lighter and lighter, and his mind was much clearer, no longer as hazy as before.

He glanced at Su Xinghan's slightly twinkling eyes, as if he had discovered something, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Yan Weilou held the hand at his side and said softly: "...Then let's find the general outline of the Heaven-Mending Technique.

"This small town is shrouded in a gray sea of ​​fog, and the entire town is gray and white, but it has not been eroded by the fog.

All they could see was the gray-white stone road about a mile in front of them.

After a while, a gray-white wall blocked the way.

The two of them turned a corner and finally entered the town.

What they saw immediately made their eyes widen.

They saw a straight gray-white stone road spreading in front of them, extending towards the gray sea of ​​fog. The end of the road was submerged by the sea of ​​fog.

At this time, the two of them were like characters in a game without a map or navigation. They were surrounded by thick fog, and only one light could illuminate a three-foot radius, which was the range illuminated by the forest's white tribulation fire.

They could only see three or two nearby buildings and a white skeleton kneeling on both sides of the stone road.

——That's right, these white bones that have long lost their flesh and blood, even after death, still kneel down on both sides of the stone road.

It seems that the subjects are waiting for the coming king early, or the sinners cannot get rid of the shackles of sin until they die, and can only repent and atone here forever.

This weird scene made the atmosphere here feel particularly weird.

The two of them were quiet for several breaths, and then they lifted their feet and took a few steps forward.

The forest-white tribulation fire floating around them moved forward together, illuminating a small section of the path again.

The gray fog dissipated, and two more kneeling bones, one on the left and one on the right, appeared in their sight.

A gust of cold wind blew quietly from all around, and the white bones seemed to be glowing with a bright light.

Yan Weilou blinked his eyes in confusion and murmured: "What is this...? Could it be a sacrificial ceremony from ancient times? It always feels like this place is so dense, like a cemetery.

"It's really possible."

"After observing carefully, Su Xinghan nodded thoughtfully.

As we all know, ancient times were far more barbaric than they are now, and blood sacrifices were commonplace.

"Look, the patterns on the ground and the formation patterns on the walls were often used to decorate altars and mausoleums in ancient times..." Su Xinghan stretched out his hand and pointed at them one by one, and pulled out an unknown amount of information in his memory. Something I had seen years ago.

Yan Weilou asked: "It's actually a cemetery?" "Well, if I remember correctly, ordinary people can't afford this kind of pattern. Only great figures who are respected by countless people can decorate their tombs like this.

" Speaking of this, Su Xinghan suddenly had a strange guess and couldn't help but look at Yan Weilou in surprise.

Yan Weilou was slightly startled when he looked at him. He actually saw what Su Xinghan wanted to express with just one look.

He raised his hand and pointed at himself, dumbfounded: "Mingguang, you don't think... this is my cemetery, do you?" Su Xinghan didn't speak, just looked at him with his eyes: Don't you? "I'm not dead, why build a cemetery..." Yan Weilou muttered in a dumbfounded voice.

It would be fine if he was the reincarnation of his soul after death, but he is not.

He was very sure that his body was the one before the time travel, perhaps it had shrunk due to traveling through time and space several times.

In this case, why build a cemetery if there are not even corpses? The two of them just casually spread their thoughts on this topic and continued to move forward.

The deep white flames melted away the surrounding gray fog, and this straight stone road appeared in front of the two of them bit by bit.

The most impressive thing is the white bones kneeling on both sides of the road.

As I walked down the road, I counted hundreds of them.

Logically speaking, these bones that have been around for an unknown amount of time are most likely to cause remnants of obscurity. If they really "came to life", it would be a living horror movie.

But they just knelt quietly by the road, in complete silence.

Yan Weilou scanned it with his spiritual consciousness with great interest, and then he understood the reason.

"Their souls were scattered..." "——These people did not simply die, but died with their souls scattered, so there was no regret.

After making his judgment, he shook his head casually: "Tsk, how cruel."


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