He leaned back carelessly on the large gilt chair cushioned with tiger skin, which was very inappropriate.

Not only did this man sit on it, but he also moved a chair next to him and placed it next to him. Another man in white, who looked no better than him and even sicker, sat next to him.

Occasionally he coughed twice.

But the bandit leaders in the hall, including the Half-Step Heavenly Man whose seat had been occupied, did not dare to show any strange expressions.

From time to time, their eyes glanced at the two coachmen standing next to them, like two wooden stakes stuck there, with all kinds of little thoughts running in their heads.

"... What do you think, the bigger master?" Yan Weilou tapped his fingers on the back of the chair twice, and cast his eyes lightly on the half-step heavenly being, "How long will it take you to fulfill my request? ?" He didn't even ask the other party whether he would agree to his request, but asked the time directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

And of course the bigger boss would not dare to say, "How are you sure I will agree to your request" like a fool? This is no different from seeking death.

After all, even without him as the big boss, the other nine people can still mobilize the connections of Jiuxing Village.

Instead, he was worried that this person saw that he was too strong and difficult to control, so he just killed him first.

Therefore, he did not dare to hesitate for a second and responded quickly: "Don't worry, sir, everything will be ready before this evening.

I, Jiuxingzhai, secretly control three chambers of commerce, one of which happens to have dealings with Guanlan Jiange. It earns nearly one million taels from selling swords every year. As long as I find an excuse to go there to receive the goods in advance, I guarantee that no one will be suspicious. .

" His tone was urgent, and he blurted out a long sentence, as if he was afraid that Yan Weilou would misunderstand that he was being negligent. This spineless gesture really did not look like a strong man who could achieve half-step to the level of heaven.

Generally speaking, as long as they are great masters who have clearly understood their own Tao and condensed their Tao seeds, they will have a pride in their hearts that would rather bend than bend. Temporary concessions and compromises may be possible, but such an attentive and flattering attitude will only damage their ability. Daoxin.

Yan Weilou nodded with satisfaction.

This was one of the reasons why he chose Jiuxingzhai as his target.

On the one hand, such a green forest force that has been ravaging a state and has not yet been wiped out by the government must have an extremely strong network of connections secretly, enough to allow them to avoid the eyes and ears of the Dayou Dynasty.

On the other hand, robbers bully the weak and fear the strong. The Half-Step Heavenly Man who chooses to be the bandit leader must be the most able to see the situation clearly and the most flexible and flexible compared with other strong men in the same realm.

Yan Weilou doesn't want to encounter someone who refuses to give in no matter what. That would not only waste his time, but also increase the risk of exposure.

Therefore, he waved his hand in a good mood: "Go ahead and arrange everything as soon as possible.

"As for whether the other party will take the opportunity to run away? After all, there are still two tool men who are watching. I guess the bandit leader will not be so unwise.

As for the two stiff-faced coachmen, they are controlled by the remnant souls of the other two tool men.

While running away from Dayou Imperial City, Yan Weilou picked up two dead bodies and arranged them for them.

Sure enough, not only did I save money on hiring a rickshaw driver (?), but I also experienced the excitement of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The seemingly ordinary driver turned out to be a peerless master or something... full of Aotian style routines.

Huh? Are there any strange memories popping up in his head? Unable to capture the sudden flash of memory fragments, Yan Weilou shook his head with slight regret.

However, it doesn't matter if he loses his memory. He can create new memories by himself. What's more important now is to go to Guanlan Jiange as soon as possible! ·The waves are long, the clear water of a river flows eastward, and the flowers on both sides of the river recede rapidly.

When the wind blows, the rushing river is like a roaring dragon, stirring up countless waves in an instant.

In the middle of the river, an extraordinary fleet of ships was sailing down the river. Even in the fierce wind and waves, they still seemed to be walking on flat ground.

The big ship surrounded in the middle is like a giant shark in the sea, carrying majestic momentum, crushing countless waves and passing through the storm.

On the boat, a noble man wearing black clothes, wearing cloud shoes, with hair like crow feathers and eyes like ink, stood on the deck with his hands behind his hands, looking at the surging river.

When the whole ship passed through the turbulent storm, the dense mist all around dyed his hair and eyebrows.

People from Tuduohao stood respectfully beside him. A rich man dressed as a steward was introducing him to the local customs and customs in a soft voice and vividly. At this time, he pointed to the river and said: "...the name of this river is Yuhengjiang.

The river got its name because the water is clear, as green as emerald, and like a jade belt across the sky.

"Young master, I don't know. There is a local story that has been circulating for a long time about Yu Hengjiang."

It is said that there was no Yuhengjiang River here at that time, but a dry land.

There was once a pair of childhood sweethearts who grew up together since childhood. The two families were wealthy, and they were already slated to be married. When they grew up, they fell in love with each other even more deeply, and they met for the rest of their lives. They were a match made in heaven.

Unexpectedly, there was a drought one year, and most of the people in the city died. The childhood sweethearts survived by chance, but became refugees and got separated halfway..." "The young man was extraordinary and was noticed by a passing master. I became a closed disciple.

Alas, to say that this life encounter is bizarre.

For example, I, a small person, never thought that I would have the opportunity to meet a great man like you in my lifetime! " Yan Weilou: "..." This man seemed to have a talent for storytelling. Although it didn't seem to be a very novel story, he was very excited and his tone was ups and downs. Just by his ability to mobilize emotions, people could listen to it unconsciously.

And he took every opportunity to say a rainbow fart, and made a magical turn unexpectedly. He said it without blushing or panting, which made Yan Weilou admire him.

...Although he didn't know who this young man was, he was so respectful to his boss's boss that his background must be beyond his imagination. Don't worry about it, just flatter him! Seeing that Yan Weilou didn't react much, he didn't seem to be happy about the flattery, nor did he show any signs of anger, so he smiled and continued: "...The master didn't make a mistake. This young man has an unusually high talent.

But his cultivation stopped, and he didn't make any progress for more than three hundred years.

No matter how many ways he tried, it was useless.

"When this half-step celestial being was almost crazy in pursuit of the great Dao, a master who was good at calculating the secrets of heaven finally pointed out that his Dao heart was incomplete and it was difficult to be perfect. There was still karma to be repaid..." "It turned out that the talent that amazed the master was not innate, but that the little green plum accidentally picked up a strange fruit on the way to escape from the famine, but gave it to him while starving.

His talent and cultivation were originally given by someone else.

If there had been no strange fruit to give away, perhaps the situation of the two people would have been reversed today.

" "After this person started practicing, he also read many classics. In one of the classics, he saw the introduction of a similar strange fruit. He had guessed the strangeness of himself, but deliberately chose to avoid it and never looked for the green plum of that year.

After being told, he realized that karma must be repaid.

" And then, it was the happy ending that everyone loved to see.

As a half-step celestial being, countless people were willing to be driven by him, so it was easy to find him.

Hundreds of years had passed, and the girl had turned into bones.

But the other party's descendant was still alive - she waited for years, but in vain, so she had to marry someone else.

The jade belt given to the girl when they got engaged was passed down by her.

Even when she was in the most difficult time, she kept it well and never sold it.

He found this descendant.

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