... He did all this not to make friends with a future heavenly being, but to keep an important secret about himself.

This cannot be said to outsiders.

Step by step from a commoner to now, Fang Tianxun has always believed in his own strength, and all other external forces are unreliable.

How can making friends with a future heavenly being compare to becoming a heavenly being yourself? ——The Prince of Qi is his hope to become a heavenly being.

Even if the marriage contract failed, how could he be willing to give up? ..."Marquis Changxin has other plans? Is this true?" On the other side, in Prince Qi's Mansion, which was only two blocks away from the Mansion of Marquis Changxin, he was confused by a sentence suddenly thrown out by Yan Weilou. Mr. Shen's face was filled with eagerness.

This night was full of twists and turns. It wasn't until dawn that Feiyuwei completed his inquiry and Yanwei Lou returned to the mansion.

When he returned home, he heard the emperor's decree - all the dandies who made a scene in Rongfeng Pavilion that night were ordered to be grounded, including him.

Mr. Shen immediately muttered aloud, and then said: "Your Highness, I have already said that Rongfeng Pavilion is not a good place, and the owner behind the scenes is not simple..." Until Yan Weilou suddenly came out and said, "Marquis Changxin has other plans." After that, he stopped talking and turned his attention completely to Chang Xinhou Fang Tianxun.

"Marquis Changxin has been friends with the king for more than a year, and he has already decided on the marriage of his children. Does he have any plans for the palace?" He kept asking, his anxiety undisguised, as if he would immediately get some clues. Tell the news to King Qi who is far away.

"Mr. Shen is really loyal to his father, as can be seen from the sun and the moon!" Yan Weilou chuckled, "Don't worry, he is here for me.

To be precise, he came for Prince Qi.

Mr. Shen was excited and said with a solemn expression: "What is this, Your Highness!" Aren't you the Crown Prince of Qi? "Really..." Yan Weilou smiled.

The expression on Mr. Shen's face unknowingly became stiff: "Of course, who is whispering in His Highness's ears and telling nonsense rumors?" As he spoke, his voice gradually became lower, and his eyes were unknowingly captured by Yan. Dangerous buildings attract people.

The young man in front of him always had a bright smile on his face, without the slightest hint of impatience, and was looking at him with an unprecedented gaze.

The young man's eyebrows are like swords, his pupils are dark, and his eyes are as deep as pools, as if hiding two bottomless whirlpools.

Under the young man's gaze, he felt a rare sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He quickly changed the subject: "By the way, His Highness said that Marquis Changxin had a plot. What exactly was it?" "Oh, this is what I guessed.

"Yan Weilou said with a smile, "I just found out last night that the technique practiced by Chang Xinhou was actually the fragment of Bi Luotian's "Tian Mending Jue"..." His tone of voice was as natural and familiar as in the past, as if he was chatting, When he smiles, he shows eight neat teeth.

It seemed that he was still the silly sweet prince who truly respected and loved the old man in front of him as an elder to whom he depended for life.

"Wha, what!" "——Plunder the foundation of others to make up for one's own shortcomings.

The ancestors who created this technique are truly amazing and talented.

"Yan Weilou sighed, his tone full of admiration, "Chang Xinhou had some luck. It's no wonder he rose up so quickly, from a penniless poor boy to the great master he is today.

"The way of heaven is to sacrifice more than you can to serve less.

The so-called "replenishing the sky" means using oneself as the embryo to constantly plunder the Tao essence of others in order to support one's own body.

We are poor in literature but rich in martial arts. If we want to embark on the path of martial arts and practice other skills, we need to consume a lot of resources, which most people cannot afford.

Even if they can afford it, many people don't have the talent to reach the top.

Therefore, it is difficult to find talents among common people.

"Tian Mending Jue" is different. It does not require consuming a lot of resources, nor does it require peerless talent. As long as you continue to plunder other people's foundation and talents, you can forge yourself into a genius step by step.

This technique was created eight hundred years ago by the Lord of Biluotian, who unified the demonic path, split the Great You Dynasty, and overwhelmed the Divine Continent with his demonic power. It is said that the entire book has been lost long ago, and only some fragments have been handed down.

Beidou Demon Palace obtained one of the fragments, and now it claims to be orthodox in the path of demons.

Now it seems that the volume obtained by Chang Xinhou is the real essence of "Tian Mending Jue".

Xie Xuan actually found out such secret information in just a few days. I don't know whether it was the Feiyuwei intelligence agency that was excellent or Xie Xuan himself was really good.

Yan Weilou is inclined to the second guess.

If Fei Yuwei was so powerful, he wouldn't even know his true life experience.

"It's actually the "Tian Mending Jue"!" It was obviously the first time Mr. Shen heard the news, and he couldn't hide the surprise on his face: "No wonder! I didn't expect it to be like this..." He was born as an ordinary person, but step by step he became a Taoist master. Grandmaster, a legendary figure who even married a princess of a country in the end.

The deeds of Changxin Hou Fang Tianxun are widely circulated in the world, especially in Dayong. He has almost become a myth and has become a benchmark for ordinary people to counterattack.

Many people know this man's past experience clearly.

At the beginning of his rise, he once had a good relationship with a civilian genius, and the two were as close as brothers. Later, the man died unexpectedly. It was said that he was assassinated by a nobleman with a small background. After that, Fang Tianxun unexpectedly Showing extraordinary talent, he killed his enemies and avenged his brothers.

From then on, Fang Tianxun rose like a comet.

In the process, he met many talented people, some of whom were enemies and some of whom were friends.

But in the end, those people disappeared one by one and became unknown, but he went higher and higher, and finally became a marquis.

Previously, Yan Weilou only read the other party's experience as a Long Aotian-style novel, but now he has gained some insight into the truth.

Seeing that Mr. Shen was also shocked by the news, Yan Weilou asked again: "Mr. Shen, do you know...why did Marquis Changxin fall in love with Prince Qi's son and make a marriage contract?" His title changed a little. The word "I" is not used, but the words "Prince Qi's Crown Prince" are used.

Mr. Shen frowned tightly: "Is there any special reason for this?" "Of course there is.

"A mysterious smile appeared on Yan Weilou's lips, and he stared at the gray-robed old man in front of him for a moment.

"He saw that the Prince of Qi was astonishingly talented, possessed of a supreme Taoist body, and might be able to mend the heavens by seizing him.

"He dares!" ! ! "The old man's body, which was originally relaxed, suddenly became tense. He suddenly raised his head, with an unprecedented look of shock and anger on his old face.

"It's just, why don't I know that I have some special physique?" The next moment, the young man's understatement awakened him from his anger again, as if cold water had been poured on his face.

“I heard that robbing other people’s Dao Foundation requires complicated conditions, and the ‘Tian Mending Technique’ is even more demanding.

The first prerequisite is to establish a causal link with the other party.

The deeper the cause and effect between the two parties, the greater the probability of success.

" Yan Weilou spoke faster and faster, and his black and white pupils were as clear as a mirror, reflecting the old man's silent face.

"If Marquis Changxin knows, he has been waiting for six years, and even at the cost of a daughter, he wants to establish a cause and effect and seize the Dao Ji's 'Prince Qi', but he is just a fake found from nowhere..." Shen The old man lowered his head in silence.

"Guess -" Yan Weilou smiled curiously, as if he was looking forward to it: "What kind of reaction will he have at that time?" "Should we just give up, or should we try our best to find the hidden Prince of Qi?" ?" Old Shen not only lowered his head, but even his originally straight back stooped, but he remained silent.

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