It ran rampant through the crowd, like a tornado passing through, the surrounding trees shook, and the ground collapsed everywhere, as if a small earthquake erupted. Once it pecked a person with its long beak, it would directly peck a person into two pieces.

"Back off, back off!" Someone in the crowd kept commanding the surrounding companions, expanding the encirclement in an orderly manner, and aimed sharp arrows at the monster's red eyes one after another.

The demonic beast may have been stimulated, roared angrily, and rammed in the direction of the arrow like a cannonball, directly breaking through the simple defense lines of those people. The sharp thorn-like manes on its body , suddenly shot out.

"Run!" "Be careful!" The monster opened its long beak, and the smelly smell hit their faces. The crowd panicked. Just when everyone was panicking, the world in front of them seemed to suddenly turn black.

The boundless sword energy converges into a long river, and a ray of light rises like the boundless moonlight above the sea.

By the time they reacted, the mountain-like corpse of the monster had collapsed.

Across a huge corpse, everyone saw two figures walking out of the bushes opposite.

The young man in black robe carefully wiped the non-existent blood on the knife, and then put it back into the sheath with an elegant and calm posture; the man in white next to him had a cold and distant aura. He only glanced at the crowd and then withdrew his gaze, his eyes filled with confusion. Contains a little bit of excess emotion.

A middle-aged man immediately stood out from the crowd and came to the two of them. He bowed deeply with excitement: "Thank you very much for your help! Otherwise we may have lost our lives! Without so many young men, Our Fang family may be destroyed in the next wave of monsters!" The others reacted and quickly followed suit and saluted the two of them, making the scene somewhat solemn.

"???" The amount of information in the other party's words was too much. Yan Weilou was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at Su Xinghan.

"...The demon tide? There is actually a demon tide. Is it really an ancient secret realm..." Chapter 32 Entering the Vast Sea (2) Since I met a living person in the secret realm, everything that follows is a matter of course.

Under the strong invitation of the middle-aged man who was obviously the leader, Yan Weilou and the others joined the team halfway and decided to accompany them to visit the Fang family.

A group of people who had survived the disaster couldn't help but feel happy when they looked at the huge corpse of the monster on the ground. After obtaining Yan Weilou's consent, they all geared up and stepped forward to skillfully kill the monster that looked like a wild boar. Tow it up... As saviors and distinguished guests, Yan Weilou and the two were lucky enough to be assigned the only carriage in the team - it was not entirely correct to say it was a carriage.

There is no roof carriage, just a body made of a huge piece of wood, which is somewhat like the trolley in Yan Weilou's impression.

The cart was pulled by a strange beast that Yan Weilou had never seen before. Although its appearance was somewhat similar to that of a horse, its size and strength were undoubtedly increased several times.

Even carrying the mountain of monster corpses was effortless.

The two sat side by side in the car.

When he sat down, Su Xinghan silently glanced at the people around him, and calmly smoothed the corners of his snow-white robe, as if every particle of dust and every wrinkle had to be cleaned.

Yan Weilou didn't have so many scruples and leaned directly against the car. He glanced behind him from the corner of his eye and happened to see another car following him.

The vehicle also carried the huge corpse of the monster.

People on both sides surrounded the two cars, and everyone was in high spirits. Even the injured were beaming with joy. Many people even took out some strange musical instruments and started playing them as they walked.

This joyful and lively atmosphere made Yan Weilou a little confused. The middle-aged man sitting on the front of the car turned around and explained: "It makes you two laugh. It is really rare to hunt such a big monster.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yan Weilou expressed his understanding.

He had vaguely heard from many people's conversations just now that this was probably a local tradition.

When you catch a powerful monster, you need to publicize it in a big way, so as to deter other monsters in the surrounding area and prevent them from attacking easily.

As for whether this has any effect? That is unknown.

Just like in his former hometown, in ancient times there was a saying of setting off firecrackers to scare away the Nian beast.

Fang Mingshan looked at the happy clan members around him with a smile and sighed: "Our Fang clan is just a small clan with low strength. If we hunted such prey in the past, it was mostly used to worship our ancestors or to get married..." "If the daughter of any family could have such a betrothal gift, it would be a great honor.

"It's okay if he doesn't say it. Once he mentions it, some associations will inevitably pop up in Yan Weilou's mind.

With such a joyful motorcade, beating gongs and drums, if someone were watching from a distance and not paying attention, they might actually regard this as a team carrying a sedan to send off a bride.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the man in white sitting upright next to him.

The other party was sitting less than an inch away from him, his whole body tensed, and his thin lips pursed into a thin line.

His eyes were staring straight ahead from beginning to end. There was no emotion at all on his cold, godlike face, and he seemed not to want to get too close to Yan Weilou.

Thinking of the strange thoughts that came out of my mind for no reason, I set the protagonist on this person. Look at this extremely beautiful and cold face... Well, no matter how you look at it, this is not a consensual relationship. It's more like a bully stealing a bride. ! With this thought, Yan Weilou couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong?" Su Xinghan turned his head at some point and looked at him quietly with a pair of quiet, dark eyes.

"No, it's nothing..." Just think about it in your mind. It's just the first time we met each other, and obviously we haven't reached the level where we can joke casually.

Yan Weilou shook his head, not wanting to say anything.

But looking at these quiet eyes, he finally said it.

Finally, he said again: "I'm offended!" Su Xinghan was stunned and fell into silence.

The car was quiet for a while.

Yan Weilou smiled nonchalantly, leaned against a crossbar behind him, and glanced around casually.

Wherever he could see, there were vast expanses of wilderness, occasionally with some rolling hills and seas of forests, and with the setting sun setting in the sky, it gave people a rough and desolate feeling.

"Most of our Qingyang Mansion is like this, with a lot of wasteland and few people.

" Fang Mingshan came over again at some point and acted as a tour guide.

Since the two Yan Weilou had previously lied about being traveling practitioners and had temporarily lost their way here, he did not doubt their origins.

"...For example, Young Master Yan and you, outsiders who have just arrived, don't know the route well. Sometimes we may walk for two or three days without encountering a village.

"Yan Weilou also roughly understood the basic situation of this secret realm from side-by-side observations - according to the indigenous people here, they never knew that the place where they were born and raised was a secret realm.

At least the ordinary people at the bottom that they have met so far do not know the truth about the sky beyond the sky. For them, the world in front of them is the only world.

This world is similar to the vast land of China in ancient times, with humans and demons.

The only difference is that the human race has the upper hand here and has established its own city and system.

Demons often hide in the wilderness and deep in the mountains, and will attack human villages and cities from time to time.

There are no dynasties here, but people live together according to ancient clans.

The territory of the human race is directly divided into three parts, protected by three ancient clans, namely the Fufeng clan, the Yuan clan, and the Zhuiyang clan.

The territories of the three major clans were divided into prefectures and cities. Under the prefectures, there were small villages scattered in the wilderness.

Fang Clan, or Fangjia Village, is a small village outside Qingyang Mansion in the territory protected by Fu Feng Clan.

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